
Unlimited Wealth & Cultivation

David Lidell's life changes dramatically when he discovers a revolutionary system that made him a the richest person in the world overnight. Money is no longer an obstacle for him, but a powerful tool to manipulate the world around him. As David rises to the top, he learns that true power comes from knowledge and influence. He finds that with the more money he spends, more powerful he becomes in martial arts, eventually becoming the #1 on Earth, then the Milkyway, then the Universe! Will he become a hero or a villain? Follow his gripping journey from rags to riches and witness his transformation into a powerful figure who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. --- Note: This novel will start as a typical rich MC with unlimited money, however further along the story, David will become a martial artist and will turn into a cultivation novel in modern era.

DaoistGmcGOC · Fantasy
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28 Chs

I Need the Best

After finishing his meal at the eight-star hotel, David strolled towards the exit, taking a moment to glance back at the entrance. Pearl and a few attendants bid him farewell with a bow, making him feel like the world was truly wonderful.

As he walked out, David pondered about Sarah Jensen, wondering who she was. A sudden thought crossed his mind - he could have a harem if he wanted to.

But first things first, he needed to buy a house. David was tired of living in the dormitory with four other boys, especially since only two of them were actively staying there. The other two had rented a place outside of campus with their girlfriends.

It was time for David to move on and find his own place to call home.

Moreover, he heard his remaining roommate was also madly in love with his girlfriend and was also planning to move out.

David had initially wanted to rent a house with Sarah outside of campus, but no matter what he said, Sarah refused. The thought of her sleeping with Leo made David feel a pang of pain in his heart. "I should have just used force back then. I let that punk gain all the advantages now," David cursed to himself.

Just then, his old phone rang. David checked the caller ID and saw that it was from his former roommate, Patrick Reed. Even though Patrick had moved out to live with his girlfriend, he and David were still close since they had stayed together for over a year.

Although Patrick no longer stayed in the dormitory, he had already paid his share of the rent and tuition fees. Thus, his spot in the room remained vacant, and he occasionally visited to play games with David.

David answered the phone, "Hey Pat, what's up?"

"Dave, where are you? The three of us are in the infirmary, but Dr. Shelton said you left. I heard what happened to you. Don't do anything stupid. Keep an open mind. Out with the old, in with the new. When you feel better, we'll host a blind date to find a better person for you," Patrick's voice was filled with concern.

David sighed and said, "Thanks, man. I'll think about it. Maybe it's time for me to move on."

David felt comfort when he heard that. He replied, "Pat, what are you thinking? Why would I do something so stupid? Don't worry. I'll come back soon."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure!"

"Tell me where you are now. We'll come to find you."

"Don't. I'm already home. Don't worry. I'll be back in two to three days."


"Yes, really!"

"It's good for you to go back and relax. Think about your family who loves you and us three."

"Alright, I'm not that stupid. Don't worry! I'm hanging up now!"

『South River International Residence』

Located in South River Province, the houses here were the priciest in the area, with an average cost of $2,152,782 per square foot. This place was undoubtedly situated in a prime location, surrounded entirely by the River Leeds, with only one exit while the remaining three sides faced the river, offering a spectacular view.

Six 38-story buildings comprised the entire South River International Residence, with units ranging from 2152 square feet to over ten thousand square feet. This was indeed the preferred gathering place for the wealthy.

Luxury cars filled the parking lot, and anyone with a vehicle that cost less than a million dollars would feel embarrassed to drive it inside.

David walked into the showroom of South River International Residence.

When he entered the lobby, it seemed a little empty. Five to six sales ladies were sitting together while they chatted. When they saw David, none of them wanted to approach him.

The South River International Residence had been selling for three years and yet there were still unsold units because it was too expensive. A small unit would cost tens of millions, so not everyone could afford to buy it.

When it started selling, a lot of people came to view the houses. The ones who could afford to buy all of them bought them in the past two years. The ones who could not afford them still could not afford them until now.

So, most of the staff who worked here since the start of the sale had already left. A lot of the sales ladies left with millions in their pockets.

The cost of a single unit would reach tens of millions, or even hundreds of billions, making the commission alone a fortune. In the past, commissions were only two thousandths, but now the new staff received a 1% commission. Nevertheless, selling any of the units was extremely difficult at this point.

As a result, many employees worked there solely for the guaranteed basic salary.

Upon seeing David's outfit, it was clear to the staff that he was not there to purchase a property, and thus they continued chatting amongst themselves without paying him any attention. David felt a bit awkward in this situation, as he didn't know who to approach with his questions since there was no one at the front desk.

After standing there for a few minutes, a young woman who appeared to be around 26 or 27 years old emerged from the showroom's restroom. Her name was Jenny Ward, and she had just started selling for South River International Residence the previous month. She was only able to secure the job because her uncle had gifted the boss ten thousand dollars worth of presents.

She hailed from a small rural area with dreams of striking it rich by selling high-end houses in the city. But after a month on the job, not a single customer had come her way.

The old staff hogged every opportunity to greet prospective buyers, leaving her in the dust. She'd gone without a single sale for over a month.

Today, as she emerged from the restroom, she spied a young man of her age standing alone in the lobby. The old staff seemed to be ignoring him, so she seized the opportunity and approached him.

"Excuse me, sir, are you here to view the houses?" Jenny asked David.

"Yes!" he replied.

Jenny was ecstatic; finally, a chance to bring a customer to view the house.

"What type of unit are you interested in, sir?" she asked.

"What type do you have?" David inquired.

Jenny began rattling off information about the various types of units available. Unfortunately, there weren't many empty units left, so David's choices were limited.

In the end, David selected a 5500-square-foot penthouse on the 22nd floor of Block 3.

Jenny obtained the keys from the front desk, and they proceeded to view the unit.

As soon as the two left, the staff in the lobby began to chatter.

"Is he really here to see the unit? He looks like a pauper in those cheap clothes. Does he even know where he is?" one of them scoffed.

"Well, he'll have to work his whole life just to afford one square foot here. Only a newbie like Jenny would waste her time showing him around," another added.

"He might be from a rural area and have no idea about the prices here. When he finds out, he'll be scared shitless," a third chimed in, eliciting laughter from the rest.

Two hours later, David and Jenny returned to the lobby of the showroom and took a seat on the side chairs. Jenny handed David a cup of tea and asked, "Mr. Lidell, were you satisfied with what you saw?"

"Not really," David replied. "The location of Block 3 isn't great. Are there any units available in Block 1?"

David knew that the units in Block 1 were the best and since he had all the money in the world, he was determined to buy the best one.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lidell, let me check for you," Jenny said as she picked up her tablet to search for available units in the building.

"Since Block 1 has the best location, there's only one unit left," Jenny informed David. "It's a large, loft-style penthouse on the top floor that occupies the 37th and 38th floors of Block 1. It's also the best unit in the block, but it's a bit pricey, so I don't recommend it."

David didn't ask for the price, he just wanted to see the unit. "Can we take a look?" he asked.

Jenny hesitated for a moment before agreeing. "Alright, Mr. Lidell, I'll get the keys."

As they were about to leave to view the unit, a woman in her thirties approached them. "Jenny, are you taking Mr. Lidell to see the best unit in Block 1?" she asked.

Jenny confirmed, "Yes, Ms. James."

The woman continued, "Jenny, I don't want to criticize you, but not everyone who comes here can view the units, let alone the best one. The interior of that unit was designed by a famous designer from overseas. Who's going to pay for it if there's any damage?"

Jenny assured her that she would be careful, but the woman pointed at David and asked, "Do you think he looks like someone who can afford a unit here?"

Jenny defended David, saying, "I trust that Mr. Lidell is not like that."

The woman sighed and warned Jenny to mop the floor after they left, so as not to leave any footprints. Jenny could only agree.

Jenny led David to the best unit in Block 1, determined to prove that she had made the right decision.