
Unlimited Infinite System

Unlimited Infinite System; Start with Infinite Enhancements [The Unlimited Infinite System can do everything. It has infinite functions and unlimited capabilities. The host can unlock these functions when the conditions are met.] *Ding* [The host received an overall enhancement +9. Overall performance +1000, condition +1000, composition +1000, lifespan +1000. Congratulations on gaining the ability, Sun Moon Physique. Your body can absorb solar and lunar rays and all kinds of universal energies to strengthen itself. All functions of the body have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Essence Nurturing, Energy Absorption, Sun’s Pride Moon’s Mystery.]

mobisa · Urban
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50 Chs

Character Panel


Jiang Hao heard a loud and graceful voice coming from all corners of the void as soon as he logged into Second World.

It is nothing else. Every game has something similar.

It is just that the voice conjured a sense of awe in him. This alone surprised him.

With his current enhancements, it was impossible to influence him so easily.

One could imagine how much it would affect players.

Jiang Hao was surprised by how subtle the colonization techniques used were.

Jiang Hao looked around but there was nothing much to see. He was standing on an endless white platform that seemed to have no end.

This was the universal reception hall for first-time players. Everyone would come here when they first logged in.

[[Scan complete.

Player ID: FD0323/MW/SS304932/P03/000000001

Please name your avatar_ ]]

"Salted Fish"

[[ Do you confirm the alias "Salted Fish"? ]]


[Please wait. Sir, there are some details I think you should consider.

Everything in Second World influences everything else. This is also the reason I am helpless and can only run the game passively.

Even the naming will influence your talents, luck, fate, destiny, favorability, and many other things.

There is also…]

Jiang Hao listened to Mia shoot points all over the place like a p90. Je could feel that she was really anxious.

This made Jiang Hao more alert and cautious. Even a Machine God could be brought to this extent. Jiang Hao started having some expectations for Second World.

At least, it was a bit challenging.

"Alright. Stop talking. Just tell me your opinion."

[Sir, I have already prepared the best template for your character all things considered. I still have this bit of ability.]

"All right. Show me."

[[Name: Jiang Hao

Player ID: FD0323/MW/SS304932/P03/000000001

Avatar: Humble Brother Heavenly Celestial (Shang Tian) ]]


"This is your recommendation?"


I know it is a bit long, but after countless simulations, I have concluded that it is the most fitting. Please believe in me.]

"Answer this first. Can I change it later?"

[Ah… you can, but it is a bit troublesome. You'd have to scrap this avatar and create a new one. That's a whole other process.]

"Well, fine. We can play with this avatar first and see how things go."

Jiang Hao did not delay too much. He did not care very much about what he was called, or his first choice would have been a bit more handsome.

It is just that he felt like this name gilded his face with gold. Empty and loud.

[[You have named the avatar and the changes are permanent.

Please fill in the necessary entries below… ]]

Jiang Hao did not do anything and let Mia handle everything. In the end, his profile ended up bizarre.

[[Avatar: Humble Brother Heaven's Favored

Alias: Sheng Tian

Talent: Forgotten Cursed Body (SSS level)

Class: Support: Priest; Auxiliary: Trickster(Locked); Ranger: Slingshot(Locked); Mage: Warmage(Locked); Warden(Locked).

Occupation: Primary: Farmer(Lifestyle - Locked); Secondary: Prison Warden(Military/Civil - Locked); Tertiary: Book Keeper(Employment – Locked).

Titles: Forgotten.


Jiang Hao looked at this panel for a long time and wondered what got into him to give in.

His data was a mess.

"*Sigh*, look at it first."

Jiang Hao would not doubt Mia's intelligence. She had also explained it to Jiang Hao several times, but it was a little hard to swallow.

[[Talent: Forgotten Cursed Body

Level: SSS (F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS)

Introduction: The Supreme Emperor ruled over the heavens and the earth with an iron fist. His might rang true throughout the Heavens and Worlds and terror kept his seat secure. Alas, many hated him as much as they feared him. Since they were helpless against him, they turned their sights to his unborn child.

Born bearing the curses of the ancients. Fated to be forgotten and lost. The child pays for his father's mistake. How cruel, the emperor never even knew since he had forgotten.


1. Forgotten by the Father, by the heavens, by the worlds, and by the truths. Like a wandering ghost, always there but never there. Everything you do will be undone. Effect without Cause is naught.

2. Cursed and Unlucky. Bearing the curses of the ancients. Everything you touch is cursed. Everyone around you is unlucky. But you don't mind, loneliness is the greatest curse.

3. True or False, Right or Wrong, Reality or Fiction, Possible or Impossible… whatever you stand by… everything else is against. You can't even die and escape this misery.

4. Lonely and Bitter. Anyone who earns your ire is bound to be plagued. Your enemies suffer infinitely. Fate and karma might have forgotten, but you won't.

5. Cursed Link. Those you favor suffer just as much as those you abhor. What a pitiful existence!





"Mia… this doesn't look like a good thing."

[It is not. But sir should view it differently. You have something that the universe does not measure up to.]

Jiang Hao was startled.

Yeah, Mia was right.

He was a systematic person and the system had functions that could change everything.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao's eyes started shining.

He now knew why Mia disregarded everything else for this talent.

"There is one thing that I don't understand. Why would such a talent be here? SSS level no less."

[I think that they forgot.]



[What I mean is that they don't know of its existence. It might have ended up in the talent pool by luck or otherwise.]

"Doesn't that mean that I can have more than one talent?"

[Yes. But that would defeat our purpose. I selected this talent so that you would leave no record behind. If you add another, you'd leave a trail.]

"I feel like you are being too paranoid."


"Why then did you choose such unremarkable options for classes and professions?"

[Sir, you might be forgotten, but that does not prevent other systems from operating normally. Other classes have too strict a system and predetermined leveling routes.

Only these few have a free leveling system with minimum restrictions.

As for professions, these few are the most forgettable. They also have minimum supervision and clearance key points.]

"Doesn't that mean that I will have to stay hidden and develop in secret? It feels boring."

[On the contrary, this means that you can go wild and play the way you want. Anyway, anything you do will be undone, so do it big and maximize gains.

If you use this avatar properly, you might directly ignore everything else.]

Jiang Hao already understood this thoroughly.

Indeed, what were the abilities of the system? It was already being tame not to do anything extra.

Hehehe, just imagine this talent with a +9 enhancement.