
Unlasting World

From another world, to a Devil. As a student, all he does is go to school, study, and play video games. A normal life as everyone else. But, fate decides to shake their head and flicked the switch. Standing up to a ghoul and death, he resurrected in another realm. A different world... Different timeline, different air, different people, and... different body and gender?? Follow our main character disguises under the name 'Rize Violet' as he/she(?) survives from any life threatening dangers to find a way back home. But, the journey may take a toll on one's unlasting pride and conscience... It may even require challenging the gods. ------- Heya! Just wanna say that I'm reposting this story. I made sure to make every chapter unique with this one, so be sure to re-read them if you already have. But, if you're now, I hope you enjoy what you're about to read :D - FinnAlfi a.k.a. SirAxey

FinnAlfi · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter XXXI - Purple (part 2)

Afterwards, the three of us went to the diner and ordered a meal since we haven't eaten anything for the whole day. We were so glad to finally be able to eat and enjoy the moment, but... we got company.

Fran and her teammates joined us and ate together. The six of us introduced one another and talked until it's quite late, when one more of her teammates came to join the group.

It was someone I'm quite familiar with. The stalker, as well as the so-called best hunter. It's Rath.

"Hello, everyone!"

Rath came running from the entrance while we were eating, and we all turned our gazes to him. I quickly wore my sour face because I recognized him.

"Rath? Where have you been?"

Fran answered Rath's greeting, and he sat down at the empty seat right next to the female magician, Emily.

"Well, the Office Master had some work for me at the orc site. I was told to keep on looking for more orcs. Turns out there are a few of them loose in the wild."


For a short moment, Fran gave a quick glare at my team. She was probably thinking that Hod would speak up, and she was right.

"How many were left?"

Hod asked from his side of the table, and Rath turned his face towards Hod and answered.

"Three. It took us ten Green ranked adventurers and me to take care of them. I have no idea how you and your team managed to massacre over three hundred red orcs..."

Rath looked at me and Valey who was sitting right next to Hod. Hod followed his gaze and understood that Rath is suspecting something from us.

"Well, it's not an easy feat. Plus, if you look at my ripped clothes, you would understand."

Hod said while pointing at his currently worn clean clothes. The torn ones have already been put inside his space ring when he changed before eating at the diner. Seeing this, Rath quickly understands.

"Oo~, I get it. But still, three hundred, man? That's insane. Not even Fran can take on that much by herself, right Fran?"

Rath jokingly turned to Fran, waiting for a denial, but all Fran did was lift her shoulders.

"You're right. I couldn't take on that much. You guys should be promoted."

Fran answered humbly, which surprised Rath. He thought she would say something else entirely, and I already had an idea of what she should've said if she wasn't at this table.

"Well, one of us did."

Valey said and glared at me, and now all of the attention has turned to me. I simply took a sip from my sugarless tea while Rath opened his annoying mouth.

"Right... you were there, Rize. No wonder all those orcs died, eh?"

Everyone quickly turns their eyes to Rath, wondering what exactly he knows. And seeing that all the table's attention awkwardly moved to him all of a sudden, Rath only started questioning.


"Is there something you're not telling us?"

Fran quickly asks from being so confused, but Rath is even more confused. He tried understanding what Fran is even asking, but the sound of me clearing my throat was heard.

"It was a team effort. If it's just me, then Hod wouldn't look so messy."

I pointed out, and Rath turned his gaze back to Hod. The mentioned can only let out a sigh while nodding in agreement and surrendering, which made Rath realize something else.

"Hmm? You guys got along so well. Could it be that you're joining their team?"

"I have decided that running dangerous missions by myself is quite boring. So, maybe I can try high ranking missions for better pay."

I said quite jokingly, and everyone on the table giggled. It surprised me that they all found it so funny, but I did not mind it one bit.

"What are you doing in a Yellow ranked mission, though? You are just a Gray ranked."

"Curious now, aren't we?"


Rath became so confused by that vague answer, and I gave a very quick gaze to the entire table. It seems like Fran's entire team is also questioning that as well.

"It was just for training."

Hod opened his mouth, and it seems like he wants to defend me, his new teammate.

"I owe her for the previous mission, so I promised her that I would teach her how to use magic."

"And you... take them to a Yellow ranked mission??"

This time, Fran butts in with a question out of doubt, and Hod turned his annoyed glare to me and Valey next to him.

"They both were the ones who chose it."

Hod pointed at me and Valey, who is at his right, and the others simply laughed. Valey only rubs the back of her head awkwardly, while I simply chugs down my tea.

"Well, what can I say? Girls are very daring, aren't we?"

Fran looked at the girls with pride. Valey and Emily, the magician from Fran's team, nod heavily. I ignored it and focused on eating my meal.

"Oh. And we also were able to map out the dungeon."

The hunter, Rath, continued his explanation of the investigation. I began to worry that he might spill too much regarding the truth, but I will listen first to what he finds out.

"The dungeon is cleared, but the boss's body was nowhere to be found?"

Rath looked at Hod, who was confused as heck.

"Uhh... About that--"

"We burned it to ashes."

All eyes turned to me again. I put down my glass after drinking it and continue talking.

"The boss is actually a type of high orc, but with an extreme intelligence. It has the ability to use poison. Not just as an element, but also from its blood. It utilized it so well, which was quite dangerous for us."

I explained to them a made up story that I managed to cook up just now, and everyone turned their eyes to me widely. Fran's team, especially, did not hear anything about the boss up until now. And they have been with us almost the entire time ever since we came out of the dungeon.

For sure, they felt suspicious. For me to suddenly drop the details here instead of earlier was surely not normal, even though they've been asking about it ever since we were at the carriage.

"The boss has poison in his blood??"

Fran asked me, I simply nodded. Hod and Valey knew this was not true, but they had a promise with me that they wouldn't leak about the boss, so they just nodded in agreement. 

It may have been something I lied about, but there have been plenty of cases where a monster was able to utilize poison, specifically acid. Most bugs are capable of shooting or even exploding into an acid bomb, so meeting monsters who were able to utilize acids is not something impossible.

For an orc, though, that's unheard of. However, Fran had no choice but to trust my words.

"I see. I understand that some dungeon bosses always have a very bizarre specialty. Last time we fought a dungeon boss, it was a Blue ranked, but it was absurdly fast. It has the ability to shoot flames on its legs, making it move ten times faster. It took us hours trying to beat it."

"Wew... You guys sure had it easy."

Valey suddenly said, but she quickly realized that she was bragging just now. She covered her mouth from realizing, but Fran only laughs hearing it.

"Yeah, haha! I guess I can no longer compare to you guys now!"

The Swordsaint drank her tea that was no longer warm, then she looked at the others. Everyone from my side seemed to be quite tired. Hod's eyes are open, but deep down he is quite tired. Valey is yawning from her side. As for me, I just can't wait for tomorrow.

She realized that it's about time to call the night. However, she does have something else to say.

"The dungeon today was... quite dangerous. I'm glad that the three of you managed to deal with it all by yourself. Had others found it instead of you three... Perhaps there could be deaths happening.

You three avoided that. I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart."

Fran's heartfelt words reached our hearts, and both Hod and Valey traded smiles at each other. Meanwhile, I only stayed silent.

"I'm just wondering if your team will do more high ranking missions after this. Surely, right? Now that you have a new member added to your team."

Fran asked while turning her gaze to me, and once again, I stayed silent.

"Probably, yes. But, don't expect us to clear missions like these all the time. This one is more of a coincidence, after all."

Hod answered, and Fran nodded.

"Okay. Then, let's call it. I can see you guys are quite tired from all the fights."

"Yep, you're right. We have to come here early tomorrow too, to greet the freshly ranked Blues."

Hod is talking about his other two friends, who are currently undergoing a Blue rank up test. It seems like I will have to join in as well.

"Oh, yeah! Barett and Cony, right?"

"Yes. The two should be in hell right now."

"Haha, I know right?"

I guess Hod and Fran were already there at the Blue rank up test. They might know what the others are facing.

Aside from Barett and Cony, who are supposedly my soon to be teammates, there are also Jrake and Cane. I wonder if those two will go up.

"Okay, I will be leaving first. My eyes may be open, but I am tired to the bones right now."

"Me too!"


Hod stood up, followed by Valey and me. Fran and her teammates stayed on the table, and it appears Rath is the only one who hasn't eaten anything yet. He moved and sat down at Hod's chair instead to keep the positions balanced.

And whilst leaving, I made sure to sharpen my hearings to the limit. The ambiance sound of people talking is quite annoying to hear, but I needed to make sure that I am catching their conversation well--

"You don't have to do that, Rize."

All of a sudden, the familiar voice was heard through my super hearing. I was already by the exit to the Office, and I quickly stopped my walk.

Meanwhile at the table, Fran is only sipping on her tea loudly.

"I already know everything. Klane told me."

Fran said quite jokingly, and I gritted my teeth from being so annoyed.

"So, I was played with for an entire day, huh?"

I mumbled, but Fran was able to capture that very well. Hod and Valey realized that I am not walking anymore, and they realized I am conversing with someone.

"Not really. I was just following your flow. I didn't want to annoy you, so I didn't say anything."

Fran said, and I do realize that she was indeed doing it to respect my wishes. I let out a sigh from realizing my mistake, but she isn't done.

"However, I want to tell you something. This kingdom... it's always going to be in danger. Concerning situations like today are a rare occurrence, but it's not as scarce as you might think. And when it happens, people will always die. You had no idea just how special today's occasion was, Rize.

The people need you. Us high ranking adventurers can't deal with those things by ourselves."

Fran explained to me what she wants me to know, and I only chuckled hearing that. I knew that she was right, especially after seeing what Galar can do compared to Hod.

I am, right now, stronger than a White ranked adventurer. I can confidently say that.

However, the world does not need to know that just yet.

"I'm sorry. But right now, I already have too much on my plate."

I gave her my answer, and Fran let out a sigh.

"I see--"

"But, if something like today were to happen again, then for sure I'll be there."

I said while turning to the table, and I found Fran chuckling at the table.

"Obviously, I'm not going to let people die. But, I will not do anything outside of my comfort.

I'll be in the shadows. It's that simple."

Hearing the extension of my answer, Fran lets out a sigh. She fixed her sitting position, and it seems like our conversation is done.

I turned my eyes back to Hod and Valey who were waiting by the exit, and I began walking to them.

"What did she say?"

Hod asked as he opened the door, and Valey is curious as well. I only laugh a little before following them outside.

"She already knows everything, apparently."
