
Unlasting World

From another world, to a Devil. As a student, all he does is go to school, study, and play video games. A normal life as everyone else. But, fate decides to shake their head and flicked the switch. Standing up to a ghoul and death, he resurrected in another realm. A different world... Different timeline, different air, different people, and... different body and gender?? Follow our main character disguises under the name 'Rize Violet' as he/she(?) survives from any life threatening dangers to find a way back home. But, the journey may take a toll on one's unlasting pride and conscience... It may even require challenging the gods. ------- Heya! Just wanna say that I'm reposting this story. I made sure to make every chapter unique with this one, so be sure to re-read them if you already have. But, if you're now, I hope you enjoy what you're about to read :D - FinnAlfi a.k.a. SirAxey

FinnAlfi · Fantasy
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135 Chs

Chapter XXX - Swordsaint (part 3)

"Don't tell me. Those girls?"

"Yeah. Especially Rize. The red haired one. I mean, you know Valey wouldn't be able to do anything."

"Yeah. I doubt that she even helped out."

I nearly wanted to scream and ran out there to kick Hod in the face, but I got to play sleepy-sleep. Or else, Valey will know I'm not asleep.

"... Is she strong?"

The lady asked, and I'm curious as to how Hod will describe me.

"She might be as strong as you in terms of sword arts."

"Hehh...? I'll be looking forward to it."

As strong as her...? In terms of swords...

Ah. I see. Now I understand why Hod tells her everything.

"Okay, that's about all of the questions. Clearing a single lower Yellow ranked dungeon with just the three of you... You guys are insane. How come the Office doesn't recognize her abilities?"

"Yeah, well the receptionist ladies already knew about her. They might be the one hiding her, and I'm not sure if the Office master is involved."

"I see. That's why they haven't done anything."

"There is another thing though."

"What is it?"

"Her rank. It's Gray."


Not really. After this mission, I'll be forced to be promoted to the Purple rank. Thanks Keila.

"That's... Weird. Did she not take the tests?"

"No. She's only recently become an adventurer, and she said it was a drag rising up the ranks."

It was indeed a drag, and I always wonder why I'm the only one who thinks so. However, it seems like there's someone else who thinks that way.

"Haha! Sounds like a certain someone."

"Well, I agree! Being a Yellow means you have to do White ranked missions!"

"... Pussy."

"Why are you crazy over the fact that I didn't take the test together with you?"

"Because I have to take the test alone!"

Oh... That's why there wasn't any news about a Yellow ranked test. Because it was basically a personal test.

"W-Wait, alone???"

"I really want to kill you... but I realized you did lessen my work. So, consider this mercy."

"Wait, hey!"

The golden haired girl must've walked away, because the conversation ended. Hod came to us a few seconds later, and his face was quite in pain.

"How is she?"

Hod asked Valey who is next to me, and Valey turned her eyes to me.


Not really.

"What did she ask?"

Valey asked Hod, and the guy went inside the tent to sit down.

"Just some stuff regarding the dungeon... and I told her about Rize."


"It's okay. She can be trusted. She won't tell anyone."

"And apparently you can't."

"Having her on our back is more advantageous than you thought. I mean, she is the so-called Swordsaint, Valey. How could you not trust her?"

I knew it. She's the Swordsaint.

The Yellow ranked. Keila did say that she could be a Yellow very soon, and that was a month ago. I truly wonder how good she is with swords, but based on Hod's answer earlier, she must be at the same level as me. 

But, I'm just a newbie, and for her to receive a title like that means she is extremely talented and experienced. She should not be compared to my level.

I recalled the sword in her hip. From the handle, it doesn't look anything special. The length is more or less the same as mine. Luckily, I put both of my swords and their scabbard inside my ring before coming out of the dungeon, so nobody knows I'm a dual wielder.

"Besides, the more trustworthy people on our side, the better it is. 

Right, Rize?"

Hod suddenly said, and Valey turned her gaze to me right away. So, he knew I was awake...


"Eh!? You were awake??"

I opened my eyes and slowly sat up. Valey who sat right next to me only looked with a surprised expression. How did Hod knew is a mystery, but that's not what I wanted to know the most.

"I was listening to Hod's conversation outside."

I turned my face to Hod, and he looked so surprised hearing that.

"Are you sure... we can trust her?"

I asked with a serious tone, and Hod nodded seriously as well.

"Her nickname, the 'Swordsaint'. It wasn't just a simple nickname. It was a title given to the best swordsman or swordswoman, and it was a nickname given by the King of Mazino himself. Even if you used two swords, Rize... I'm not exactly sure you can beat her."

"I'm not talking about her strength. Is she trustworthy?"

"Well, if you're that worried, then yes. She's our close friend. I'm sure you'll come to like her once you get to know her better.

Her team and my team are like two peas in a pod. We had so much in common, especially in terms of the roles. And we have worked together many times in the past.

If you can trust me, you can trust her. I can guarantee that."

Hod explained widely about whether or not Fran can be trusted, and truly, this is a new situation for me. It's not everyday I'm involving myself with other people, and certainly it's not something I'm comfortable with just yet. Plus, it's not like I can fully rely and trust this guy, so I think I will have to put him on a leash.

"Never mention me to anyone. That is not a suggestion, ice mage."

I said to him coldly, and Hod only chuckles hearing that.

"Yes, ma'am. But, I truly believe that having Fran to back you up will one day help you out massively. She's an up and coming talent, and she will for sure reach the White rank in the future. I can guarantee her identity."

It looks like he truly does trust this swordsaint very much. In that case, I got nothing else to say.

"All right, then. If that's the case."

I finally gave in, and Hod nodded at me. He turned to Valey and realized she was yawning next to me.

"How about... we start heading back?"


After preparing ourselves to leave, Hod excused us to the adventurers on site so we could go back to the capital. We walked back to the village and talked with the carriage courier at the village. 

Hod told us to get into the second carriage to wait, and it seems like all the adventurers that came to the dungeon are already returning back out, empty handed. Some of them are glad, because they won't have to fight the Blue ranked red orcs. Another portion are disappointed, because they didn't get the chance to fight anything.

There are in total four carriages carrying the adventurers, and it looks like we are all going back to the kingdom at the same time.

However, we weren't the only ones inside the VIP carriage. Three other people entered the carriage after realizing we were in it, and I knew right away that this was all set up.

Fran climbed the carriage, which surprised both me and Valey. Aside from Fran, there are also her teammates: a huge guy with the large shield on his back and a young girl with a complete mage outfit wielding a long wooden staff.

And so, the trip back to the kingdom began. Hod and Fran were the only ones talking most of the time. They are chatting about stuff regarding the dungeon, and something about the Yellow ranked test that Hod didn't join a few weeks ago.

I'm simply too tired to join in on the conversation, so I just acted sleeping while putting my head on Valey's shoulder. The other two who came with Fran were also quite silent, so only the two team leaders talked inside the carriage.

"I always thought you were a lady's man, Hod. I guess I wasn't wrong?"

Fran said while she looked at the sleeping me and Valey, and I was so close to opening my eyes and gave a cold glare at her.

"You knew better about my team. The two are attending the Blue rank test. Valey is already a Blue, while Rize is only here so that I can teach her magic. I do owe her for something."

"Hmm? It's unusual for you to owe a lady."

"You say that like I'm some sort of predator..."

"You are. Don't act like you're not."

Hod began making noises about how annoyed he is, and Fran turned her gaze back to Valey who is shouldering me at her right side.

"So, how is the boss, Valey? Is it strong?"

Fran decided to turn the question to Valey, and I knew right away that everything about this situation is just horrible.

Valey was a little unprepared for that question because Fran was talking with Hod the entire time. She already promised that she wouldn't tell anyone about that boss, but she was quite surprised by the sudden turn to her.

Hod said the two teams were quite close with each other... Fran definitely knows about Valey's personality. She purposely struck Valey with that sudden question, capturing Valey off guard.

"Ehh... Well... It was difficult. I mean..."

"Are you okay? If you are still shock from the battle, I would-"

"She is still shocked from the battle."

Hod interrupted while placing his hand on Valey's shoulder. He knew Valey better than anyone, and he understands that Valey is still traumatized from the battle. Most importantly, she could actually spill the beans from being too frightened.

"Ahh... I see. I'm sorry for asking."

Fran turned back at Hod, and realized the guy was shaking his head at her. Seeing this, Fran understood.

"In that case, I'll switch my question. I really want to know how the three of you managed to slay over three hundred red orcs. A single red orc is at least Blue ranked, you know?"

Hod lifted his hand and scratched the back of his head, and I can tell he is trying his best to answer it.

"Yeah... It wasn't really that difficult..."

"Oh, for you maybe. But, don't you think a hundred red orcs is too much even for you? Why would you jump to the battle?"

"Ahh, you overestimated me. Besides, I did get wounded."

Hod shows his clothes that he wore. There were holes and blood all over. He managed everything on his own inside the dungeon. Fran understood this and let out a sigh from seeing Hod's wounds.

"You are being too reckless. You should've called for backup."

"Any more time wasted, and the red orcs would have savaged the village. Even I'm shocked as to how they haven't made their moves."

"That is true... Glad you didn't lose your senses."

Fran moved her body and leaned her back on the carriage. She had her sword on her legs, laid back to the seat. Hod was looking at the sword before he turned towards the road.

Fran's party was quite silent. They must be tired from something. Or... they are listening to the conversation very well.

Without a doubt, this whole carriage trip is an interrogation. What happened inside the dungeon was kept a secret from them, and they must've been able to smell out that secret. Hod realized this, and I'm glad he was able to do his best keeping it all a secret.

So far, he is keeping his words. However, what he said about the Swordsaint and her team might not be true...

Even so, I'm just wondering what would happen to me if these guys knew. Of course, I'm not gonna try and find out.

Valey stroke my hair from behind quite softly, and I can feel her smooth hands flowing through my hair and touched the back of my neck. I was quite surprised by that and I ended up opening my eyes, which made everyone realize I woke up.

"V-Valey... why are you caressing my head like I'm a child?"

Reacting to such, the best female archer only laughs a little. Well, she's cute, so I'll let it slide.

The rest of the road is calm and peaceful. The talk was averted to become something else entirely, so I don't feel attacked anymore. 

It took us around an hour to get back to the kingdom, and by the time we arrived, the sun was already long gone.