
Unlimited Mana Works!

In this world, a boy named Reign was born. He thinks himself just a tiny bit better than others. With his abilities, he could be considered a genius but doesn't refer to himself as that. He is just a son of a nobleman. Well, he doesn't know it but, his mana pool is extremely large. We follow the life of Reign as he tries his best to live the best of his life. I have also posted this on RoyalRoad and Scribble.

CZ2 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Five Years Old

Part 1

My name is Reign Osoric Cinage.

I am now 5 years old.

I just celebrated my birthday a week ago!

Father bought me a some clothes, mother bought me a wooden figurine. Radyn and Aerich bought me a very expensive looking handkerchief.

Thank you, thank you very much!

Allow me to explain my current daily routine.

Every morning I would visit the library and read the books inside, it's been 2 years since I started making it a routine but the information accumulated sounds very interesting.

As a result of this, my vocabulary increased significantly, I can now talk to another adult like an adult myself.

Also, I've been practicing Academy-Class spells. But since those spells are now sort of second nature to me. I had learnt Beginner-Class skills and currently working on Intermediate-Class spells.

You could say I'm now a Beginner-Class Magician.

Also, I always practiced in my room. So no one knew.

And what I noticed was that my mana capacity was quite large, although I've yet to measure the extent.

The literature I read is the history of this world, magic, combat styles, novels and anything else in the library.

Mother would sometimes come with me, interested in what I was doing. Even praising me occasionally.

Of course, I felt very good every time she praised me.

After studying in the library for hours on end, I would approach Papa and we would train outside on sword fighting.

It seems like Papa finally noticed that I perfected my sword stances, because of that we recently started practicing sword swings. Honestly, for some reason doing sword swings is even more tiring than standing for hours on end in different postures.

During practice, Aerich would nearly always join in.

Presently, Aerich is 11 years old.

During training we would occasionally spar, though Aerich would always win.

It's not fair but it's understandable.

I-I'm not angry! Not at all!

It's not like he reached Exquisite-class in Sword Style! N-No… He did.

Aerich is now a Swordsman of Exquisite-Class.

His swings are far stronger, faster and more assertive. And he has actual talent to back it up.

Papa praised him and recommended that he should become a knight when he grows up.

But he adamantly refused, insisting that he continue to serve the Osoric Estate and myself.

You know, Papa is also a Saint-Class swordsman. And Exquisite-class is just a two classes below that .

I can't imagine how he feels. Conflicted? Or proud?

It's the latter.

After sword practice, I would take a bath with Aerich and occasionally Cella.

Following that, my lessons would begin.

I practiced writing, arithmetic and mathematics with both Aerich and Cella.

Aerich would teach me while Cella would help Aerich with anything he was confused about. After all, an unknowledgeable teacher isn't a teacher at all.

But in two years I've already gotten a grasp for all the topics, I'm sure I can tutor someone's child with the amount of knowledge on it.

So after appealing to Cella and taking a final test, I finally got basic education out of my schedule, only under the condition that I study for at least 20 minutes on them, in order to not rust my knowledge.

Let's return back to the present, right now it's the morning.

My room felt nice as usual.

Typically I would go to the library to study other forms of magic, but instead I'm sitting my room with preparations for a certain thing.

That's right.

I'm going to measure my mana capacity!

By the way, technically I'm an Exquisite-Class Magician.

Although it dosen't feel like it.

But I would consider myself a Beginner-Class Magician.

...There's no way I'm Exquisite-Class.

After learning an Academy-Class spell called [Create Wind], I had planned to use it to measure my mana capacity.

How would it work?

It's simple, I would continue casting the spell until I'm completely exhausted.

[Create Wind] was a weak spell, amounted the same value as a fan being blown at you. Harmless, very harmless.

With that said, I started casting.

Standing up, I take a stance. I raise my arm and open my palm towards the wall.

"[Create Wind]!"

I cast it once.



Four times…

Ten times.

Fourteen times.

Twenty times.

…According to the Spell Guide, I should feel a bit tired after a at least seven shots.

Thirty times.

Fifty times

Sixty Six times

Seventy times

…I'm not going to stop until I run out of mana, that's right. I will die (cry) if I stop.

One hundred times

Two hundred times

Four hundred times

One thousand times

…Two thousands times

"Three Thousand! What the heck is this?!"

I cast [Create Wind] about three thousand times!!

I didn't notice it but 3 hours had passed.

I'm not tired at all

Did the spell guide lie to me?

It probably did.

Apologise! Apologise for being such a useless book!

I gave the Spell Guide book a death stare and refute it in my mind.

Then I looked at the wall the [Create Wind] was hitting.

Because it was hit about 3000 times, the first and second layers of the wall were completely eroded, leaving only wood that would also erode in another 500 casts.


I created two theories.

First: [Create Wind] was a spell that truly required minimal mana for casting and the spell guide was lying to me about only being able to cast it a few times before tiring.

Second: I have a lot of mana.

It's the first point, it's definitely the first point. The first point is the correct theory.

I sighed heavily.

"Really, what a waste of time."

I said as I dropped onto the bed. I wasn't exhausted physically, but I was mentally.

After moving over to my side, I felt the Spell Guide book on my back.

I turned around and opened the book, looking over to the High-Class spells section.

And a spell caught my eye.

"[Mini Tornado]…?"

A Wind spell that casts a 30cm long and 10cm wide mini tornado. Use: Versatile.

This was a High-Class Spell.

It was then I made up my mind.

I stood up and raised my arm.

I'm going to cast it.

"[Mini Tornado]!"

And without warning. The entire room collapsed, the ceiling broke into a huge hole. The sounds of banging and wood cracking and harsh winds enveloped the room.

My ears rang and I closed my eyes, it was very loud. I covered my ears as I ran off to the corner.

My bed flew to the opposite side of the room, breaking the wall and flying outside. My closet suffered the same fate.

After a while, everything subsided.

What was left was a mess.

"What about that is 30cm long and 10cm wide?! I'm never trusting the Spellbook ever again!!"

I shouted as I looked around my surroundings.

The ceiling was completely destroyed, the wall opposite the door was gone. All my belongings were either destroyed, flew away or spread out everywhere.

Of course, this invited a lot of noise.

I shouted as I looked around my surroundings.

The ceiling was completely destroyed, the wall opposite to the door was gone. All my belongings were either destroyed, flew away or spread out everywhere.

Of course, this invited a lot of noise.

"Young Master!"

The first person to barge in was Radyn, the Head Butler.

It looks like he was strolling around the hallways before hearing the thunderous noise in my room

Following him were multiple house servants, including Aerich and Cella.

"What happened? Are you alright?!"

Without a pause, Radyn grabbed me and quickly carried me out of the room, his movements were so fluid that you'd expect it from those who mastered the Assassin Style Class.

After that, Cella and Radyn cautiously walked into the room, what's left of the wood floor creaking as they walk in.

"[Wind: Magic Analysis]"

Radyn muttered as he eyed the surroundings.

Giving a signal that he didn't sense anyone other than friendies, he signalled towards Cella.

After nodding, Cella was replaced by a house servant who seemed to be an adept user of the Hand Style Class. Cella walked back to see how I was doing.

"Young Lord, what happened? Are you hurt?"

"I-I'm fine, it's my fault…"

"Eh? What do you mean."

Before I could answer, I heard a raging voice throughout the hallway.

But I couldn't find the source, that's because the person had instantaneously appeared behind me.

From the farthest corner of the hallway, he appeared right behind me.

H-How did he appear behind me? Was he that fast?

That person was Papa, Lukyus.

It was only then that I felt the corresponding wind that was made by him swiftly appearing behind me.

"Reign! Who was it? Was it The Tyrats?! God dammit! Why would they aim for my Reign of all people?"

"Aw-aah! N-No-awh."

Papa shook my shoulders violently. I found it difficult to reply, only letting out pitiful attempts of words.

"My Lord, it's nothing of the sort. Rather, there is something else important to discuss."

Radyn walked back into the hallway, seemingly done with his analysis.

I remember he cast a spell called [Wind: Magic Analysis] earlier.

If I recall, that's a Saint-Class spell that's used to determine the spell and the caster of it. Along with the amount of spells cast.

Lukyus trusted this analysis and let go of me

"There are no wounds, only signs of constant magical release."

Cella said as she glared at me.

H-Hey, if everyone's staring at me like that…

"I-I'm sorry, it's my fault. I cast a-"

"Wind Spell, High-Class, [Mini Tornado] Is what Young Master cast. But before that, another spell was cast about 3049 times. It was another wind spell, [Create Wind]. Academy-Class spell. [Create Wind] was cast between 8am-11am. It was consecutive without pause, all in three hours."

The person who interrupted me was Radyn, the Head Butler, the one who analyzed the scene.

With that said, everyone in the hallway. Papa, Mother who just arrived, Aerich, Cella, a lady and the house servants pinned their gazes on me.

After a few eternal seconds, a piercing voice was heard.

"Is that true, Reign?"

I lowered my head, my hands were between my legs as I stood up. The position of my arms was a "V" and I was about to cry.

I really messed up.

I destroyed my room.

It would probably cost a lot of money to fix.

I worried my parents and the Osoric Estate.

Radyn was forced to use magic.

Papa sounded enraged thinking that it was an attack from these "Tyrats".

I'm definitely at fault here, it's my fault. I'm an idiot for listening to the Spell Guide book even though there were warnings of it being unreliable.

I held back my urge to cry, and I timidly replied.


To the others, it may have been an instant. But to me, it felt like years to how Papa responded to my confession.

"Amazing! That's great! I didn't know you could cast High-Class spells? Dosen't that make you a High-Class Magician? I have a truly awesome son!"

I-I'm a High-Class Magician?

W-Well technically. But I didn't want to call myself that because I read in the book that it takes about 30 years to become a High-class Magician…

I didn't say those thoughts out loud.

Papa hugged me tightly.

The surrounding people laughed and cheered.

"-But more importantly, I'm glad you're safe."

He said, tightening the embrace.

"Radyn. I know the [Mini Tornado] was the catalyst of this but how many times did he cast [Create Wind] again?"

"3049 times."

Radyn replied steadily.

"No, I mean really. How many times?"

"3049 times, this is the truth."

"There are times where your old humorous self appears, that's what I like. But I'm being serious here, how many times did Reign cast that spell?"

"My lord, if I'm being frank. I am not joking. The young master did cast the spell 3049 times."


"-N-No way."

"-That's impossible, right?"

"-Even if it's Lord Lukyus's son, that's…"

With my father deep in thought, the household servants were muttering some things.

"Alright everyone! Prepare some cleaning materials, all your jobs are suspended until we fix the Young Lord's room, go go!"

It was Radyn, the head butler, who clapped his hands and ordered the house servants to start cleaning up the mess.

"Cella, ask for the usual carpenter, he should be at his house. It's his day off."


Cella paced out of the hallway.

With those people gone. Arerich, myself, Papa, mother and Radyn stayed back.

"As expected of Young Lord, you're an exceptional one."

Aerich ran towards me and side hugged me, punching my chest with a huge smile on his face.

"To cast a spell 3000 times, even if it's Academy-Class…"

Papa was still in deep thought.

"Lukyus! Lukyus! We have to have Radyn teach Reign magic, we have to have him hone his skills! That's amazing, to be able to cast a spell 3000 times without rest. I knew our son was talented!"

Mother, Ari, grabbed Papa by his arms. As a result of this, he snapped back to reality and acknowledged what had happened.

"I see, that's right. But I was really looking forward to teaching him swordsmanship…"

"Can't he just do both?"

Mother interjected.

"I see, but that's not up to me. It's up to the student himself."

Papa looked at me.

"Of course papa, I would love to train both."

"Then, Radyn. Are you fine with tutoring my son?"

Father turned towards Radyn and asked.

Radyn put his fist on his heart and bowed deeply.

"I would be more than happy to, Lord Lukyus."

With that said, my daily schedule was slightly adjusted.

Part 2

In the morning, instead of studying magic alone. I would do it with Radyn, and then I would practice with Aerich with Sword Style.

That is how it would have looked like on paper but in reality, Aerich would be studying with me.

But today is different. Radyn said he needed time to prepare material and dig up his old Magic School notes so he could prepare my lessons.

He truly is diligent. Unlike a certain someone who just teaches out of the blue.

Because of that, I have the morning with free time, because of that I approached my father for something.


"Yes? What is it?"

"Can I go play outside with Aerich?"

"Oho? What's this? You're finally acting your age instead of cooping yourself in the library reading and studying? Well, if that's the case then of course you can."

"Thank you papa!"

I said as I went to fetch Aerich.

Right now, Aerich was in his parent's room.

Aerich's father is Radyn Saghurt but just like any child, there is always a mother.

Though I read in books about those who don't have mothers or their mothers don't treat them well.

I feel horribly bad for them, I'd once shed a tear reading about it in the library.

Aerich mother's name is Isona Saghurt.

I heard from Aerich that she was the daughter of a bakery shop owner from a nearby town, but she left there to be with Radyn. Currently she is serving as a senior maid of the Osoric Estate, she is just higher than Cella in the maid heriachy. You could say that she is the head maid.

Because she's a head maid, I see her often around the house. She would chat with me while I was in the library too.

Husband and wife, Head Butler and Head Maid.

What a combination.

As I opened the door to Aerich parent's room, I heard three voices.

"Isn't Young Lord really amazing?"

That was the voice of Aerich.

"Although what you say is true. Who told you to refer to Young Master as Young Lord?"

Radyn sternly interjected.

"Young Lord himself told me to call him that."

"I see, then that's fine."

Radyn and Isona were sitting on the bed, Aerich was sitting on Isona's lap stroking his hair.

"I heard you just were anointed as Exquisite-Class swordsman by Lord Lukyus. You too are amazing, just as the Young Master, who had also become a High-Class Magician in his own right."

Isona sweetly said.

She had light brown hair and brown eyes. She was pristinely healthy and fit because of her duties as a head maid. Right now she wore a maid outfit, prepared to start working.

"Thank you, mother."

Aerich got off her lap and did a toe-turn towards her. His smile was enthusiastic as ever.

That was when I walked in.

"Aerich! Let's play outside!"

I opened the door and ran towards Aerich, side hugging him.

Seeing me, Aerich replied.

"Of course, let's play outside."

"Oh? If it isn't the Young Master. Good morning."

"Good morning, Isona! Radyn!"

I said as I did a childish salute.

One time, when I was about 2 years old. A very important person visited this house. I don't remember his name but apparently he was Papa's old master.

When he arrived, Papa did this weird thing with his hands and feet.

When I asked mother, she told me Papa was doing a salute.

So after having Papa's master pat me in the head, I practiced the salute over and over.

It was less formal and looked childish.

But that's fine.

Seeing the pureness of the salute, Isona and Radyn laughed.

"Haha, Young Master. I can understand your intent. Make sure to tilt your palm horizontal to your forehead."

Radyn gave me some advice.

"I see, I see. Then I will allow you to take Aerich for today, Young Master. Have fun!"

Isona said as she saw us off.

Part 3

"As long as you have Aerich by your side, I have nothing to worry about. Make sure you return home by sunset. Sword training can be skipped today.

"Yes Papa."

"Also, don't bully the weak. Use your strength to protect them.

"Of course Papa."

"If you see any shady men or women who say 'Would you like to join the religion of Hatot' then run away immediately."

"Yes Papa."

"When you play outside, make sure you stay away from the forest."

"And when-"

Before Papa could continue, he was smacked behind the head by mother.

"That's too much, let him go."

Mother said as she turned towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good bye~!"

She waved as Aerich and I walked out of the front yard and into the world.

— —

Aerich and I were following a path outside of the Osoric Estate.

I looked back, the Osoric Estate looked huge.

Almost like a mansion.

"Aerich, can you tell me about how it is outside the Osoric Estate?"

"Hm? Of course, Young Lord. I have ventured outside before, Listen: So basically, the Osoric Estate rules this place and surrounding areas. Father told me that Lord Lukyus was assigned lordship over this area. This area is the countryside, so there are villagers around too."


"That's right. If you look down, you can see fields and crops along with villager houses."

I looked down, other than the vast amount of empty grassland and hills there were also villagers and plots of crops.

Aerich continued:

"-Because it is ruled by the Osoric Estate, everyone here respects Lord Lukyus. But they also respect him for repelling the monsters from the forest and increasing the living standard."


"That's right, monsters. They come from the forest. Although I'm sure you read on them yourself."

"Mhm. I read them in a book."

To be more specific, the book is called [Monster Guide] and lists down monsters like goblins, horned wolves, One-Shot Bears etc. I heard they are very scary but easy to deal with if you know Intermediate-class magic or Combat styles.

But there are stronger monsters like dragons, basilisks, Hydras and Elder Liches.

"-To end this, Lord Lukyus rules over a very population thin, countryside territory called the Signe Region."

"I see."

Of course, I already knew that Papa ruled the Signe Region.

The Signe Region is what Aerich had described. Its land in the countryside.

"Ah, Young Lord, look down there."

It looks like we were chatting for too long, we had found signs of other human life.

There was a group of other children, but something seemed off.

"Get back to the forest you monster!"

One of the boys of the group pointed at the girl.

"How rude, I'm not a monster! I'm a human!"

The girl stomped her feet into the ground.

"Then why do you live there?!"


She tilted her head away from the group of boys and crossed her arms.

There seemed to be some sort of argument going on.

"Young Lord, what do we do?"

Aerich turned to me for instructions.

"It's not completely one sided. And the person is defending herself. There's nothing to worry about. Though we should jump in to stop them regardless…"

"Alright then, attack the monster!"


In response to the seemingly leader of the boy's group command. The four boys charged towards the girl.

Forget what I said, we should help her.

"Young Lord!"

"Alright, let's stop the-"

Before we could jump out, there was a voice from the other side.

"Stop it in the name of Justice, you evildoers!"

Someone said very novelly lines.

Looking towards the source, the boys snorted.

"Eeh… Not her again."

"Pwah, it's Justice Girl."

The group of boys… Seemed disgusted?

The girl named "Justice Girl" wore a brown robe with clothes of a commoner underneath.

She had silver hair and wore some weird mask.

The mask she wore was made out of crude wooden planks, and there were holes so her eyes could see.

And she looked to be the same age as me.

A truly weird person.

"…Young Lord, should we watch?"

Aerich crouched down and put himself In a better position.

"It looks interesting, we should."

As we adjusted ourselves, the echoing voice of Justice Girl was heard.

"My name is Justice Girl, an advocate of Justice. I go by other names such as Silver Knight because of my long silver hair. You villains are doing the wrong thing. Therefore, as a true ally of Justice. I will beat you down!"

…You go Justice go!

"She seems stupid."

Aerich let out a somewhat rude comment.

"Eh, I'm interested to see how she will beat them down in the first place. Let's just watch."