

Nyctophobia. Intense fear of the darkness or of the Night. It was unexplainable, unfortunately, Luke had no real reason or understanding of what caused this. He was called the unluckiest man alive, but at the same time, he had the ability to conquer most of what was thrown at him. Bored of what this reality had to offer him, Luke was ecstatic to see what Gensis2076 would show him. It was a VRMMORPG created by genius scientist Kenny Smith. It was a game like no other, it was more than realistic. Luke saw this as an opportunity to escape from his rather stagnant lifestyle. Unfortunately for him, no matter where he went, along with his best friend, the only other thing that would follow him was his horrible luck. He had the ability to face off against anything, but what could he do when he was partnered with the one thing he feared the most, the Night. Current Release rate: 3 chapters a week For any queries-mythical.rebirth105@gmail.com Discord- Lil Uzi Hurt#3988 Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve (^_^) // // // Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The cover picture is not owned by me, email me if you want it taken down (^-^)

Myth_7754 · Games
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Intro to Basics #1(Skippable)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mobs and weapons~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I understand that in a novel or story like this, remembering the specifics is quite harsh and not something that just rolls off. With that being said, you can skip this and go on ahead to read the first chapter.

So let's start with the basics. A mob, in the vast world of Genesis(that's the game's name) there are mainly two types of mobs or monsters or whatever replacement you find in the English lexicon, namely:

Un-graded and Graded.

The ungraded monsters would be what you call a normal small and stinky little goblin, which would usually get slaughtered and forgotten for the rest of the mc's adventure. Now just because they're ungraded doesn't mean they're weak, these creatures are only RELATIVELY weak. 

Graded mobs aren't necessarily a different species per se but they're just better versions of the weaker mobs. In short, they're the favorite child. But Myth-san what if there are multiple kids that the parents like? That isn't an issue because even for that there's a solution.







>Myth or Mythical(Yes this is where I am)



Now that there are different grades, the parents can simply choose the kid with the highest grade. (If you're getting flashbacks of high school that's on you) Also once you start reading you're going to find out that, KYOJIN, the company behind Genesis, chose not to reveal the existence of creatures above the Mythical grade. (That means if this world way Genesis then I would be the lord supreme for most of you weebs)

Next! Onto weapons and items and whatever.

Weapons and accessories and anything that falls in that category is divided into grades as well. 






>Myth or Mythical



As you may have noticed, there isn't any field grade for weapons or items. (Do not ask me for my reasoning behind this, I'm just built different like that so.) Once again, the existence of grades above the Mythical grade isn't public knowledge.

Now, let's talk about drops and how they work. Just like any other game, drops depend upon RNG or in other words, your luck. If you're lucky you get drops if not then F in chats. Now assuming you're not Luke Stone and you do have relatively good luck, then read ahead.

Mobs or monsters or anything that is killed drops loot. Now the grade of this loot is usually in accordance with the grade of the being that dropped the item. Although there are certain complications to this as well but nothing that is difficult to understand so don't worry.

Now if a rare grade mob was killed then most of the drops would either be rare or uncommon grades. Usually, it was either the same grade as the mob itself or one lower. In unusual cases, there's a chance that the mob can drop an item of a higher grade, but let's leave that to the story.

Diving deeper into the specifics of the weapons, levels of the weapons. Levels of the weapons determine whether a player can use them at the moment or not. Of course, other than this obstacle there are Restrictions on weapons albeit rare, there are some weapons that require you to hold a certain title or achievement or something specific.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Levels and stats~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The most exciting and probably the central variable that plays into the whole competitive facet of video games is leveling. (Not ranks, go back to school or something)

Very unusually, the players in the game(Genesis) start from level 0, once again do not ask me what I was on when I decided to make it this way. The exp isn't something anybody would want to read, although I'm sure some of yall would enjoy seeing the, [You have acquired ten trillion exp ] or the [You have leveled up ten trillion times]

Anyway, you kill mobs or anything killable and you get exp or do quests or tasks, blah blah, you get the point. Now onto Stats, this is where it may get slightly tricky so maybe don't bother looking into it too much and just go with the flow.

We have four basic stats and three special stats. Before I get into the specifics, it is important to mention that special stats are different from normal because these are stats that cannot be increased by the points the player acquires. Defense isn't as important as it sounds but this is only the case in lower levels. Essentially, it covers for that much damage. Meaning if a punch deals 20 damage and your defense is 10, then you would lose only 10. (Once again this is assuming there are no external factors such as critical hit or armor penetration, etc, etc)

VIT or Vitality: In basic terms, this would be the health stat. Although, putting points into this stat would also increase defense. Here's the math part of it:

1 point into this stat results in +50 HP and +2 defense. So if VIT:10 then HP is 500 and DEF is 20.

STR or Strength: 1 point into this would increase "Physical Damage" or "PhyDmg" by +5. This is a pretty easy concept but if you punch a monster when u have STR: 1, then you deal -5 damage to it. Although this is assuming the monster has a defense of 0.

DEX or Dexterity: This is the Speed and Evasion stat. Unlike other stats, speed starts at a value of 100, which would be the basic speed of the player. 

Example- DEX:1 then, Speed= 100+(DEX*0.5) which is 100+(1*0.5)...100+0.5= 100.5.

(Hopefully, that made sense? It's literally only base value + dex stat multiplied by 0.5.

For Evasion or Eva, it is simply Dex stat multiplied by 0.005. (Eva is measured in % so whatever the final value is, you'll see a percentage symbol next to it)

INT or Intelligence: Works exactly the same way as STR, except it gives +5 to Magical damage or MagDmg. However, the stat also gives +100 MP. Meaning:

INT: 10            Mag Dmg: 50    MP: 1000 (because 100 multiplied by 10 is 1000 :/ )

Now that the annoying part is done, we have the three special stats that all players start with. Namely:

Luck, Charm, and Willpower.

Now for content's sake, I won't go into them too much but just know that you can't put stat points into these stats and these can only be increased by quests or other means. Also, there are more than three special stats but these are the three that players BEGIN with. The others are earned and whatnot.