
Unleashed Destiny

"In a world where destiny hangs in the balance, where ancient prophecies weave their intricate webs, and where the power of choice can shape the course of history. A tale of adventure, magic, and self-discovery awaits those who dare to embark on this extraordinary journey. In the land of Veridia, Julia, whose fate is entwined with the threads of an ancient prophecy. As the prophecy reveals itself, her dormant powers awaken, setting in motion a chain of events that will alter the course of Veridia's future. But lurking in the shadows is a malevolent force, seeking to exploit the Julia's powers for their own nefarious purposes. Betrayal and redemption intertwine as loyalties are tested, and the line between good and evil becomes blurred. Join us on this epic quest as this novel takes you on a thrilling adventure through a world of magic, mystery and self-discovery. Are you ready to unlock the power within and embrace destiny?”

Abigail_Crown · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 7


Throughout the year, Julia, now a year older grew in strength and resilience. She discovered her own unique talents and passions. She found out she had a talent for drawing.

Although, Julia did not go to school; instead, her grandmother, Lilian, took on the role of her primary educator.

Being a former governess herself, Julia's grandmother possessed the necessary skills and knowledge to teach her granddaughter how to read and write. In addition to imparting academic knowledge, Lilian also instilled in her the importance of basic etiquettes and manners.

Drawing from her experiences as a governess, she recognized the significance of social graces and ensured that Julia received a comprehensive education that encompassed both intellectual and social development. Through the guidance and mentorship of her grandmother, Julia acquired a well-rounded education despite not attending a formal school.

Lilian taught her granddaughter how to do house chores and also how to cook.

"Grandma, it has been over a year now and mama and papa are not back yet" Julie told her grandmother.

Lilian sighed, she also longed to hear from her daughter and son-in-law. She and Julia missed them terribly but they could only wait. "I know dear. We should patiently wait for them. Okay?"

"Alright grandma" Julie replied.

A tall magnificent building stood sturdily in the midst of the forests atop the hills. The building was old and made of pure marble. There were tall pillars in the front side of the entrance, ceiling as high as the sky. The people who ran the council were a mixture of humans, vampires, werewolves and elves to maintain the necessary balance and impartiality.

The witches are excluded.

They were once part of the council. There are two types of witches, the black witches and the white witches. Actually, the black witches where the ones who betrayed them but they don't trust the white witches either because they believe both are the same. They think that way because they've had cases of black witches posing as white witches and some white switches help the black witches accomplish their mission.

All the council members, including the lords of the empires sat in the grand courtroom discussing matters relating to the empires. The room was adorned with ornate tapestries depicting the histories of each empire, creating an atmosphere of grandeur and importance.

At the end of the long mahogany table, sat the head of the council, a wise and respected figure known for his vast knowledge. His presence commanded respect and his piercing gaze scanned the room, ensuring that all council members were attentive and ready to contribute.

"So… Lord Aiden, what are you doing about the rogue vampires?" The head of the council, Raven asked the lord of Verdian.

The rogue vampires were vampires whose transformation did not go well which makes them lose their sanity.

The rogue vampires where vampires whose transformation did not go well which makes them lose your sanity. The rogue vampires this time are stronger and more blood thirsty.

Raven continued, "Although some have been sent to the council recently but there are still some of them roaming and killing innocent people."

"I am dealing with it." Lord Aiden said indifferently.

Raven directed the war questions to the Silver crest lord, "What about you, Lord Adrian?"

"I am dealing with it also." Lord Adrian replied.

Raven discussed a few more things with the council members and finally they were through.

Lord Aiden came out of the court room and his assistant, Martin, came to him, "M'lord, Mr. Albert is waiting for you." He said.

Aiden nodded his head.

At that time Lord Adrian came to meet him.

"Are you going to meet Albert?" Lord Adrian asked.

"Mm." Lord Aiden replied.

"What are you doing about the rogues?" Lord Adrian asked as they walked out of the council's building. They walked to the other side of the building which wasn't as magnificent as the building they just came out from.

"I could also ask you the same question." Lord Aiden replied tauntingly with a smile that wasn't a smile.

Adrian sighed inwardly. Aiden was fond of doing this. He never answers questions straight forwardly.

One would have thought that vampires and werewolves were enemies, with one wanting to gain the upper hand over the other.

But that doesn't seem to be the case with lord Aiden and lord Adrian.

They stepped inside the building. The place reeked with a pungent smell of iron. Lanterns were placed hanging on the walls to light up the place but wasn't enough to brighten it.

The people who broke the rules and the laws which were set by the council were brought here and dealt with.

The two lords walked in silence. Reaching the door, Aiden knocked before stepping inside.

The man in white bowed his head to the two lords.

"You requested to see me Albert." Aiden said

"Yes, a family of four was murdered. They were brought in yesterday." Albert said.

Aiden perked his brows up with intrigue. Albert continued, "The family is the Walter's family. The house has been inspected and the maids were questioned. It was said that they were having their dinner at that time. One of the maids was bitten prior to that time and she was undergoing transformation but did not go well eventually and she went berserk. Most of the maids lost their lives also."

Aiden and Adrian listened to what Albert was saying. "When are they going to be buried?" Aiden asked.

"Tomorrow evening." Albert replied.

As Mr. Walter was a member of the council, that had to attend his funeral.