

Nyctophobia. Intense fear of the darkness or of the Night. It was unexplainable, unfortunately, Luke had no real reason or understanding of what caused this. He was called the unluckiest man alive, but at the same time, he had the ability to conquer most of what was thrown at him. Bored of what this reality had to offer him, Luke was ecstatic to see what Gensis2076 would show him. It was a VRMMORPG created by genius scientist Kenny Smith. It was a game like no other, it was more than realistic. Luke saw this as an opportunity to escape from his rather stagnant lifestyle. Unfortunately for him, no matter where he went, along with his best friend, the only other thing that would follow him was his horrible luck. He had the ability to face off against anything, but what could he do when he was partnered with the one thing he feared the most, the Night. Current Release rate: 3 chapters a week For any queries-mythical.rebirth105@gmail.com Discord- Lil Uzi Hurt#3988 Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve (^_^) // // // Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The cover picture is not owned by me, email me if you want it taken down (^-^)

Myth_7754 · Games
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294 Chs



"My Lady!!" a voice immediately rushed into the room.

"Ah, I'm sorry Trin, I was just...." the lady said to the person who rushed into the room.

The lady was a demon but regardless of her race, she looked celestial, her eyes were demonish, whereas her pale skin was more human than a demon, of course, skin like that wasn't a feature of the human race as well, she had golden armor and a green cape.

"Rhamnousia!" another woman with similar pale skin rushed in.

"Elpis....you're here as well..." Rhamnousia said,

"Madam Elpis!!" Trin immediately bowed.

"Of course, I'm here! with you suddenly letting out your aura, one would think you're going to deliver Divine Retribution upon them!!" Elpis said while ignoring Trin.


"Tch, whatever, Trin you can leave now," Elpis ordered.

Once it was just the two of them, Rhamnousia fell to her knees,

"Sister Elpis... I could...feel mother's presence... it wasn't as dominating and deadly but it was something similar... it was only for a few seconds...but I could feel it."

"Mothers.....there's no way!! The Primordial beings are all under deep sleep, they've been so for a few millennia! why would...how....mother...." Elpis couldn't finish her sentence as he began to choke on her tears.

After finally calming down, Rhamnousia looked at the perplexed Elpis and announced, "I've decided, I'm going to go and look into the cause. I know I know, we the progeny of the Primordials aren't supposed to be walking free, regardless of how strong we are, that bastard Zeus'll never let us go! But still, sister... I must go..."

Elpis considered the possibilities, she was definitely worried that Zeus might be alerted but at the same time, if she could meet her mother then she would give anything.

"No," Elpis said with a smile, she couldn't risk her sister over a hunch, at least not yet, "before you start screaming, listen to me... there's a good chance it was nothing... but there's also a possibility it might lead us to something, however, due to the nature of the task and the risk involved, it should be in our best interest for us to wait for a while before making a move. Besides what makes you think Hades wouldn't have noticed if you did? while Lord Tartarus remains asleep, Hades exercises some authority over the region, enough to sense the presence of mother...so we can only wait and see."

"...Alright.... but the next time you try to stop me, it won't end well," Rhamnousia said with a pure smile.

// // //

"Hermes Exploration?"

[Skill Hermes Exploration

1)Passive: Flight unlocked! Mana consumption: 2 per second

2)Active: Speed and Evasion doubled when skill is used.

Mana consumption 1000 per second.]

"Flight...unlocked? I can fly now?" Night muttered, he was perplexed and didn't understand it worked.

"My Lord, perhaps it would be best if we escaped from here.... the portal isn't too far and it isn't too much if we use My Lord's domain."

They were currently in Tartarus, the Nether region, the deepest part of the UnderWorld, and inside a Primordial deity, though Night didn't realize it.

There were demons and monsters everywhere, with the rare occasion of humans, however, they committed sins atrocious enough to be considered 'demons'.

"Alright, let's give it a try,"


The ground started to vibrate, the movement stopped and the demons and monsters that were crowding the portal, made a pathway, a huge 4 meters tall giant with one eye was stomping through, with a giant spiked club in its hand that was hanging over its shoulder. It lacked any manners and didn't have a care in the world, with its clumsy way of walking, it threw its weight around, crushing many demons. The Cyclops noticed the demons dying but it didn't care, in fact, a smile crept upon its face.

"It's now or never let's go," Night said, if the cyclops enters the portal then stopping it is going to be impossible

"Circadian Manipulation!"

Darkness descended upon everyone in the 100-meter radius, the cyclops with its vision cut off began to fall around squashing more demons.

Just before they could enter the portal, multiple notifications popped up on Night's screen.

[A Divine Being is attempting to watch you]





[A Divine being is now watching you!]

[A Divine being is no longer watching you!]


"We need to escape My Lord!"

// // //

Meanwhile, in the Underworld, there was a lone mansion situated in the center of the UnderWorld. In the mansion, sat a man on a throne made of skeletons, he had a well-maintained beard and a crown made up of bones and fitted with jewels that even the costliest jewels would seem like a joke in comparison. The man looked like he had seen a ghost, he wore a confused and enraged expression on his face.


"If you think you can escape you're wrong.. no matter where you go, hahaha, whoever you are, I will find out why I could sense something sinister of you and also why you can hurt me, a Divine being," Hades growled as he stared into the fiery pits that were burning thousands of souls a second.

"The man looked like he had seen a ghost", Ironic considering he was the God of the Underworld dontcha think?

Once again thank you for reading and Bad Luck FTW!

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