
Unlimited Mana Works!

In this world, a boy named Reign was born. He thinks himself just a tiny bit better than others. With his abilities, he could be considered a genius but doesn't refer to himself as that. He is just a son of a nobleman. Well, he doesn't know it but, his mana pool is extremely large. We follow the life of Reign as he tries his best to live the best of his life. I have also posted this on RoyalRoad and Scribble.

CZ2 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Birth and Introduction

Part 1

"Lord Lukyus! Madam Ari, congratulations. This is your son. Your first born."

…What's that sound?

"N-No way, is it really?"

"I'm sure, Lord Lukyus. More importantly, we must send Lady Ari to the assigned room."

I hear multiple footsteps run into the room and sounds of grunting as someone was being carried away. Meanwhile someone was holding me.

I look up: This seems to be my father, most likely Lukyus. He was the one who spoke in response to that very manly and responsible-sounding voice.

"Hm~? My son really does look great. His nose looks like-!! Awawawa! What are you doing, Radyn?!"

From the looks of it, a person named Radyn suddenly snatched me away from my father.

"Forgive me, Lord Lukyus but there are specific mandates when dealing with babies immediately after birth."

With that said, Radyn suddenly began to do various things to me, I didn't know what he was doing though.

After doing so, he dressed me in some cloth and returned me to my father.

I look up at my father, trying my best to raise my arms towards his face.

What was I doing? I don't really understand it either, I just felt like I needed to touch his face.

"Kufufu, what are you doing? Do you want to touch my face?"

My father then leaned closer to me, and what I felt was-


His skin was not smooth, it was very prickly. Almost like sandpaper.

Seeing me push back in discomfort, laughter could be heard throughout the room.

"Is it the hair on my face…?"

My father looked dejected for a few moments before snapping himself back.

And for some reason, Radyn looked at me suspiciously.


"What's wrong, Radyn?"

My father noticed this and asked him a question.

"Aren't babies supposed to be crying when they're first born? Instead, this one just easily broke it's arm free of the cloth and tried to touch your face."

My father's face broke into an ear to ear grin and laughingly replied:

"Well, he's my son after all. I suppose he takes after me."

"It seems so, my lord."

From behind my father and Radyn, I see other figures behind them.

There is someone with long hair, another one with short hair…

I don't know these people.

"…Oh, he started crying."

My father said.

"That's only to be expected."

Part 2

Next moment I knew, I was in the arms of someone with long hair.

Could this be, my mother?

"Well Ari, congratulations! We finally have a son! This will be a special day. I can't believe you fainted though. Puahaha!"

My father, Lukyus said and laughed.

As my mother, Ari, caressed my hair, she replied:

"Why are you mixing praise with mockery…? Be quiet, how could you understand the pain of childbirth? … Well yes, I'm happy that we now have a son. I almost can't believe it."

My mother smiled gently and she grabbed my cheeks.

It was then, I laughed.

"Coo~ Coo~"

"He's so cute, I just want to hug him all over."

My mother grinned as she pinched my other cheek.

"That's exactly correct."

Father agreed enthusiastically. He sat on the bed beside my mother leaning his head over towards hers, following this he kissed her on the lips.

After a few minutes of this, someone seemed to want it to stop.


A voice echoed throughout the room, it was Radyn. From the conversations following my entrance into this room, it seems he's a butler.

Beside the entrance were drawers and closets and the room seemed very large.

After making that sound, he said something:

"I am truly happy that you have finally birthed your child, Lord Lukyus, Lady Ari-"

"-Cut it with the formalities, you're my friend. Speak like a friend."

Suddenly, my father interrupted Radyn the butler.

Following this, Radyn smiled a little before replying.

"Forgive me, that's not possible for the Head Butler of the Osoric Cinage Branch House. Along with deep loyalty, I must showcase an example of absolute diligence towards my master for the assistant servants working underneath me, it would only disgrace your estate if I did not do so."

My father's face contorted a little but after a few moments, he sighed in defeat. From the looks of it, this happened quite frequently.

"I see then. That's only to be expected of you, Radyn."

Around us there seemed to be a butler and maid standing beside each other at the door, their faces went red as my father met their gazes.

As that happened, the door opened.

From it, there was a figure of a young child. He looked to be about five years old and wore an eyepatch around his left eye. His uniform was the same of Radyn.

So he's a child butler?

From his face, there was a look of anticipation along with excitement.

He charged towards beside where both my mother and father laid.

"Lord Lukyus! Lady Ari! Lady Ari Is this the master I'm supposed to be serving?! Uwah, he looks so cute. I hope he is a good person!"

M-Master? Hm? He's supposed to be serving me?

Both my parents glanced at each other and smiled, my father put his hand on top of the boys' head and patted it smoothly.

"That's right, Aerich. This is the person your father was always speaking about. Though, you don't really have to serve him as his butler. That's just something your own parents wanted. If you don't want to, you can tell me. And I'll just spoil you like my own son-"

"N-No, that's not right! I want to!"

There was some bright glint in Aerich's eyes as he passionately replied.

My father gave a very friendly smile as he continued to pat Aerich's head.

I'm feeling a little bit jealous-


Therefore, I began to cry.

"W-Wait, master! Please don't cry!"

Aerich panicked as he jumped on the bed and began to stroke my head.

Feeling this, I began to quickly calm down.

"You're a natural at this, Aerich."

My mother said in a sweet tone and she too patted his head.

"Thank you very much, Lady Ari!"

The Aerich sounded very pure and energetic as he confirmed my condition and jumped down from the bed, from there he ran behind a person's legs.

That person was Radyn.

"…Father, I look forward to this."

In response to this, Radyn kneeled down and replied.

"I'm glad."

Radyn smiled gently and gave Aerich a tight hug.

It seems like Radyn is Aerich's father.


"Say, since it's a boy, we should name him as planned."

My father said.

My name, huh?

My mother nodded.

It was then I was bestowed the name of Reign Osoric Cinage.

Part 3

My name is Reign Osoric Cinage, everyone calls me Reign.

Following the events from a week ago, the boy named Aerich followed me around everywhere I crawled. He always wore this butler outfit and observed everything I did.

It looks like he was assigned the role as my personal butler, or if you wanted to say it more crudely, my personal playmate.

What's with giving a child a job as a butler though? I don't understand.

Leaving that aside, I wasn't doing anything except crawling around this past week.

I was also collecting information.

Why would I need information?

The answer would be: I don't understand anything. What am I? Where am I? What am I doing here? Why?

I don't even understand how I'm thinking like this either.

So let's lay down everything I know right now:

My father is Lukyus Osoric Cinage, he is a noble of the Osoric House. Apparently he is strong with the sword and experienced with magic. He was a Knight before, I saw his armour in his room. He is the head of the house of Osoric. He always wears simple noble clothes and has black-dark blue hair. His hair is short and he always has a smile on his face, he is a gentle man and is always caring. I heard that he was 27 years old.

My mother is Ari Osoric Cinage, I don't know much about her except that she's my mother and that she has golden blonde hair. She always gives me a gentle smile and hugs me all the time saying "You're so cute~"… What's with everybody calling me cute? I heard that she is about 23 years old.

Radyn is the person I first heard, his full name is Radyn Saghurt and all I know that he is the Head Butler of the Osoric house, he is the father Aerich who always follows me around. Next to mother and father, he is the third nicest to me. He has jet-black hair and is about the same age as my father. He seems to be attached to my father in the same way Aerich is attached to me… No, I should be saying that Aerich is attached to me in the same way that Radyn is attached to my father. He seems very loyal and does everything accordingly. He also commands the butlers and the maids of this house.

Isona Saghurt, she seems to be the wife of Radyn and is the mother of Aerich. She serves as the maid in this house.

Aerich Saghurt, the boy who keeps following me around with a glint of enthusiasm in his eyes. He serves as a butler of this house and is very loving towards everyone, the other maids and butlers adore him and both my mother and father spoil him as if they were his own child, fortunately, he is not.

The moment Aerich was born, he was constantly told by both his father and mother that he had to serve the heir of the Osoric house, that is, me.

Because of that, Aerich had to sufferingly go through many hardships and learn writing, reading, arithmetic, swordplay, magic and butler skills at a young tender age of 3. He is still learning but seems very skilful to me. Right now, he is five years old.

Along with this, I also know the layout of the house now.

It's a surprisingly large house, large enough to house plenty of servants, an entire family consisting of the Head Butler's family and the main family and have room for about five more guests.

It really is a large house.

Unfortunately, the information learnt about the house and surroundings was limited.

This was because every time I tried to crawl everywhere or outside, Aerich would stop me like the diligent butler he was, or another maid or butler cleaning the house would do so themselves.

"How is the young master doing?"

A manly voice called from behind.

"He's crawling along well, father."

I was crawling around in the hallways of the house.

Aerich turned over to his father, Radyn and very formally replied.

"That's good, he's a healthy child and soon to be the next heir to the head of the house. Treat him well."

"Of course father."

"I'll be checking in on Lady Ari now."

With that said, Radyn walked away leaving Aerich to me.

Following this, Aerich took a step forward towards me and grabbed me from beneath the armpits.

"It's time to eat some dinner, Master Reign."

He had a jovial grin on his face as he ran towards the dining room.

After walking around the house for several minutes, we both sat down on the dining table.

The dining table was especially large, as expected of a huge house.

Apparently, we were here somewhat early because only the two of us sat on the large dining table. Seeing us arrive early, the food was served just as early as well.

The maids and butlers didn't partake in the feast, they just stood there on the sidelines.

What's this? Why are they smiling? What exactly are they enjoying?

"Say Aah~"

Aerich held up a spoon and fed me something very soft.

It seems as if they are enjoying how Aerich is feeding me.

Well, it tasted good. I don't mind.

I'll submit myself to eating more of this food.

"Well well well, look who's being responsible."

I heard the voice of my father, turning over to him I could easily see himself holding both his hands towards mother, helping her walk.

Of course, there was a maid beside her helping too.

"Lady Ari! What are you doing, you shouldn't be walking!"

The voice of the head butler, Radyn.

He rushed into the dining room in a panic, a cold sweat dripping from his forehead as he struggled to control his breathing.

What was he so panicked about?

"It's fine isn't it?"

My mother said in reply.

"No Madam, this is unacceptable. You cannot walk only after a week of childbirth, think about your health. Isn't it painful?"

After carefully taking a seat beside me, my mother took me into her arms.

"If it's to see the sight of your son feeding mine. It's a good sacrifice."

Mother jokingly said as she patted both Aerich's and my head. For some reason, being patted on my head felt nice. I hope it doesn't stop.

…It stopped, oh well.

I can't cry now, can I?

"Even though I prepared to have food sent to your room, haa~h. It's fine, if my Lord's wife wishes so, it's fine for just this once. Please don't scare me by suddenly walking out of the room, even with escorts. Please think of my heart as I walked into your room only to see an empty bed."

Ah, that's right. Just before leaving me and Aerich, he said he was going to check on my mother. I guess I would sort of understand how he would feel if he walked into an empty room of a post-pregnant woman.

"Haha, I'm sorry Radyn. I won't worry you again."

With that said and everyone else arriving, dinner began.

Part 4

My name is Reign Osoric Cinage, and I am now 3 years old.

During these past three years, I've gained sort of an understanding of what's happening.

To put it simply: I am the first born of a mid ranged noble family belonging to the Cinage nobility. In the Cinage nobility, there are ten branches. The weakest of those branches are the Osorics, my family.

But despite this, we are still living comfortably because of the Cinage house strength in total.

Apparently, the Cinage house is very strong. One of the strongest in the Kingdom. And with the Cinage house, there is also the Osoric Branch Estate, which is the weakest of all the branches. That's our family.

Also, Aerich is now 8 years old.

This world seems to favour magic, Aerich continuously lectured me about everything about his training and education.

He spoke to me regarding how he has already reached Intermediate Class magic and Beginner Class sword skills.

This is how the ranking works in this world for both magic, swordsmanship and spearing:

Academy - Beginner - Intermediate - Exquisite - High - Saint - King - God -

Apparently, being Intermediate Class for magic was prodigal for his age. Congratulations, Aerich.

Aerich was a supposed genius, he learnt mathematics, arithmetic, reading, writing and skills of a butler starting at a tender young age of 3 and is currently excelling at all aspects, this includes swordsmanship and magic at his present age of 8.

And he is assigned the task of my personal butler, which he positively accepts.

Actually, for some reason, he seems very passionate about it.

I don't really understand why though.

I also began to talk, I learnt some words during the first year, able to utter phrases during the second year and now, in the third year, I can carry a complete conversation with everyone in the household.

Along with this, I just started to learn reading, arithmetic, writing and mathematics just a few weeks ago.

Because of this, I frequently chat with Aerich along with my parents. Even occasionally to the head butler, Radyn.

Aerich is fun to talk to.

Instead of a butler, I see him as a friend.

Also, during this time I learnt the names of most of the maids and butler's of this house.

But one sticks out to me. Her name is Cella.

She works as a senior maid and is about 20 years old now. Apparently she started when she was 12 years old and was scouted by Radyn when the estate of Osoric and the Lordship of my father lukyus was first established. She's also very beautiful and cute.

That also means she was about 17 years old when I was first born.

Y-You see how I demonstrated my arithmetic and mathematical skills?


She has long wavy blonde hair with a curvaceous figure, she wears a typical maid outfit.

What is her job now?

She is care taking and overseeing both Aerich and myself. Though she allows Aerich to do everything for me for the sake of growth.

She would step in and help Aerich if he had trouble with things or if he couldn't do anything at all. I mean, in the end, Aerich is 8 years old.

Right now, we are outside in the front yard garden.

"Bahaha! I win!"

"You're an intermediate swordsman. No fair."

Aerich haughtily laughed as I was slashed onto the ground.

"Aah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that!"

Aerich pulled out a handkerchief and helped me up, cleaning the sweat from my face.

It looks like he can't hold back.

"Ow-ow, it's alright."

I pat and squeeze the area of my thigh that he hit.

"But still, Master Reign, I'm surprised you're able to train in swordplay and already learn the basics of education at your age. I know I may be prodigal but that's still even surprising for me… … I mean, it's only been three years since you were born…"

When Aerich stopped speaking, another voice was heard throughout the front yard.

"It is only expected of the Young Master, he must truly carry the genes of his father."

This is the maid I'm talking about, her name is Cella.

Currently tasked with looking after both me and Aerich.

"-Well then, it's time to take a break. Isn't it?"

Cella approached us and offered us some water.

"I can't wait."

I took a large gulp of water and followingly paced towards the sword racket to put the wooden sword away.

"Allow me."

Aerich took the wooden sword from me and walked towards the racket.

With that, I walked with him. With the maid Cella following shortly behind.

"How did you reach intermediate class swordplay?"

I asked him a curious question.

"Nothing but practice every day. Lord Lukyus supervises the training, but I also read books about it and studied practically."


"That's right, in the library. Lord Lukyus has entire volumes about magic and swordsmanship, though more about swordsmanship."

"He has more swordsmanship books? Is that because he's a former knight?"

"That's right, but Lord Lukyus is also a swordsman of Saint-Class."

Aerich pointed his index finger up as if he was teaching me something.

"Woah, father is amazing."

"Okie okie enough conversation, little masters. Although I agree with how amazing Lord Lukyus is, it's getting really really really~ dark. Let's go inside~"

Cella clapped her hands and urged us to go inside, speaking in a very girly tone.

Part 5

I looked into the full mirror from inside the bathroom.

I have light skin, my hair is dark blue black, I seem to be very skinny although with the current sword training (sword bashing) from Aerich, I'm not as skinny as before. But I'm a child, there aren't any significant changes.

My hair extends down to the top of my eyebrows and is short.

The people in this estate say I look exactly like my father. In the guest room there is a painting of my grandfather holding my father when he was a child, and I agree.

"Master, what are you doing? Is there something weird on your body?"

Aerich called out as he walked towards me wearing only a towel, he held another towel on his left arm.

"No, it's nothing."

I take a look at Aerich.

His hair is light brown, part of his hair cuts into his left eye covering it halfway but not completely. On his left eye was an eyepatch, though instead of the normal eye patch he wears it looks to be just a cloth covering his eyes.

Mm, it must be for the bath.

And… !! His body is pretty lean, not expected of an 8 year old boy but expected for an Intermediate-Class Swordsman. But he's not ripped or anything, but notably with muscle.

But… He's eight years old-

With that said, he hands me a towel to put over my waist.

"Well then, allow me to clean you."

I sat down on the stool to look at both myself and Aerich in the mirror. There he was, cleaning my back.

After a few minutes of scrubbing, I confirmed my body and tilted my head back.

"I'm alright now, can I clean your back?"

"No, that's not right. A master can't clean his servant's back."

"-Well, if a master can't do it, how about another servant?"

There was a sudden voice that appeared behind us.

We both looked over to the source of the voice and found-

Cella, it was Cella, there she was with only a towel to cover herself. It looks like she intends to join the bath with us.

With a brimming smile, Aerich replied:

"Of course, please do it for me!"

So then I watched Cella clean off Aerich, after a while, we all entered the bath together.

"Cella! That felt amazing as always, please do it again!"

Aerich hugged Cella from the side and buried his face in her arms.


While Cella smiled gently as she patted his head, after that she looked at me and carried me into her lap.

Sitting on someone's lap in a bath felt weird, but it's not like it's my first time.

Throughout the three years I've been living, I've entered the bath with practically every maid in this estate. My mother and father too.

This also goes to show how close the house servants of the house are treated by my parents.

They aren't treated as numbers.

I buried the back of my head into her healthy sized bosom.

Now from the looks of it, Aerich is leaning close beside Cella, both legs touching while I was sitting on Cella's lap. An interesting image.

"Young Master, how was training today?"

Cella said as she hugged herself over me. My head further cushioning itself in her bosom.

"I'm still three years old… Are you going to expect a lot from me?"

"And yet you are able to carry adult conversations, even Aerich couldn't speak like this when he was 3."

"…I see. Then, I plan to go to the library to study swordsmanship."


After hearing what I said, Aerich shoved closer to me with an enthusiastic expression. Most likely because I took the suggestion from not only but himself before the bath.

"I see, I see~ That's only to be expected. But you should spend your childhood playing around instead of working diligently. It's not good for your health, okie~?"

"Should an adult really be saying that?"

The person who replied to Cella's seemingly sleazy suggestion was Aerich, who had a sulky look on his face.

"That's not what I meant. Look at Reign, he's only 3. You're only expected to lounge and play around when you're three years old, not think about what you're studying next. Maybe he's a genius~?"

With that last comment, Cella tilted her head back and placed a finger on her lips, looking at the top corner of the bathroom ceiling.

"A-Am I doing something wrong?"

I said with a frightened tone, slowly crawling into a ball in Cella's lap, enough for my chin to touch my knees.

Seeing this, Cella rubs my head to reassure me.

"No, not at all. You may be aberrant in the way you work but it doesn't matter. Do what you like."

She once again tightened her hug on me, I put my knees down and soak it into the water.

"Then after I finish with bathing, I'll walk to the library."

I said as I turned my head over towards Cella, looking into her eyes for the first time today.

She had very sparkly green emerald eyes. I didn't notice it until now, but they looked good.

As I was enchanted by this, she flicked my forehead and replied.

"No you can't, you have to go to sleep."


That hurt.

After finishing off with the bath, Aerich and Cella dried me off. Aerich and I were escorted by Cella to our sleeping room.

My mother would always hug me in her sleep, to be honest I found it suffocating.

That's why I prefer to sleep beside my father, on the other side of the bed because the only thing he does is hand over his arm as an arm pillow, and for some reason, he smelt really good as well.

Of course, mother's perfume is always the best.

Normally I would sleep in my own room or my parent's room. And in my own room, Aerich would join me occasionally.

Speaking of which, his room was situated right next to mine.

There was also a secret passageway from his room to mine.

So if I'm alone, he would come through that passageway to join me.

But today that didn't happen, we just walked into my room as if nothing had happened.

My room was pretty small, it had necessities such as a bed and closet, even a table.

The floor was wooden and the walls were painted white with only a large window to see outside.

"So, you're interested in swordsmanship?"

Aerich turned towards me and asked with a curious tone.

"…Well, if you're learning the sword then I want to too."

"I would be happy to have a training partner."

With that said, we closed the lights and went to sleep.

Part 7

When I woke up, I made my way towards the library.

The house was pretty large but I didn't get lost. I knew my way enough to walk around even with my eyes closed.

But still, it didn't change the fact that going around the house was far too long.

As I made my way, I saw a figure of a certain someone.



I saw my father not far from me, he was dressed in some noble suit and was prepared to leave the house.

"Where are you going?"

"Something popped up that Papa needs to handle, Papa will be back very soon. If you feel lonely, play with Aerich or Cella. Okay?"

"Of course father."

"…Should a three-year-old be speaking that way?"

It looks like he expected a "Yes Papa!" than the formal "Of course father.".

"I just feel a little bit better because Cella called me a genius."

"Puahaha, is that so? As expected of my son! Oh, that's right. I heard from Cella that you want to study swordsmanship. Well then, Papa right here is a Saint-Class swordsman, that means Papa is very strong. I can teach you everything when I return home."

"Of course Papa, please teach me! I'll learn it, after all, I'm a genius!"

I say this as I hug Papa's waist with a joyful and joking tone.

"Ha-Ha-Ha! Well then, if you think you're a genius then I expect much from you! Goodbye now."

"Bye-bye Papa!"

With a huge smile on his face he pummelled down on my head with his open hand, it wasn't hard enough to make me scream in pain but hard enough to make me conscious of certain thoughts such as "Maybe my skull will break?".

I give a sweet smile and wave my father off.

From now on I'll refer to my father as "Papa" when I speak to him.

"Well then, I hope you the best. Please play with Aerich."

"Of course, Radyn."

Following behind father is Radyn, the Head Butler of the house. He gave me his farewells and walked off with father, leaving another maid to close the door.

Hm. Even though he seems so serious for Aerich to be a butler of mine, he regards Aerich as my friend.

I see, then I'll treat Aerich as my friend rather than a butler from now on. Although I was doing that from the start.

The maid that closed the door, the one with silver hair and features like Cella looked at me and smiled.

She approached me and pinched my cheeks and left off with a few comments such as "You're as cute as ever" and "I can't believe Lord Lukyus's son would be this cute.".

From the side, another household servant could be seen smirking at my direction.

What's with everybody touching my cheeks?

Leaving that aside, I left to visit the library.

To do what?

To study magic and swordsmanship.