
Unlimited Wealth & Cultivation

David Lidell's life changes dramatically when he discovers a revolutionary system that made him a the richest person in the world overnight. Money is no longer an obstacle for him, but a powerful tool to manipulate the world around him. As David rises to the top, he learns that true power comes from knowledge and influence. He finds that with the more money he spends, more powerful he becomes in martial arts, eventually becoming the #1 on Earth, then the Milkyway, then the Universe! Will he become a hero or a villain? Follow his gripping journey from rags to riches and witness his transformation into a powerful figure who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. --- Note: This novel will start as a typical rich MC with unlimited money, however further along the story, David will become a martial artist and will turn into a cultivation novel in modern era.

DaoistGmcGOC · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Live With Me

"Would you like to move in with me? I can't bear living in such a big house alone. Plus, you'll save on rent," David offered. He wasn't sure why he had invited Pearl so suddenly, given that they had only known each other for two days. Nevertheless, he felt a longing in his heart as he spoke.

David had come to realize how insignificant and spineless he had been in his previous relationship with Sarah. He rarely spoke up and always caved in to her demands. But with Pearl, things were different. She respected his opinions and asked for his advice on various matters. It was a refreshing change for David, who enjoyed being treated like a leader by Pearl. He couldn't deny his machismo.

Pearl appeared hesitant as she asked, "Is this appropriate?" But her excitement was palpable. Moving in with David meant relying on a powerful person like him, and the thought thrilled her.

As for whether David would do something inappropriate to her, she didn't care. In fact, she was deliberately seducing him.

Pearl was an ambitious person. She had always been the most beautiful girl in her high school and university, with many suitors, including some of the most handsome boys in school and even some rich kids with power and money. Yet she had rejected them all.

This meant that Pearl had never dated anyone until now. She knew what she wanted. She could have fallen in love if she had merely wanted to find a normal man to spend the rest of her life with. She could even have had dozens of them if she had wanted to.

But she didn't want that. She wanted to realize her self-worth, to change her fate and that of her family. When it came to those who were capable of helping her achieve her goals, there was a difference between someone who had been used and someone who was untouched.

She had never dated anyone before because she was waiting for this day - the day when she could find a man like David to fulfill her life's purpose. As long as she had David to rely on, she wouldn't even need to climb to the top. All she had to do was attach herself to one of his limbs and it would be enough. She never wanted to marry a super-rich kid like David, as his family would likely choose someone more suitable for him.

She knew her place. If she wanted to pursue this path, she would have to give up the idea of marriage for the rest of her life. So when David asked her to stay with him, she was overwhelmed with happiness. It came too suddenly, and she didn't know how to react.

"Is there anything inappropriate about this? Besides, I cannot reside in such a colossal house all by myself. It's good to have someone to converse with occasionally. However, if you have a boyfriend, then let's pretend that I never brought up this subject to avoid any misunderstanding," said David.

"No! I don't have a boyfriend. Please don't mock me, David, I've never been on a date in my life. I just hope that I won't bother you," Pearl hastily responded, fearing that David would misconstrue her intentions.

"Pearl has never been on a date before? This is unbelievable!" David thought to himself. However, he said, "Not at all. I enjoy having people around. The house seems empty now that I'm living here alone. If you don't come, then I'll have to invite two more individuals from my campus to make the place livelier."

"Since you're offering, I'd like to thank you. Shall I move in tomorrow?" Pearl asked.

"Absolutely. It's settled then. Do you require any assistance?" David inquired.

"No, thank you. I can manage. Besides, I don't possess many belongings," Pearl replied.

"Alright! Feel free to explore and choose which room you prefer on this floor," David said.

"Miss Pearl, didn't you mention swimming earlier? We can do it anytime now. There's a pool upstairs," David reminded her.

"Alright, shall we go now?" Pearl tempted.

"Cough, cough... I don't think so. Perhaps another day," David declined.

David sensed that he was inferior to Pearl in terms of social skills. Moreover, Pearl was almost reclining and appeared quite enticing. This woman was naturally flirtatious.

Pearl stood before David and leaned in to blow softly against his ear. "Well, David darling," she said, "you can ask me out anytime. I've already bought my swimsuit, and no one has seen it yet."

As Pearl flirted, David's body grew hot with desire. He longed to punish this little minx right then and there, but he managed to control himself. Standing up, he said, "Miss Pearl, look around. Um... I'll go upstairs to fetch something. We'll head back to the hotel later."

David's face flushed red as he found an excuse to leave. He couldn't handle this. He now regretted inviting Pearl over. Who could endure such seduction every day? It was torture to his poor soul.

Pearl giggled uncontrollably, finding David's shyness cute. However, she was also quite sure that David might be a virgin. A super-rich kid like him? Who would believe it?

"Does he have a problem in that department?" Pearl wondered to herself. "No way! If that's the case, how will I show him my advantage? How will I attach myself to this powerful person? No, this can't be."

Pearl comforted herself silently in her heart, but if David knew what she was thinking, he might have already punished her. How dare she doubt his abilities? It was humiliating.

Upstairs, David threw himself onto the luxurious bed, hiding from Pearl's seduction. He couldn't take it anymore, but he wasn't disgusted by it either.

He took out his phone, unlocked it and tapped on the Instagram app. Scrolling through his feed, he spotted the picture of River Leeds that he had posted the night before. To his surprise, the post had amassed over a hundred comments. As he skimmed through them, he realized that most of the comments were mocking him.

David only replied to a select few comments from his close friends. He didn't want to reveal that he had recently purchased a house in the area, knowing that no one would believe him anyways. He clicked on the direct messages icon and noticed that a few people had messaged him.

Jenny had sent him a good morning message, and there was another message from his cousin Lily Greg. Lily was his youngest aunt's eldest daughter, and she was only two years younger than David. They were quite close, especially during high school. David had lived with his youngest aunt for the first two years of high school, but he moved in with his eldest aunt during his senior year.

David had found senior year to be very stressful, and his youngest aunt's mischievous son had been distracting him from his studies. Since his eldest aunt's daughter was two years older than him and had already graduated, he had moved in with her instead. Currently, she was working while Lily was in her first year at university in another city.

Lily's message read, "David, where did you take this picture? It's stunning!"

David replied promptly, "I took this in River City. If you like it, you can come to have fun here when you're on a break. I'll take you around."

Lily responded in disbelief, "Really? Don't lie to me!"

David reassured her, "Of course not. When did I ever lie to you?"

Lily agreed, "Alright, that's settled. I'll come find you the moment I'm on a break."

David replied, "Okay."

Lily continued, "David, I'm streaming on Whale Streaming tonight. Please come and support me if you have time."

David was surprised, "You little lass, you even know how to stream?"

Lily replied confidently, "David, you're so outdated! All four of us in my dorm are streaming. It's not only fun, but I can also make some money."

David promised, "I'll go take a look tonight then. I'll boost your popularity for you."

Lily continued, "David, are you still working part-time? I made about 3000 dollars from streaming last month, and then Mom gave me 1500 dollars. I'll transfer 2000 to you later so you can take Sarah for something nice."

David was moved by her kindness. Even though they rarely saw each other since he moved out of his youngest aunt's place when he was a sophomore, they were still close. He replied, "No need. You should buy some nice clothes for yourself. When you come to River City, I'll give you a surprise."

Lily asked curiously, "What surprise?"

David replied mysteriously, "It's a secret."

Lily whined playfully, "Aww, you meanie! David, I have to go now. Class is starting. Bye!"

David replied, "Bye!"

After a while, David saw Lily transfer 2000 dollars to him. He hesitated before accepting it.

"I'll give you back a thousand times, no, ten thousand times that tonight," he thought to himself, anticipating the future.

David felt that it was almost time, so he went downstairs to toss Pearl a set of keys.

Since he offered, he would need to do it. If he could not stand it anymore, he would move out and buy a new house. He had all the money in the world to do it anyway.

To him, when a man and a woman had not yet established their relationship, they could not fool around. He had to be a responsible man.

After this, the two of them went back to Golden Leaf Hotel.