
Chapter 14 Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation! Did I say Cultivation?

"Cultivation, cultivation, should I grow some carrots?" Bob joked with himself, this time alone wasn't doing his psyche much good. Bob had sat down in solitude for a year devising the best way to cultivate.

Naturally there were many different ways to cultivate, and they all eventually led to the same place, but they also had varying efficiencies. For one there was the regular system, which went something along the lines of Qi Refinement, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, etc.

But then there were naturally other systems, and there were a lot. Eventually Bob landed on the strongest cultivation system from what he could find. That being Divine Cultivation. It didn't touch on that lower tier bullshit like Foundation Establishment, or Nascent Soul, that was simply a waste of time.

It went straight to Divine Tier cultivation Realms. Naturally this also meant the cost to cultivate it was that much higher, but Bob wasn't scared, he had infinite system points.

Bob then began his cultivation journey. He bought a ready made Tier 100 Divine Qi gathering array, before placing countless mythical treasures around to permeate more Divine Qi. 'This seems good enough, now for the best cultivation techniques.' Bob thought before scrolling through the system.

Fortunately the system had a definitive best option so Bob didn't need to stay deducing which was superior.


Defiance (SSS)

Price: 1 quadrillion



Immediately Bob purchased the technique and he instantly learnt all the knowledge there was to learn about it. 'Since cultivation is the act of defying the heavens then naturally Defiance is the ultimate cultivation technique.' Bob pondered before beginning his cultivation.

The Divine Cultivation Realms were as follows, Mortal God, Lesser God, Great God, True God, Immaculate Divinity, Primordial Divinity, Origin, Autarch, Overgod.

In about 2 weeks, Bob had managed to reach the pinnacle of the Mortal God Realm. He then ate a Golden Apple from the True Flame God's palace. Immediately Bob's cultivation broke through into the Lesser God Realm before stabilising around the Middle Lesser God Realm.

Bob then cultivated for another month, and broke through into the Great God Realm. At this point Bob's cultivation alone was already enough for him to blink away literal Solar Systems, but this was insufficient.

A year later Bob's cultivation reached the last stages of the Great God Realm he then ate an 81 Clawed Ice Dragon's Heart, along with a Sun Devouring Devil's Blood Essence. The convergence of yin and yang pushed Bob's physique to new heights while also propelling his cultivation into the True God Realm.

Naturally these improvements were impeccable, so much so that practically any cultivator would desire such speed but Bob was dissatisfied. 'At this rate it will take me 100 years to become an Overgod.' Bob sighed before continuing his cultivation.

It took him about 5 years before he finally broke through into the Immaculate Divinity Realm, Bob was confident his cultivation was nearing galactic levels of power. Unfortunately Bob's speed only continued to slow down, because of this 2 years later he made a decision.

Bob began researching Feng shui and array formations. This took him about 3 years of research in total before he became an absolute expert in each field, while he couldn't apply the totality of his knowledge due to his lacking cultivation he could still reduce the time it would take himself to break through significantly.

He rearranged the mountains and seas, the sun in the sky and the stars beyond until all the right conditions were met. Bob then applied a new array formation this time it was the 9 Dragons Divine Qi Array.

All this together allowed Bob to reach the Primordial Divinity Realm in another 5 years, which brought about another transformation in Bob's physique. His body had now been filled with Primordial Energy meaning his body was intrinsically different to before.

At this point his old Strongest Junior Above the Heavens had become somewhat obsolete but it was of no concern to Bob, he wasn't going to continue using it anyway.

20 years later, 20 whole years, and Bob finally reached the Origin Realm. Bob had spent 40 years in total within this Hyperbolic Time Chamber like dimension at this point, he had grown used to the endless cultivation by now.

The Origin Realm was a turning point for Bob. It felt like everything was within his grasp, but simultaneously not, it was an odd feeling. He could sense his inadequacies but also knew of his supreme power. This led to another issue though. 'I won't be able to go past the Autarch Realm.' Bob concluded.

Bob made the assumption that the Overgod Realm was the realm the old man he met was in, meaning it would virtually impossible for Bob to reach said realm, after all everything he was using was provided by said old man, he doubted that he had items that could allow one to easily achieve the Overgod Realm. After all the old man himself probably spent quadrillions of years trying to break into said realm.

This didn't discourage Bob, after all it just meant he could end his seclusion earlier. Frankly speaking the Origin Realm alone was already enough in a sense. Bob was confident he had already reached immortality at the Immaculate Divinity Realm.

He then meditated for 40 years, before space shifted, and the dimension began to collapse on itself. Unlike Bob's previous breakthroughs this one was much more violent, unbridled, defiant.

In a explosion of power that lasted an entire month Bob broke into the Autarch Realm. With a snap of his fingers a universe would disappear, with another snap a universe would be born. That was the power of an Autarch.

Rising from his seated position Bob yawned before looking around. The dimension had become a mess, Bob was even more glad that he had made another dimension for this training session. "Whoops." Bob said as he accidentally stepped on his hair.

It had grown ridiculously long over the years. 'I should cut it before I go back.' Bob mused before then going for a "short" walk. By short, he took a walk across multiple galaxies for about a week. The only thing "short" about the walk was the time he spent at each location.

After this walk Bob appeared back in his cultivation location. Bob then decided to spend a year perfecting his Alchemy and Forging ability, which was quite easy due to Bob's absurd cultivation. By now Bob had accomplished everything he wanted to achieve, and it only took him a short 81 years.

Unfortunately there was still something Bob had not completed yet, and that was his body training. At this point Bob's body was already leagues above what it was before, but it was still not at the pinnacle.


Tyrannical Overlord's Vessel (SSS)

Price: 100 trillion



Bob purchased this technique instantly before beginning to use it. Unlike regular cultivation body cultivation wasn't as defined, and thus Bob hammered away at his physique for 9 years. Finally he had completed the Tyrannical Overlord's Vessel.


Name: Bob

System Points: Infinite

Talent: Peerless (SSS+)

Constitution: Supreme (SSS+)

Strength - 100,000,000,000 (SSS+)

Agility - 100,000,000,000 (SSS+)

Endurance - 100,000,000,000 (SSS+)

Vitality - 100,000,000,000 (SSS+)

Senses - 100,000,000,000 (SSS+)


Gura Gura No Mi (C+)

Indomitable (SSS+)

Celestial Eye (SS++)

Aegis (SS++)


With this Bob had truly reached the pinnacle, the pinnacle which he desired, but Bob felt that his status was a bit lacking. 'System, I want to buy an update.'

This is the last chapter of the Bob power level mini-arc, we'll get back into the real story next chapter.

DrunkenFevercreators' thoughts