
Unlimited Wishes

Bob was a simple man with simple means, one day as he was walking down the street he was hit by a truck. (classic) After that he found himself face to face with a God and was granted Unlimited Wishes. ---------------------------------------------- So side note, this is gonna be a really short fanfic, I just wanted to actually do a story where the Mc actually got all the stupidly op wishes that everyone says they'd wish for, or that'd make the fanfics so "great", tbh this is meant to mostly display how boring or short a fanfic would be with this concept. (me realising that I am calling my own fanfic boring with this statement) Regardless though, I guess enjoy? (then again if this is an enjoyable read it would invalidate my previous points, sh*t)

DrunkenFever · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 12 Being The Chosen One Is Hard

A month soon passed by, and everyone was working as hard as possible. After seeing the footage, they felt inadequate, but eventually they took it in stride. 'Since he wants us to compete with them then it must mean its possible for us to get that strong.' Was what they thought.

This thought pushed them along this entire month to the point where everyone had achieved D level stats, and Annie, Bertolt and Reiner had reached the pinnacle of D stats. After this their training speed began to slow down.

Naturally Bob was aware of this, after all he wouldn't hand them the best manual he had, he simply handed them "Mortal's Body Refinement (D++)" which despite its lackluster name was actually quite strong in Bob's opinion, at least relatively speaking. 'I mean if I gave them things that were too great from the start there'd be no way for me to give rewards.' Bob rationalised before disappearing into the void.

Lately he had been slacking on his training too much for his liking, so Bob decided he needed to do some training. Fiddling with the system, Bob eventually disappeared before reappearing within a grassy landscape.

"This is good." Bob muttered. Using the system Bob had created a Hyperbolic Time Chamber like space which had 100 years to one day, and instead of a white void was outfitted with a customisable terrain. It was similar to his personal dimension in a sense, but his personal dimension had become more of a shared dimension, so he decided to make this one for his personal use.


Name: Bob

System Points: Infinite

Talent: Peerless (SSS+)

Constitution: Supreme (SSS+)

Strength - 2000 (B)

Agility - 2000 (B)

Endurance - 2000 (B)

Vitality - 2000 (B)

Senses - 2000 (B)


Gura Gura No Mi (C+)

The World (C)

Rinnegan (C+)

Impact Recoil (C-)


With an SSS+ talent and constitution along with his Strongest Junior Above the Heavens(S++) manual Bob should have easily reached A stats by now, but he had been slacking off. Not to mention Bob hadn't acquired any abilities apart from those he had acquired when he got his wishes. 'Well I did learn some elemental magic.' Bob thought before fire, water, wind, earth, metal and lightning all appeared within his hand.

Bob then began his training once again. First he started with abilities. From the System Shop Bob bought the ability Perfect Fusion(SSS+) and then went into Jojo's category, before then buying all the stands in the list.

Immediately Bob felt a headache as he saw his ability list fill up. He then used Perfect Fusion and then selected all the stands. Naturally this wouldn't be a very smart move if Bob had regular Fusion, but Perfect Fusion worked differently.

Perfect Fusion took all the parts of everything being fused, and then simulated the total possible outcomes, out of the billions or even trillions of possible outcomes, it then selected the best outcome and fused together all the necessary parts while discarding the waste. Because of this Bob would create the perfect stand.




Description: What is Indomitable? Is it simply strong? No. Is it beyond comprehension? Yes and no. But in reality what Indomitable truly is, is impossible to ever defeat. Before your next move is made, Indomitable knows what you'll do. If you've somehow harmed Indomitable, that timeline will be deemed false, and a new one will replace it. In all works of time and reality, Indomitable, is simply indomitable.


Reading this description Bob could barely hold himself back from laughing out madly, and then he realised, there was no reason to hold back. "HAHAHAHAHAHAAH!" Bob laughed and laughed. After all who wouldn't?

Bob had been debating this decision for some time. Did he want to make himself too overpowered? It was easy to abuse the privileges he was bestowed, but if he became too strong he could never feel weak again without forcefully suppressing himself. But Bob understood something else about himself, since he could do it, why shouldn't he?

At the end of the day, Bob was in a position that almost anyone in the vast multiverse would dream of being in, yet Bob was in this position and thus he should cherish it. He was going to watch the others fight anyway, and they could do so without worry, in a sense Bob could watch them grow stronger and have friendly competition with no danger, while Bob himself could feel like a powerful being.

'Anyway its not like I am gonna change much, in reality I was already strong to the point of being God-Like to them, and I would have only been challenged had I visited Dragon Ball, Bleach, or post 4th War Naruto.' Bob mused before looking towards his other abilities.

Bob had already decided that he wouldn't touch the Gura Gura no mi and that he'd work on that himself. But on the other hand he would be fusing Impact Recoil and Rinnegan with other abilities.

Setting the filters to "Eye Disease" Bob then began purchasing various abilities. From the standard sharingan, to all the mangekyous, to everyone's rinnegans, and then tenseigan, the byakugan, and frankly and such ability within the category in or out of Naruto, Bob didn't discriminate after all.

Once again Bob looked at his long list of abilities with annoyance before picking Perfect Fusion and selecting them all. Immediately all the abilities disappeared and out came an ability that made Bob's lips arc in happiness.



Celestial Eye(SS++)

Description: The myriad stars are held within the Celestial Eye, nothing can escape its sight. Even when shut the Celestial Eye still sees. Whether it be the physical or the spiritual it sees all. Commanding the power of the stars the Celestial Eye can reduce all within its sight to ashes, or find the flaw within even a perfect being.


Bob couldn't hide his happiness once again. While he had expected something like "Yin-Yang Eyes" Celestial Eye sounded quite to his liking as well. Not only that but as the information of the ability was being stored within him, he grew more and more pleased. 'I forgot just how many abilities fall under the "magic eyes" trope.'

Last but not least Bob looked at Impact Recoil. Unlike the others this didn't have as straightforward of a fusion category, but Bob soon thought of what was required. He bought a bunch of "Passive Activation Shield" abilities, along with various force multiplier abilities and reflection abilities, and then once again used Perfect Fusion to fuse them together.



Aegis (SS++)

Description: The perfect shield should not need to be wielded to work its magic. The Aegis activates upon sensing a threat. If the attack has no ill intent the Aegis will simply activate its impenetrable function. On the other hand if one attacks will ill intent the Aegis will work not on an eye for an eye, but rather an eye for two eyes, and send back the attack of the aggressor at a billion times the power.


With that Bob was satisfied, he had acquired 3 abilities with which he could confidently say, he was unbeatable with. Now all that was lacking was the gaps in his power. Namely his physique, skill with utilising his abilities, knowledge of abilities and power systems in general, elemental abilities and a few others.

This was why Bob had set the time to 100 years per day, as he wanted to reach the pinnacle relatively quickly and then get back so he could devise more concrete plans going forward. And to do that he needed to be more qualified and knowledgeable then he was at the moment. "Its time to grind."