
Unlocking Skills in Akame Ga Kill

*THIS STORY IS DROPPED* Tatsuki has always thought he was born in the wrong era, as he trained under his grandpa in martial arts. When his grandpa died Tatsuki was invited for a chance to reincarnate in Akame Ga Kill. Looking for a cover artist. https://www.paypal.me/mcniels https://discord.gg/TQrvZkN

McNiels · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Prologue #1

My name is Tatsuki Suzuki and I'm extremely bored with my life, wonder why? Well, I want to kill people…

Crazy, yeah, but I can't because I was born in this damn peaceful time called the 21st century. Don't get me wrong, I want to use the combat arts my grandpa taught me since young which includes using a sword, spear, daggers, karate, Aikido, Judo, general investigation, interrogation, and tracking, though the last three skills, was only taught in theory. But martial arts is not appreciated in society anymore, you just have to wave with a gun in the army, though an expert sniper has my respect, it just ain't my style.

My parents died when I was a kid on a plane crash, but don't ask me when, I can't remember it because I was too small, and that's how it leads me to be raised by my grandpa. In the first few years, I lived as a normal kid playing around, but when I turned 8 years old, he asked me if I want to learn his martial arts when he saw me try lifting his old blade in the garage. I immediately agreed, but he prepared a test for me, to see if I really had the will to get stronger, and not just a fleeting thought. To pass grandpa's test I had to lay plank for two hours straight, and I did out of his expectation. He was so happy seeing my strong will, and then he dropped the bomb that I would have passed if I just endured for one hour, he just wanted to see my limit.

Thus started my journey of martial arts with grandpa that took 14 years before it came to an end. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer a while back he told me, though we were not sentimental or anything.

"What are you going to do now when I'm leaving this world Tatsuki?" he said.

"No idea," I told him

"Sigh, you always told me, that you think you were born in the wrong era, and I have to tell you, I wholeheartedly agree DAMN BRAT!" he said with an angry but loveable voice.


And he pulled a dagger out of his sleeve, so fast you can hear a cry of wind pressure incoming.

I reacted with incredible precision, by taking the dagger by the blunt side with my right hand, then lifted my right knee to kick him in the gut.

Grandpa counters my knee with his free hand, whereas I saw my chance.

I pointed my index finger as fast as I could to his neck, and only stopped before it through it and killed him.

"Sigh, when I meet the reincarnation or death god I'm going to beg for my first time in my life, that you reincarnate in a world of war where your skill can be appreciated," Grandpa told me with resolution.


8 days later grandpa died.

Before he died he told me to train with his old blade, so I can wield it with one hand instead of two. Normally a person uses two hands for a big and heavy blade, but he made his own style, which focused on momentum and minimal effort, and not on building overgrown muscle, that in the end slow you down. He threw me his notebook with the pros and cons and how to train it, and while I was engrossed in reading he left this world.

When I realized it, although I didn't have any particular changes, if you focused on my eyes, you would see that they went cold with the air.


2 years later.

A man was seen running on high wood blocks, while almost dragging a 190 cm long, 40 cm high and 8 cm thick from the blunt side, down to 0,5mm on the sharp side. He would look like a ninja if it wasn't for that blade. It looks like he is running with a dog in a leash behind him.

When he reached the end of the woodblock he jumped high in the air, then slashed the blade downwards and fell even faster against the ground.


The sword didn't just go right through the ground but devastated the other tiles around, but it wasn't over. Before the man touched the ground, he rotated around the blade which is half-buried in the ground to gain momentum before kicking against a two-meter thick tree.


An even louder sound was produced, and the tree had a footprint 10 cm deep, but it was still not over. When he jumped back he slashed the oversized blade, which was pulled up from the ground, when the kick connected with the tree. He slashed across the tree, and almost halfway through it before he landed swiftly on his feet.

"Well that's more than enough for a head to leave one's shoulder huheehe" he said with a crazy laugh.