
Start up

Maximus is turning 28 this year and he just woke up and is now in his bedroom bathroom having a shower. His younger sister rose left for school just before Maximus woke up at around 8:30am. Maximus live in his parents house that now belongs to him and when his younger sister turns 18 years old the house will belong to her as well as she is only 16 years old right now. This is because they're parents died in a car crash not long ago.

As Maximus comes out of the shower wrapped in his towel, you can see his skinny looking body that show that he hasn't been eating enough. his over grown damp dark brown hair. His hair is a little over grown as he has not gotten a hair cut in little over a year because Maximus got fired from his job as a game designer for Unlimited Potential a month ago and now the death parents of his parents not long ago. Maximus is unlike most people as most people would be falling apart as there world does around them but Maximus is unlike most people. he almost seems calm as this all happened around him.

As Maximus stands there, water dripping off his face, hair and body, emotionless he seems to be looking at the box that is sitting on his bed. The box reads next generation game "imagine" includes imagine game disk. dose not include Unlimited Potential immersive virtual reality headset.

Lucky for Maximus, Maximus bought one of the I.V.R headsets a week ago. Maximus was standing in line for 6 hours just to buy one of the limited I.V.R headset as they were only selling 50 of the I.V.R headsets at the store that Maximus went to that day.

Maximus goes to the bed and picks up the game disk box and brings it to his computer desk and put the box down. He then opens the box with his scissors on his desk. He picks up the game disk from in side the box and grabs his I.V.R headset that's sitting on his computer dest and goes and sits down on his bed. Maximus then goes and plugs the game disk into the back of the I.V.R headset and put on the I.V.R headset and lays down on his bed.

On the screen of the I.V.R headset, Maximus can see a bar filling up across the screen and a percentage number going up.

0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 97%, 98%, 99%, 100%

When the bar finally finished filling up and the percentage got to 100% a option to connect to imagine came up on the screen and Maximus said "join imagine" and like a lightbulb just turned off. Maximus fell asleep, his vision started to blur and it got darker until he couldn't see anything.

Yet Maximus stayed calm as this happened. It stayed dark for around 5 seconds and boom a wave of bright colours came flying past him and all around him until it all slowed down into the colour white.

Now Maximus was standing in a vast place of nothingness the ground was just white and it was bright and thats all he could see for as far as the eye could see.

When Maximus said "join imagine" his consciousness got transferred into the game sever of imagine.

In front of Maximus a mirror forms into existence in front of him showing his appearance and a panel in front of the mirror giving him options. The panel gives the options to customise his appearance or to keep it how it is. The person in mirror appears to be in his mid 20s. somewhere between the age of 27 to 28. The man in the mirror has dark brown hair, a average looking face, just above average hight and a skinny build with no muscles.

Maximus chooses the option to customise his appearance not by selecting the option with his finger as so many of the other first 1000 players have done so but by using his mind. Maximus did most of the work in this game from background coding to help designing systems and he also gave ideas and designs for thing to put in the world such as buildings, The landscape even the grass has some of Maximus code in it. Although Maximus didn't do the character modelling and creations, he did help set up the system that is being used to customise his character.

One of the things that most people don't know about the Imagine is that you don't have to use your characters limbs like fingers to use the system menus inside imagine you can just use your thoughts to do so as the I.V.R headset connects your brain to the system so if you think of pressing a button or option the system will read your mind and know what option your trying to pick but it takes practice. Maximus has had a lot of practice as he also tested and did a lot of the coding while inside the game when he worked at unlimited potential.

A message come up in the panel

Stating that he has 1000 points to customise his appearance.

The reason why players have 1000 points to customise their appearance is so that players do not change their appearance to drastically as it can cause problems to player.

As one game designer who worked on the game tried to make himself have 4 arms a huge muscly build with red skin, horns on his fore head with two black scaled wings on his back. When the game tester finally finished making his character and was transported into the game.

The game designer couldn't even move at all because of the new signals coming from his new body parts. his brain couldn't cope with all the new signals and he had a stroke and died.

The reason for this is because his new body parts created to many new signals leading to his brain to control the body parts and there was to much pain for the game designer to endure witch in turn gave him a stroke witch led to his death

After this accident Maximus helped put in a cap of 1000 points of how much you can customise your character. Adding a body part like a finger takes away a 100 points from your total points available for use this is because there is a lot of new signals that have to be made so that you can actually use the limb and it not just being a usable limb that just sways in the wind.

Maximus chose not to use any of the preset body part that the model creation team put in the game for players to choose from such as wings that cost 900 points because although you can have the ability to fly. It uses to much points and the wing don't even look the good. you can also fly in the game using magic once you learn it so there was no real need for Maximus to get the wings or the other presets like horn and what the not.

Maximus chose just to customise his appearance and to not add any new body part as it would take to much points. Maximus decides to change his appearance so that he has a less skinny build and a more slender build with toned muscles. As Maximus is doing this all the dials on the panel can been seen moving rapidly with out anyone touching it.

Maximus chose not to change his hair but to just leave it the same. He made his face look more handsome. He also made his character look more younger around 20 years old not 27.

The person in the mirror now looks more like a fit toned athlete with a handsome face and dark brown hair, at the age of 20 year old. Maximus used a total of 962 points in customising his appearance and is very pleased with himself looking at his new self in the mirror.

Maximus then selects the finished option on the panel in front of him using his thoughts and a keyboard forms in front of the panel and a message telling him to please write his character's name in can been seen. Maximus using thought types in Max short for Maximus.

After Max is done typing in his name in like 2 seconds a clear female voice sounds out in the large area of white nothingness saying " congratulations on completing your character creation, now please select yes if you are ready to be transferred into the world of imagination". A panel forms in front of Max's face giving the options of yes and no. Max using his mind to selects the yes option.