
Unlimited Power 02 - The Ranger's Domain

After losing his parents in a car accident, Ryan immediately caught his fiancee cheating on him with his best friend. In just a few days, he lost everything he loved, so Ryan decided to buy a house in the mountains to process all those events. However, something happened before he could even enter his new home: the end of the world. Monsters began to appear out of nowhere, and dragons began to dominate the skies. After losing everything, Ryan, who had lost his sense of reality, found new goals with the world in that state: survive and get stronger. Dungeons, classes, monsters, skills, the chance to obtain the DNA of other monsters... Ryan was decided to use them all because he no longer would become a spectator in his own life. Maybe with power, he won't lose anything anymore. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

ExSoldierLv99 · Fantasy
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1006 Chs

Class: Beastmaster

Ryan couldn't have asked for more since he will be able to slay demons for twenty-four hours straight and increase his power even more. That being said, he was feeling quite conflicted about the treasure chest. He wounded the demon, but was that enough to make him deserve a new class? He honestly didn't believe that was the case. Still, considering that the dungeon breaks will happen in a few days, he would need all the strength he can get.

"You can go first," Ryan said. "You did most of the job by yourself, after all."

"All right then," Alissa nodded.

Congratulations! You have cleared the dungeon and obtained its treasure! As a reward for your achievement, you can obtain one of the three following classes: Barbarian, Beastmaster, and Alchemist.

Please be aware that clearing this dungeon again won't give you the chance to unlock the other remaining classes. If you want to obtain them, you will have to search for those in other dungeons.