

Nyctophobia. Intense fear of the darkness or of the Night. It was unexplainable, unfortunately, Luke had no real reason or understanding of what caused this. He was called the unluckiest man alive, but at the same time, he had the ability to conquer most of what was thrown at him. Bored of what this reality had to offer him, Luke was ecstatic to see what Gensis2076 would show him. It was a VRMMORPG created by genius scientist Kenny Smith. It was a game like no other, it was more than realistic. Luke saw this as an opportunity to escape from his rather stagnant lifestyle. Unfortunately for him, no matter where he went, along with his best friend, the only other thing that would follow him was his horrible luck. He had the ability to face off against anything, but what could he do when he was partnered with the one thing he feared the most, the Night. Current Release rate: 3 chapters a week For any queries-mythical.rebirth105@gmail.com Discord- Lil Uzi Hurt#3988 Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve (^_^) // // // Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The cover picture is not owned by me, email me if you want it taken down (^-^)

Myth_7754 · Games
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294 Chs

55)Glacial Balance

[Barrier erected by the Frost Witch Shattered}

[The locals of Tokihiko are now free to exit the region]

[Affinity with locals of Tokihiko increased to max]

[Glacial Balance x1]

[Title: Emperor of the Frost unlocked

Emperor of the Frost: Cold resistance +10%, Skill "Frost Touch" unlocked!!

Frost touch: Grants the user to manipulate Ice, for manipulating higher tiers of ice skill proficiency must be increased. Mana consumption: 1 per second.

User's healing when in contact with the ' ice element ' is increased by 200%]

[+2 levels, +20 stat points, +2 all stats]

['Shade' level up!]

['Noctis' level up!]

"Woah, my debuffs were actually removed..."



"This Frost Touch...*sigh* it's going to be a pain to understand as well but its certainly a huge gift, and my healing is tripled, at least for now,"


"Huh, Glacial Balance was a weapon?" Night said as he proceeded to check its information:

[ Glacial Balance(Bound)(Growth)

Grade: Epic


Damage: 500

Requirements: none.

Durability: 500/500

"The weapon is perfectly balanced as all things should be"

A double-edged sword like no other. It is said to have been created by the mysterious being 'Ymir' and blessed by the 'Hephaestus' as a token of acknowledgment.

Durability can be restored when fed with "Ice element", incase durability is full there is a 100% chance the weapon absorbs an "ice element skill" into 'proficiency'

+20% Ice element attacks. +10 cold resistance.


"Huh... what's with the growth rates? and doesn't the weapon have practically unlimited durability... I can restore it through ice skills apparently? and the proficiency increases when I'm attacked with ice elements..." he was confused, he did have the weapon mastery skill but he was still unsure as to how to use a double-edged sword.

Although he did frown upon seeing the 'bound' option. Weapons are certainly an important part of any RPG game, with them used as a currency as well as directly using them, this was only natural. However, when a weapon has the 'bound' option it means that once a used equips it, the ownership of the weapon cannot be transferred, the only other options are to either break it down for materials or completely shatter the weapon due to its durability hitting 0. Of course, players could always just use the weapons but one of the biggest reasons they have value is because of their transferability.

For a weapon to have the bound option is certainly sad, although Night didn't plan on selling it, he still felt better if he had the option available.

"Well, whatever, here we go!"


[Condition required to unlock hidden function met!]

[Hidden function unlocked!]

[Requirements for hidden function: Emperor of Frost]

[New option added to weapon 'Glacial Balance': +600 INT]




He said out loud, number by number, it was an astronomical amount, it was equal to growing in 60 level, of course excluding the extra stat bonuses.

His INT was now his highest stat nearing almost 1000, currently, there were less than 10 players who reached level 100, meaning Night's INT was the highest, of course, there was also the possibility that one of the players who reached level 100 was a 'madman' and put all his stat points into INT if he wasn't the first player then the only other way for a person to have an INT of that much was through a weapon or item.

// // //

Almost as if he could hear Night say the word 'madman' Sephiroth tilted his head while looking at the clouds.

The second he looked into the clouds, he was teleported, Sephiroth now stood in front of a man with heavy roman armour, he was fully covered in dark black armour with golden dragons acting as boundaries between the joints, the helmet had a small slit allowing the essential features of the face to be seen, with red fur dropping down from it.

Sephiroth looked at him with eyes filled with hate and rage and growled,


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Once again thank you for reading and Bad Luck FTW!

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