
Unlasting World

From another world, to a Devil. As a student, all he does is go to school, study, and play video games. A normal life as everyone else. But, fate decides to shake their head and flicked the switch. Standing up to a ghoul and death, he resurrected in another realm. A different world... Different timeline, different air, different people, and... different body and gender?? Follow our main character disguises under the name 'Rize Violet' as he/she(?) survives from any life threatening dangers to find a way back home. But, the journey may take a toll on one's unlasting pride and conscience... It may even require challenging the gods. ------- Heya! Just wanna say that I'm reposting this story. I made sure to make every chapter unique with this one, so be sure to re-read them if you already have. But, if you're now, I hope you enjoy what you're about to read :D - FinnAlfi a.k.a. SirAxey

FinnAlfi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

Chapter XXXIII - Team (part 1)

The team had a long chat, telling each other stories about what happened during the time they were separated.

Of course, I'm just there to listen to it all. I'm not really used to the members just yet, so I was mostly silent in the conversation.

"I still don't like it! In one single day that I left, you guys actually did something crazy! While I was gone!!"


Cony complained to us right after Hod had cleaned up the table. All the dirty dishes has been brought to the back, and being one of the workers of the restaurant, Hod had to do his job to clean the table up in front of his friends.

Of course, this didn't stop him from using his cold tongue.


"Well, do you think all of it was up to us?"

He argued with Cony, but the young girl doesn't seem to be accepting it any easier.

"I mean, come on. Dungeon clearing? Just the three of you? Couldn't we have done that when the whole team was complete? How did you even beat up the boss, anyway?"




Hod turned his awkward glare to me, and Cony followed the glare. To answer that last question, I simply smiled back at them.


"It was easy."




"Like hell, it is..."


Cony was shocked, while Hod puts his hand on his face. Valey laughed, and Barret is still too full to process everything. Of course, it wasn't long until the three of us realized that we nearly died.


"Well, I'm sure you guys are tired, so get some rest. We can still do missions tomorrow."


Hod put the cloth he used to mop the table on his shoulder, and Barett stood up before Hod went to the back to put the cloth away.


"Right... What day is it, Hod?"


"It's the first of the week."


Yeah, it's monday. Today should be quite busy everywhere, so it's best to just not have a mission now and have one tomorrow, where it's less crowded.


Everyone else also stood up. The four of us parted from Hod and his mother after paying. Cony and Barret didn't have to pay because it was Hod's treat. They just came back from the gruelling Blue rankup test, so the treat was meant to cheer them up as well as a celebration.

For me and Valey, however... well, we had no choice.


"Fuahhhh~... I'm soo~ tired. What should we do tonight?"


Cony said after we walked out of the restaurant. Her face really tells that she is quite sleepy, probably because the test was really tiresome


"I'm not sure. I think for now, I just wanted to chill."


Valey stretched her body, and I realized it's still quite morning. I started to wonder what I can do as well since this is a day off, but Cony already suggested an idea.


"Hey! Why don't we have a little girls night!?"


... Oh god.


Barett shook his head and left, mumbling that he just wanted to sleep. Wait dude, don't leave me...

After suggesting that idea, Cony began talking with Valey about what they want to do for tonight. Something about shopping, meals, and... yeah. Girls stuff.

I was only listening on the side, and I knew I had no choice but to attend it. I got nothing to do anyway, and I'm wondering if I should lie to my teammates on our first day as a team.


"What do you think, Rize?"


Valey asked me just when I thought I'm going to be left out, and I just awkwardly laugh.


"Those aren't really my kind of thing..."


"It's fine! All you have to do is enjoy it all!"


Cony grabbed my left arm and hugged her body completely to it. I can feel her soft spots on my arm, and I shivers a little bit from being on the receiving end.

"Rize? You okay?"

"I-I'm fine! I'll be there..."

I said quickly so she can get off my hand, and Valey who realized it only chuckles. Cony was too confused, but she just didn't mind it since I already gave my answer.


All right... Keep calm.


Maybe... there is something to gain out of it, after all?


We promised to meet back here after the third bell, which is sundown or around six in the afternoon. Then, the three of us went to our own places. 

Cony and Valey went back to their homes. I'm sure Cony needed some rest, so I can understand if she went straight home. As for me...


I guess I wanted to look around the area a little bit more. Even after a month, I still haven't gone anywhere yet in the kingdom, so a bit of a morning stroll wouldn't hurt.


I never knew that Hod's restaurant was a thing until he introduced me. I kind of felt weird, because no matter how big the size of this kingdom is, it's still nothing compared to my city back in my place. But, I still haven't exactly roamed around everywhere yet.


Perhaps, now is a good time. I don't want to tire myself out, and I'm good with doing missions. Yesterday was already super hectic, so taking a day off today is necessary.

Plus... taking a walk like this will absolutely help me forget that I nearly died yesterday. Please, just get rid of those memories off my head.


And so, I started the journey travelling the kingdom. I started by visiting the economically capable housing district in the north east. The nobles had their own housing complex where every noble from a certain rank and above could live with their family at their owned mansions. The outer part of the housing complex doesn't really have any guards, so I just walked in casually.


The houses aren't that large. It's only a single floor house with a small park right in front of them where grasses and trees grew. Some of the houses are bigger than the others, but they aren't that far in difference.

Still, these are noble houses, specifically the lower class nobles like Baron and above. For the rank Duke and such, their gigantic mansions are in other places.


The more I walked into the district, the more I realized some of the houses are getting larger and larger. That's when I finally arrived at the higher nobles complex.



Yep. This is the place. The giant manors.


My jaw dropped seeing the gigantic mansions, and it wasn't just because they are big. The decorations and style of each building varies, which makes every house special. Each manor had extremely wide land area, so I could only see the mansions from around a hundred of meters away behind the tall fences.


The first house is a three story mansion with a wide green park right in front of it, and even a path for carriages to come in and drop the passengers. Most of the other houses are similar to this in terms of design, especially with the carriage pathing and such.


Once in a while, I would see a horse carrying a fancy carriage. I knew that these people would bring me trouble if I somehow pissed them off, so I tried walking at the edge of the wall as far away from them as possible.


There are multiple paths in the complex that lead to much bigger houses, but they are guarded by knights, so I picked a path that isn't guarded. Walking on that path somehow led me to the eastern area. There is no main road that leads to this area, only smaller ones where only two carriages fit.


I arrived at the middle road that splits the northeast area and eastern area. I have never really been here before, so it piqued my curiosity.


Turns out there wasn't really much. It's not as lively as the main roads, but it's not that deserted either. I'm guessing this road is for the lower class people, since the stuff here isn't as glamorous as the main road.


This area is where the normal people's houses are. Shop owners, businessmen, basically a commoner's housing complex.


If one day I want to buy a house, I can buy one here.


Hmm... perhaps I should try looking from a higher perspective? 

Enchanting my leg with magic, I waited until there's less people on the street before I jumped to the nearest roof.


I began to like parkouring from roof to roof. Having the quick air flowing to your face makes me wonder how flying feels, and I can already tell that I will for sure like flying.

And flying... isn't impossible by any means. From what I've heard, half of the mages from the magic kingdom can fly, so I'm looking forward to the day when I will learn how to fly. 


From above the rooftops, I studied at the higher noble's housing complex from up here. Their luxurious and grand manors can be seen from here, and I wonder how the people on the eastern houses felt every time they looked up to those houses.


Feeling the air, I quickly think that I should be doing something better right now. But then again, I could've rested.


No. I can't rest. Not now.


I have to get stronger. Far stronger.

Ah... I can't even have a peaceful walk to clear my head. My battle instincts has already tingled, and it hasn't even been an hour since I started walking. Am I just screwed...?


I decided to go back to my inn and changed into adventurer attire. Then, I left the inn.

I have decided that for today, I want a mission where I could train my fire magic. Preferably killing something that is killable using the fire magic, so I can keep using it.


Having a destruction magic will always be a great advantage. It is purely situational, because against someone like Galar, I will just die while casting the magic since he is too fast. But if the situation is perfect, such as against large scale enemies, the ability to cast explosions is definitely nice to have.


Arriving at the Office, I picked a Green ranked mission where I had to go to a dungeon and gather some materials that were dropped by the monsters in the dungeon.

The mission wasn't all that interesting, but it was the highest that I could go for if I'm alone. With my Purple rank, I can only pick up to Green rank.


"Are you sure you want to pick such a heavy job? You just came back from a hell of a mission."


Klane looked at me with a worried look. And at this point, she doesn't really bother to worry anymore. She has finally recognized me, and I'm so glad that she understands.


"It's fine. I have to become stronger, after all. And I also have to save up some money."


I said with a grin, and Klane immediately turned curious.


"Heehhh... Can I ask what is your goal?"


"I'm going to buy a house!"

I said to Klane, and she only laughs loudly as if what I said was so stupid.

"Not even saving up for the magic academy? What are you, thirty?"

I have decided... to just ignore her.

I turned around awkwardly and started leaving the building, all while Klane was too busy laughing behind me. Why was it so funny, anyway!? I just want a personal space!


The location of the mission is certainly far, but I'm quite used to travelling around the kingdom's territory by now. And the key to travelling is for sure the carriages that take me there.


I went to the carriage station where I will be buying a ticket to a nearby town from the dungeon. The line to the ordering desk doesn't seem to be quite long, so it was rather quick.


"Ticket to Algar, please."


The cashier looked at me for a second before writing a note.


"For how much?"


"Just one--"


"Make it two."


A voice was heard from behind me, I recognized the light blue hair immediately. The guy only folded his hands while staring at me with a grin, and I just chuckled awkwardly.

I turned back to the cashier, and the guy seemed to be quite bored waiting for me.


"Then, two tickets, please."


The drive to the location doesn't really take long. The distance between the kingdom and the town, is only around twenty minutes by carriage. I could walk there if I want some sort of training, but my legs are already screaming just by thinking about it. I could still become stronger through other sane, more humane, ways. Walking for an hour will only pose as a torture for me.


And during the twenty minutes of the trip, Hod lectured me a little about going on a mission. He asked this and that about the mission details, but he came to a conclusion quite early.

"So, simply loot the drops from the monsters? Damn, Green ranked missions are so simple."


Hod said while putting his hand on his chin. It doesn't really look like he is interested in the mission, so I knew right away that he had other intentions.


"Hod, why are you here?"


I asked softly, not trying to annoy him or anything. He looked at me and let out a sigh before answering.


"Let's just say... I couldn't sit still at my place."


I had a feeling that would be the case. After all, I am the same way.


"Yesterday, while you were trying your best to defeat that... God, all that I could do was simply watch from the sides..."


His gaze went to the road we just passed, but his mind had already thought this through. And everything he spats out is exactly how I imagined he would react.

The uselessness, the incapability. The ten minutes Hod spent watching me fight the God of Orcs without being able to do anything hurts his heroic sense.

And he, for sure, wants to do something about it.


"I can't stand it. The powerless feeling. I wanted to help you. I really do, but I just can't because-"


"Because you will just be annoying me?"


I cut his words. And being the truth be told, his gaze went even lower. 




I put my seriousness in my voice. He turned his eyes to look at me.


"Just because you think you're a drag doesn't mean that I don't need your help. 

Let's look at the facts. If you hadn't been there to block the stone spikes, I would've been heavily acupunctured by oversized stone needles. I wouldn't be able to confuse that pig if it wasn't for your ice magic, and I wouldn't be able to graze his back if he wasn't so occupied on breaking your ice."


I explained to him the words that he needed to hear the most, and he only nodded silently. I can tell that he is feeling better, so just a little bit more push will help him.


"And don't forget who taught me fire magic just hours prior to the battle. Who would have guessed that the fireball you taught me would come in clutch."

I pointed that out while leaning my back on the carriage walls, and Hod chuckled remembering that.


"Heh, you're right. But, still. Becoming a lot stronger could've helped that situation better, right?"

"I agree. That's why we're here now, isn't it?"


I said in agreement, and Hod scratched his head from the restlessness. His guilt has been wiped out, but that doesn't mean he still wants to stay where he is. 

The two of us had decided to become much stronger than before. It's just that simple.