
Unlucky Find

Lifia, who seeks a comfortable life. Goes in search of the true one only made for her. She just wants someone only made for her. But what awaits her lover is unusually strange.

wirelesshuman · General
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

It happened again

It may have been just another Sunday for everyone else. Men who worked in offices would rather sleep than go help their wives to do the household chores. Kids would play as usual like they would on their weekdays. Some may hang out with their friends or families whom they are seeing in a long time. While a particular section, the youths in an age where they seek love would preferably set this day for a date with their newly found friend. It's easy to find a date in this modern era where technology prevailed. High-tech gadgets like the X-phones were becoming a craze among the youth. The veterans had nothing to do with it but they usually complained about it because they felt that the new generation have become too dependent on technology. Can't be helped since one has to keep up with time and dates.

"Waah!! I'm going on a date after a long time", Lifia thought, " Online dating sites sure are fast to set a date."

Lifia was past her teenage but she behaved like a teen. She pulled the locks on her forehead to the back of her left ear. With a parasole, as seen in fairy tales, she walked like a princess on the streets to reach her destination. Her face wasn't as mature as it was supposed to be at her age. She looked very young. Her height was just perfect for an average girl around her age. A pretty white face with immersive light green eyes. No man or woman could ignore such beauty with such lovely fragrance wrapped around her body walking past them wearing such a pretty red dress with an open wide back.

People who saw her would wonder if Lifia was a supermodel or some rich man's daughter. Her thick and long red hair would shine brightly whenever her hair would wave out of the umbrella's cover to touch the sunlight. It was pretty normal for Lifia. She always got all the attention without her ever noticing their existence.

She reached the place for her date. 'Amoureux'. It meant 'Love Birds' in French. It was probably best for people to be on a date as it provided the best experience as per the rating the youths have given it online. The service were top-class. And the food provided here was made by the best chefs the Amoureux could find. So there was this thing, not every couple could afford to go to such a lavish restaurant for their date. For Lifia, it was just another date. More like a quest for the true partner she longed for.

"You sure are having une belle journée, mademoiselle", said a fair-looking butler welcoming Lifia, holding her right hand and kissing it gently as a sign of respect towards ladies.

" Hahaha" laughed Lifia in a sweet tone, " I didn't understand anything, find me a seat now."

The butler didn't like what this beautiful, angelic lady replied to him just now. But he was too enchanted by her beauty and led her to her seat anyways. Every couple in the restaurant who were present there for their date couldn't ignore Lifia as she was led by the Butler to her seat, every couple there adored her beauty, although the females were unhappy because their partners were taking too long to come back to them from Lifia's enchanting beauty.

"Here you go, mademoiselle", said the butler showing her a comfortable place to be seated.

"I would like to see, what you people have for us," asked Lifia to the Butler.

"Yes, I would be delighted, mademoiselle" saying this, the butler left the scene happily.

Lifia was waiting for her date to arrive. She reached the decided place to be earlier out of excitement. Around 20 minutes earlier. So, she thought of using her new X-phone to browse the internet to spend her time waiting. People post interesting kinds of stuff on certain sites for their viewers. She saw users posting pictures with their loved ones on Piktagram. She felt happy seeing that. Her imagination began to run wild seeing those lovely pictures. Inside her imagination, she saw a Prince coming for her from the Palace of handsome virgin men, riding a Pegasus through the clouds to reach her. The Prince would then call out for Lifia, take her hand in his hand, and help her sit behind him. They would then ride through the valley of love, where cupids instead of birds would fly in the sky, flying around together with them. Lifia and her handsome Prince husband-to-be would reach an extremely beautiful hot spring where they will bathe together. Lifia fell in love already with just her imagination. Lifia and the handsome Prince would splash water at each other and enjoy each other's presence in the beautiful daylight. The land around the hot spring would bloom with red and white aromatic roses. A tree would suddenly grow at her wish where she wanted, with fruits shaped like the love heart and not the actual heart shape. They would eat it together while exchanging love-filled glances. It soon became night, and Lifia asked the handsome Prince to take her to his home. The handsome prince then lifts her with his strong and long arms. Lifia was perhaps the happiest girl in her imagination. The handsome Prince walked back to his pegasus carrying Lifia, without putting her down and she was still in his arms. They flew in the night sky filled with stars riding the Pegasus.

The moon which was in crescent in the night was way bigger than usual, it's just Lifia's imagination after all. The stars not only just twinkled more than usual but their twinkles were dropping from their bodies and falling throughout the night sky, lighting up the clouds which roamed mindlessly in the sky. Making everything even more enchanting and gorgeous. Lifia held the Prince's arm tightly with one arm and with the other she stroke his bared beautiful muscular chest. Feeling the skin of it just blew Lifia's mind away. His body looked as if it was carved by an extremely creative sculpture. The handsome Prince rode the Pegasus to a huge cloud instead of his palace. The cloud was strangely built. It looked more like a land in the sky with pillars made of clouds reaching extremely high latching itself into the space to hold sky land at its place. And in between the sky land, there was a king-sized bed. That was the only thing present there is such a gigantic cloud land. The Prince then landed his pegasus just a little away from the majestic king-sized bed. And helped Lifia to stand on her feet again. She was extremely happy and nervous about the Prince's intention. She thought it was finally 'that moment' of her life for which she longed forever. The Prince asked her if she wanted it or not. Lifia's face turned pink blushing but she nodded yes. Both of them held each other's hands and walked towards the bed. Lifia looked like an Angel whose beauty knows no limit in the moonlight. It was just her and the person she loves. And together they slept in each other's presence through the night.

It was morning, the next second. Lifia now heard cries of her just-born twins. She wasn't in the sky land. It was as if she got teleported and time traveled in her imagination to the time when she has her kids. The twins were just like her, even though just been born. The Prince was right beside her. He smiled at her so brightly that Lifia couldn't even see his face properly. His face. Lifia never saw his face properly all this time. Lifia tried to see his face again. But she couldn't see the face of the handsome Prince again. His smile was brighter than the sun shining extremely bright on an extremely sunny day. Lifia tried and tried, but she failed. She started to cry a river out. A river in her imagination. The river of her tears took away all the joys of her new life at once. As if the imagination suddenly turned into a nightmare.

"Mademoiselle! Mademoiselle! Wake up" said the butler. Shaking Lifia out of her imagination. Lifia snapped back to reality. The butler was bleeding heavily from his back. His hand which he used to shake Lifia up was covered in blood. His hand touched her new dress's sleeve which made the dress even redder. Lifia was a bit surprised and upset that her new dress got stained.

"What happened to you?" asked Lifia concerned at his behavior.

"You should esca-" the butler used his last breath to say this incomplete sentence. But Lifia understood anyways. Lifia walked out of her room to see what has happened. There was bloodshed all over Amoureux restaurant. Lifia walked slowly over the dead bodies of couples who were here on a date just like her, except that her partner hasn't arrived yet. She walked carefully over the corpses as she didn't want to ruin her new dress any further.

All of a sudden, a bullet was shot at Lifia on the left side of her chest. It was fired by a man who along with three partners killed everyone in Amoureux. Lifia didn't fall and die as usual just like everyone else in the restaurant did. She was still standing there and got more worried about her dress now. The dress has a hole now. More and more shots were fired at Lifia. Her dress was completely ruined by the terrorists. Lifia was unaffected by the bullets fired at her. But her worry about the dress turned into her rage. It took a while, the terrorists lost their lives. Lifia was filled with tears. She bought that dress for her date. Now it was completely ruined and soaked in blood. She sobbed and walked out of the restaurant. The street was empty. People around here must have fled when they heard gunshots coming from the restaurant. She walked a few steps from Amoureux only to find a dead body, which was the only dead body in the street. It looked familiar to Lifia. She brought up her phone and checked for the person who was supposed to meet her today. It was the same guy on the dating site, who was supposed to meet her at this time. He was shot in the chest by the terrorist it seemed. Lifia wasn't surprised at all. She sighed deeply. "Not again", she thought. And walked away from the scene sobbing. Police sirens could be heard arriving at the place of the incident.