
Unlimited Wealth & Cultivation

David Lidell's life changes dramatically when he discovers a revolutionary system that made him a the richest person in the world overnight. Money is no longer an obstacle for him, but a powerful tool to manipulate the world around him. As David rises to the top, he learns that true power comes from knowledge and influence. He finds that with the more money he spends, more powerful he becomes in martial arts, eventually becoming the #1 on Earth, then the Milkyway, then the Universe! Will he become a hero or a villain? Follow his gripping journey from rags to riches and witness his transformation into a powerful figure who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. --- Note: This novel will start as a typical rich MC with unlimited money, however further along the story, David will become a martial artist and will turn into a cultivation novel in modern era.

DaoistGmcGOC · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Battle for Love

Amelia had been in a sour mood lately, despite her seemingly ordinary upbringing. She had been a charming child, and her parents had gone to great lengths to cultivate her talents in singing and dancing. This, coupled with her natural abilities, had made her the center of attention throughout her school years, from junior to senior high. Even at South River University, she remained the object of everyone's affections, with several wealthy and handsome suitors vying for her attention. She accepted their gifts graciously, but never the BMW sports car that one of them had offered, which was worth hundreds of thousands. Instead, she sold the clothes and bags they gave her at a discount to make some quick cash.

However, Amelia soon discovered the world of streaming, where she could receive gifts from her viewers. In just a few months, she had amassed millions in bonuses, and she was thrilled with her newfound success. But now she realized that these people's affections were fickle, and some had already moved on to other partners. To make matters worse, one of her "protectors," Leo, was also pursuing other interests.

She had heard that he had been taking Sarah to the Golden Leaf Hotel over the past few days, and it had ignited a sense of urgency within her. She knew this kind of relationship would not last, as they were not fools. They had invested so much in her, and they hadn't received anything substantive back, so it would be better to pursue others. With that decision made, she hinted to those who were pursuing her tonight. As long as they could reach Rank 1, then she would go on a date with them.

One of her "protectors," Leo, was there, but the other, Jacob Carter, had not arrived yet. If they were both present, she could make a fortune tonight. When Leo heard Amelia's response, he immediately started to steal Rank 1. He looked at the total amount of gifts on Rank 1 and saw that it was 780 thousand bucks, all from Jacob. Jacob was at Rank 2, having spent about 400 thousand, which meant that if he gave her another 400 thousand, he would be able to get Rank 1. Of course, he had to do it without Jacob around. He had given out more than two million in gifts over the past two years but had only fooled around with a few small streamers with this money.

Speak of the devil, Jacob's ID, Jacob the Brave, entered the stream at that moment. His Level 380 account immediately pushed Leo lower down the rank the moment he entered. "Ames, I'm here!" Jacob commented. "Welcome, Jacob! Thank you for your support!" Amelia replied.

"Ames, I'm prepared today. I will definitely take you on that date with me," Jacob declared.

"Jacob, I'll be waiting for you!" Leo interrupted. "Jacob, old boy, I'm still here. Don't be so proud yet. It will be embarrassing for you if you fail."

"Leo, old chap, I never saw you as my competition. Let's see who's the stronger one now," Jacob responded. Even though the two of them said that, their hearts were racing in their chests. Their family backgrounds were almost the same, and they were not fools. If they continued this, both sides would suffer. However, they had no choice. When they thought about Amelia's soft and weak body and her seductive voice, the two of them felt as if they were given adrenaline shots. No more nonsense!

They started launching Super Rockets, and in no time, messages started to appear on the screen.

[Mr. Leo gave streamer Hahny Super Rocket x1]

[Jacob the Brave gave streamer Hahny Super Rocket x1]

[Mr. Leo gave streamer Hahny Super Rocket]

[Jacob the Brave gave streamer Hahny Super Rocket x66]

In no time, half an hour passed by.

[Mr. Leo gave streamer Hahny Super Rocket x1314]

[Jacob the Brave gave streamer Hahny Super Rocket x1314]

The stream was raging with excitement as the number of viewers surpassed 100,000. The screen was flooded with numerous comments praising the lavishness of the gifts. Amelia was equally ecstatic, but her joy knew no bounds when she realized that the two donors were more generous than she had ever imagined. They had gifted her with a whopping sum of over two million, and if that wasn't enough, she stood to receive another three million in bonuses. She was simply at a loss for words.

However, Leo and Jacob began to regain their senses. They realized that if they continued to lavish Amelia with gifts, it would only be worthwhile if they could win her over. Otherwise, they would end up feeling bitter and resentful. This wasn't an auction where the highest bidder could easily win. Once the gifts were given, there was no turning back.

Leo decided to call Jacob and get to the point, "Old boy, I'm prepared to spend five million to win Amelia's heart. If you're willing to add more to that, I'll back out and you can keep the gifts I've given out. What do you say?"

Jacob remained silent for a moment before replying, "Old chap, transfer three million to me now and I'll stop pursuing Amelia. If that doesn't suit you, we'll fight to the death."

After contemplating for a brief moment, Leo agreed, "Alright, I'll transfer three million to you now. But from this moment onwards, you must not interact with Amelia."

"Deal!" Jacob exclaimed, and Leo promptly transferred three million to him. Although people at their level were often considered scoundrels, Leo and Jacob were true to their word.

Leo did the math and realized he still needed to spend about 400 thousand to reach Rank 1. By now, he had already spent over six million on Amelia. Even if his family had assets worth hundreds of millions, he would still feel the pain after spending so much in one go. However, it would be worth it if he could win over Amelia.

Inside the stream, after Jacob received Leo's three million bucks, he immediately quit the stream. His rockets stopped at 1314. The viewers in the stream were stunned. They had been fighting to the death just moments ago, yet one of them had quit all of a sudden.

Leo gave Amelia 200 rockets, and it just about exceeded Jacob's. With this, he was now Rank 1. "Amelia, I'm Rank 1 now. Jacob has already admitted defeat and left. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow night!" There was another uproar in the stream. Everyone was saying all sorts of things at that moment. This was exactly what Leo wanted. He was declaring sovereignty.

Amelia had no choice now. She did not know why Jacob had suddenly left. She knew their backgrounds were about the same. Initially, her plan was to let the two keep fighting and then let their gifts stay on the same level so that she could date both of them at the same time. They would not dare to do anything to her if the three of them went out together. However, Jacob's sudden exit ruined her plan.

Even though she received gifts worth more than five million, she knew something would go wrong if she went out alone with Leo. When Amelia thought about this, she silently sighed in her heart. Her initially perfect plan was ruined, and she could only admit it. Thankfully, she still had more than two million worth of gifts to comfort her.