
Unlucky Find

Lifia, who seeks a comfortable life. Goes in search of the true one only made for her. She just wants someone only made for her. But what awaits her lover is unusually strange.

wirelesshuman · General
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3 Chs

Night of the new beginning

"You all must be wondering why you have all been gathered here", said the Chief Officer at the police headquarters to his large audience of colleagues. "As of now, you all must have heard about the cyber killer who is still on the loose. There is little information about the origins of the killer", the officer paused a little to drink water before continuing, "We're all being flamed by the media and on various social platforms for answers by people and they do need answers."

Whispers began to rise from whoever sat at the meeting all in a concert. Everyone was a bit perplexed.

"The murders have happened all across the state. We are still trying to figure out what mode the killer used against its victims. But they have all died under mysterious circumstances. No evidence was present at the scene. We can hardly develop a connection between the deaths and the killer themself."

"What about tracking down the killer? Don't we got the technology for that?", asked someone from the crowd.

The officer brushed his beard with his hand and proceeded to answer, "We. Found. Nothing."

The whispers were evolving to become noise upon hearing such an answer. The killer indeed killed their victims while they were online but not being able to track them? What a load of bogus.

"There is little to nothing we have on the killer right now. And that we know little of the killer's way of killing their victim. Time is ticking and we need an investigation done on this case of mass serial killing.", the officer continued.

"We have been able to track some mysterious deaths in the Amoureux. Witnesses claim there was a beautiful woman seen at the sight. But to connect those deaths to her seemed absurd. The stakes are high in this. Anyone willing to risk it is more than welcome.", the Chief Officer ended his monologue and a hush fell upon his audience.

The stakes were indeed high but who is willing to take the risk? Granted there will be a grand promotion awaiting them if they manage to crack it down. But who will?

For the rest of the day, no one bothered. For most of the officers present, the case felt empty of hard evidence no matter what. And that was true, there wasn't any lead to begin with. While some thought they could get themselves killed before they even realize it.

"This seems like an opportunity, it is finally my time to shine here!", Zac Spencer, a newcomer to the department was talking to himself. He wanted his colleagues around him to acknowledge him since he worked hard enough to become an officer and join the forces.

Zac later went to the room where the Chief Officer resides. A few knocks on his door and he was called in.

"Zac, do you realize what you're doing? You have little to no experience and you think you'll be able to handle this case? I was hoping for someone with more experience to come forward.", The Chief Officer asked in a concerned tone but it sounded more of mockery to Zac's approach.

"I do realize what I am doing in a mindful state, I just want you to give me this opportunity to let me in on this case. I'll prove it to you that I can track down the killer", Zac pleaded.

The officer sighed and said, "I'll let you know about it tomorrow."

Zac felt happy and thanked the Chief expressing how grateful he was to him. As he was leaving the room, he heard the Chief's scornful laugh and some murmurs. Zac's spirit dimmed down a bit but he tried not to show it on his face and left the room.

He wanted to study the matter before he could be handed the case. He wasn't sure if he will be getting the case or not but he did not let that affect him that much. He went towards the room where he can check up on the files. The file was under the unsolved section. 'Cyber Serial Killer' read the file and he took it up.

The file was empty of leads. Some reports about the victims were pasted and that's all. Nothing was there. Zac may have a rough start tomorrow if he is on the case.

His shift got over and it was his colleague's turn to work after he goes. Zac packed up whatever files he had in his bag and left the department. It was a cool night outside. He liked such nights, it would be a waste to not have a few drinks in such weather. The nearest bar was a 10 minutes walk and since he was new, he had no vehicle assigned to him yet. He had to walk. What better could it be than to walk in such cool weather?

Zac finally reached the place. The billboard shone brightly in neon colors. 'Bars To Bars' read the board. He walked inside. Took a seat.

He looked a bit happy but slightly disappointed as he didn't know what was coming to him. He decided on a beer and ordered the bartender to bring one.

"You look a bit glum", said a voice.

Zac turned his face after ordering to the voice. And to his surprise, the person who spoke was a beauty. Calling her just beautiful was an understatement. She was something else.

"How do you know?", Zac asked with his interest piqued.

"It's easy to read you with one look at your face. Having a bad day?", asked the woman.

"Not likely, but it is difficult to decide that.", Zac replied.

"How come you don't know? It's you. You should be able to understand yourself more.", asked the woman.

"Well, to be honest. I'm working on something, and I have no idea if I'll get assigned to it."

"I hope they give it to you. You look like a kind man.", said the woman.

"Why thank you.", Zac said. He appreciated the company of this stranger.

"What would you like ma'am?", asked the bartender when he brought Zac's beer.

"I'll have what this handsome man's having"

The bartender nodded and went in to bring her a beer. Zac liked what she just said. Being called 'handsome' by such a divine beauty? Was no less than a dream for him.

"What brings a lady like you here in the night?", asked Zac.

"Well, it's easy to answer that. I loved the weather and so I decided to have a drink outside."

"I'm here for the same reason", Zac chuckled a bit when he replied.

"Do you think it's destiny for us to meet?", asked the woman.

"I don't believe in destiny as such."


"But I'm gonna believe it tonight.", Zac let out a smile as he said that. He felt a bit more confident after being called handsome by her.

Lifia smiled when Zac said that. It made her heart flutter and she began to imagine things which are usual for her.

Zac waited for the bartender to come so he and his newfound company could toast.

The bartender arrived and gave Lifia her drink.

"This is for a better tomorrow", said Zac.

"A better tomorrow", Life followed him.

The glasses clinked together and both began drinking. It was probably one of the few good days he's had.

And for Lifia, she was falling deeper and deeper already.