
Unleashed Destiny

"In a world where destiny hangs in the balance, where ancient prophecies weave their intricate webs, and where the power of choice can shape the course of history. A tale of adventure, magic, and self-discovery awaits those who dare to embark on this extraordinary journey. In the land of Veridia, Julia, whose fate is entwined with the threads of an ancient prophecy. As the prophecy reveals itself, her dormant powers awaken, setting in motion a chain of events that will alter the course of Veridia's future. But lurking in the shadows is a malevolent force, seeking to exploit the Julia's powers for their own nefarious purposes. Betrayal and redemption intertwine as loyalties are tested, and the line between good and evil becomes blurred. Join us on this epic quest as this novel takes you on a thrilling adventure through a world of magic, mystery and self-discovery. Are you ready to unlock the power within and embrace destiny?”

Abigail_Crown · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 5


Very early the following morning, Gabriel and Hannah woke up and surprisingly their daughter woke up with them.

They quickly had their bath. Hannah then went to prepare food for her mother and daughter.

After she finished she made sure she packed everything they would need on the journey. She also packed food for herself and her husband that they can eat on the way there.

After they finished and were prepared to leave, Hannah told her mother that if anyone should ask of them, she should say they had gone for one of their relative's wedding.

She bid farewell to her daughter and mother. Gabriel hugged his daughter and promised to buy her presents on his way back.

They left the house quickly in order to catch up with the morning carriage.

Luckily, they were not late. They entered the carriage. The carriage then rode off.

The place they were going to find who or what they were looking for, was in the next town, which was Pine crest.

Having arrived at their destination, they went to the nearest inn to rest and eat as they have not had anything to eat or drink since they left for Pine crest.

After securing the room they were going to stay in, they unpacked their things. Since they brought food they did not have to pay for food again.

After eating, they rested for a little while. As they were about to go out, it started to rain heavily.

They had to suspend their outing till the following morning. They went back to their room.

Fortunately for them, the rain had stopped when they woke up the following morning. They had their bath and ate breakfast. They packed their belongings back into their bags. They made sure not to leave anything behind, making sure they had packed everything.

They picked up their bags and lodged out of the inn.

Pine crest was where Gabriel grew up. Although he grew up in an orphanage, he was adopted later on. His adoptive parents had died, so he could only go to the orphanage which was on the other side of Pine crest to see if he could find answers.

There was no carriage going or coming even after waiting for a long time. They decided to walk.

As Gabriel and Hannah make their way to their destination, they encounter various challenges along the way. The dense forest proves to be a maze of towering trees and hidden dangers. They navigate through thick undergrowth, their path illuminated only by flickering rays of sunlight that penetrate the dense canopy above.

On their second day of travel, they come across a rickety bridge spanning a roaring river. The bridge creaks under their weight, causing their hearts to race. With each cautious step, they can hear the rushing waters below.

Finally, they arrive at the neighboring town, a bustling hub of activity and knowledge. They inquire about the orphanage in the town and they were told that it was no longer in existence. Their hopes were dashed.

"What are we going to do now Gab?" Hannah asked her husband.

He shook his head. He did not know what they were going to do either. His eyes darted around, he found a bench and went with his wife to sit there for a while.

Before they realized, it was already sunset. There was no inn close by, they didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, an old man walked to their front.

"I noticed you have been here for a long time. Is anything the matter?" The man asked.

He was a kind-faced elderly man with spectacles perched on his nose.

As if the old man noticed something, he told them to follow him before they could reply him.

Entering the old man's cottage, Gabriel and Hannah find themselves surrounded by dusty tomes and artifacts from distant lands.

He told them to make themselves comfortable.

"I can tell you are no ordinary man" the old man said. This surprised Gabriel and Hannah.

"You are in search of your background but haven't been able to find it" he continued

Gabriel and Hannah were so shocked. Gabriel regained his composure and asked, "Who are you sir? And how do you know all these?"

The man smiled gently and said, "I am just like you. I can tell anything oboist you just by looking at you. "

They eyed him suspiciously as if they did not believe him.

"Gabriel and Hannah, such wonderful names. You should rest here tonight. We will sort the rest out tomorrow " he told them.

Now they believed him. They thanked him

He went into his room to rest.

Gabriel had Hannah also made themselves comfortable.

The next morning, Hannah and Gabriel woke up early. After they freshened up, Hannah went to prepare the food.

As she finished preparing the food, the old man came out of his room.

"Good morning sir" Gabriel and Hannah greeted in unison.

The old man nodded in reply

"No need for the formalities, you can just call me Samuel " he said.

Hannah dished oh the food and they proceeded to eat. After eating, Hannah took the plates

back and washed them.

Gabriel told Samuel everything.

He explains his quest for self-discovery.

Samuel nodded as he listens intently, his eyes filled with wisdom. He retrieves an old, weathered book from a hidden shelf. With trembling hands, he opens it to a page filled with faded script.

As Samuel reads aloud, Gabriel and Hannah discover a shocking revelation. Gabriel's true identity is tied to a long-lost lineage of powerful witches, known for their extraordinary abilities. The book speaks of a hidden power within Gabriel, one that has been dormant and transferred to his daughter. Though, he still had powers but most of it had been transferred to his daughter.

The power within his daughter his dormant for now but he could freely use his own. The only thing was that he had no idea on how to use it.