
Unlimited wishes

(A/N:I don't own the book cover) Warning:wish fulfilling.CLICKBAIT

Im_Noob17 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Me,the scarf hero!?

"You can negotiate your reward with him directly,so please."

The man with a robe said as he take a step forward.


The young man with a blue coat said,as he put down the sword.

"I suppose we will consider your offer."

Another one of his teammates said,it is the one who have a bow.

"Sure,does that matter who talk to?the with a man shake."

The man with a spear said as they walked towards the man with a robe.

While they are walking,Jiro and Naofumi looked around the castle.

<<<Inside of the kingdom>>>

Jiro look dumbfoundedly at the large space and luxurious design of the castle.

"So you young men are the five cardinal heroes of ancient live,this is the land of Melromarc and i am the king Aultcray Melromarc XXXII."

"Welcome great heroes, please identify yourself."

The man sitting on the throne said while he narrowed his eyebrow,he have a white hair with a crown of his head.

The young man with blue clothes,and white teacher touches his sword before he said.

"my name is Ren Amaki.I'm 16."

"I am a high school student."

The man with a spear take a step forward,and introduce himself.

"I'm a Motoyasu Kitamura.I'm 21 and college student."

"I suppose i'm next,my name is Itsuki Kawasumi and I am 17 year's old.I am also a high school student."

The man with a bow said while he touch his bow.

Jiro looked at Naofumi before he said in his mind.

"This is the time he will be ignored by the king when he introduced himself."

"Yow,my name is Naofumi Iwatani, I'm 20 years old and a university student."

Jiro looked at the king with a surprised look.

"Why did not the king ignored his existence?did the timeline change?i guess it's my turn introduce myself."

Just as Jiro was about to introduce himself,the king suddenly open his mouth and said with a majestic voice.

"Hm,Ren,Motoyasu,Itsuki and Naofumi...."

Hearing this Jiro already know why Naofumi was not ignored.

"It seems that me and Naofumi exchange situation."

Jiro thought before he looked at the king and said.

"It seems you forget about me and i still didn't introduce myself yet."

Naofumi and the king looked at him.

"This guy is the most quite among us."

Naofumi said in his mind before he looked straight at the king.


The king said as he looked at Jiro,

"Ah,yes the Hero of the Scarf."


Jiro said:My name is Jiro no last name,i am a high school student.I am 16 years old."

The man with a robe forward and said while his arm are in shrugging pose.

"Now, everyone could please confirm their statuses."

Naofumi said with a confused face:Huh."


The man with a spear said,then Ren Amaki looked at them and said.

"What,you haven't noticed yet?"

"Don't you see some kind of icon or whatever in your field of vision."

"Now you just concentrate your consciousness on it."

Jiro squint his eyes and looked at the icon.

Then a box of his status appeared.

[Jiro. Scarf hero Lv1

Equipment: Nice and small scarf(Legendary weapon)> 16 Male

(Profile picture)

Status condition


Attack:9 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999

Defense:999 999 999 999 999 999

Agility:999 999 999 999



Stamina:999 999 999 999 999 999





Jiro lips gave a wry smile and thought in his mind:Wouldn't each wave that will happen was too easy task for me to complete?"

The man with a robe said as he looked at them.

"We want you to strengthen your legendary weapon and prepare for the next wave."

"...Do you not have many knowledge about any magic?....."

Naofumi have an amazed expression and said.

"Wow...this is like a game in real life."

"It is basically is."

Ren Amaki said,Jiro and the other four look at Ren.

"It's a Vrmmo,you know?"

Naofumi looked at Ren Amaki with a confused look,and said

"Vr..... what's that?"

"A Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Game."

"There should be one with a setting for a world like this."

Motoyasu Kitamura the Hero of the spear said.

"You're talking about the Emerald Online,right?"

"I knew it was just like map i went first to!"

"What are you two talking about?this is the world made in games you would pay for."

Itsuki Kawasumi said with a smile.

"The town's and dungeon will be the same, won't day?"

"This'll be a piece of cake then."

"It'll be a pain grind up from level one again, through."

Naofumi just looked at them,Jiro looked at Naofumi and asked.

"Aren't you gonna join them?"

Naofumi looked at Jiro and said.

"Uh,well i actually don't know different games that they are talking about?"

"Oh,is that so?"

Jiro said before he started to inspect his status.


Naofumi said,before he thought while looking at Jiro.

"This guy was really a quite person."

"So,what about you two?do you know any games like this?"

Motoyasu Kitamura said while looking at Naofumi.

"I don't know."

Jiro plainly said.

"N-no,not really."

"If i had to guess,it was because of that book..."

"An old looking one."

"A book?....."

Motoyasu Kitamura said.

".....huh, speaking of which that guys has a shield and the one have a scarf."

"Yeah you are right,but the shield have a use but the scarf i don't know?"

"Well that's too bad."

Motoyasu Kitamura said.

"I guess many training and leveling up ahead of us."

"And when the five of us feel that we are ready,we can form a party."

Naofumi said.

"One moment hero please."


"i must neglected to mention,you must regroup of ally and adventure separately."

However the man with a noble clothes said.

"And why is that?"

"It is said that it's in very nature,the each legendary weapon repel at one other.And if you try to work together."

" It will hinder it's development."

"Looks like he's telling the truth."

"Since the sun is already set,you can start your quest tomorrow and in the meantime you will form best to best party."

King Melromarc said.

"We have a quarters to prepare of you all."

Then the cute girl said as she accompany them to a room.

<<<Time skip>>>

(A/N:I don't own a cover or a character in the fanfic and i get some ideas kn fanfic and novels)