
unloved from day one

BelleRose · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Finally A Start

Dixie had finally got some news about where Stacy had been. She was in Des Mondes, South Dakota six hours from her, she had just started kindergarten this year. Dixie had already missed so much, Stacy's first step, her first word, crawling, and her first year of school. Dixie hoped that Ken and his new wife were treating her little girl good, better than he had ever her. She hoped she would see her little girl soon. She had called the lawyer to tell him what the personal investigator had told her, to see if he had any news on if she could visit or not.

"Timothy, they found her! She's in Des Mondes, have you received the order for visitation rights for me to go see her? Spencer, my parents and I would love to go see her." Dixie said cheerfully over the phone to her lawyer.

Timothy finally had some good news for her "I was going to call you, you see, I've known where she was for a couple months, but Mr. Mace's attorney hasn't made it too easy to get you visitation. Kenneth had claimed you had signed papers with full knowledge that you have up your rights. I have been able to finally get a judge order for you to have visitation rights every other weekend. The bad news is it has to be supervised and you can not take her, as we are still battling custody rights. Mr. Mace has told the lawyer that you were an unstable mother, without your own income, and without your own home. Therefore the court will not allow you to take her off the visitation center site. That's the best news I can give you right now Miss Hall.I'm sorry it isn't better news." Timothy said.

He had been trying his very best to help Dixie find her daughter and get her rights to her daughter again, but it had been a fight every step of the way. He felt so bad for her, he wished it wasn't taking as long as it had, for her to even see Stacy.

"At least I get to see her, it's been five years this is still very good news thank you Timothy. When could we go see her?" Dixie said she was disappointed she couldn't spend more time with her or see her alone but itwas finally a start.

"I have made arrangements for this weekend. I didn't think you would want to wait for more than a week to see her. Now, I've got to tell you that

the first weekend she can only see you. I know it's hard because of Spencer, but the next time you will be able to take her. They want to see how she does with just you before continuing to bring in people." Timothy said he knew it

wasn't ideal, but it was all he could offer right now.

"That's ok. I will cancel my shift this weekend at the restaurant. My parents can watch her. Just message me the address, I will be there. Thank

you." Dixie sighed her heart was heavy but she would finally see her daughter in five days- after five long years.

"Yes ma'am. You're welcome." Timothy said and then hung up the phone.

Dixie raced down stairs she couldn't wait to tell her parents and Spencer that they were finally going to see Stacy, after all these years it felt like an internaty finally it was going to end, it felt like a dream. Dixie, bringing them all into the kitchen, explained the news and they were ecstatic!

"When do we finally get to see her Momma?" Spencer asked with excitement. She was finally going to get to see her sister after all this time...she would finally get to play with someone other than her grandmother.

"Well at first it's got to only be me honey. I'm so sorry." Dixie paused as her heart was breaking for Spencer and her voice trembled with sadness

"They want to see how she does with me first, before introducing anyone else." Spencer was already pouting with little tears in her eyes.

"It's alright hun. Spencer will be ok here with me, maybe we'll get her a new toy, would you like that, Spencer?" Diana said looking at Spencer she loved to spoil her when she could.

"Ok grammy" Spencer said nodding in agreement, afterall she loved getting time with her grams.