
Unlasting World

From another world, to a Devil. As a student, all he does is go to school, study, and play video games. A normal life as everyone else. But, fate decides to shake their head and flicked the switch. Standing up to a ghoul and death, he resurrected in another realm. A different world... Different timeline, different air, different people, and... different body and gender?? Follow our main character disguises under the name 'Rize Violet' as he/she(?) survives from any life threatening dangers to find a way back home. But, the journey may take a toll on one's unlasting pride and conscience... It may even require challenging the gods. ------- Heya! Just wanna say that I'm reposting this story. I made sure to make every chapter unique with this one, so be sure to re-read them if you already have. But, if you're now, I hope you enjoy what you're about to read :D - FinnAlfi a.k.a. SirAxey

FinnAlfi · Fantasy
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126 Chs

[Season 1 End] First Season Epilogue

Hod wasn't really being clear what time in the morning actually is. So after getting up and preparing my adventure stuff, I went straight to the library.

I brought along the book that I borrowed the other day. I forgot the due date, but I don't think I have passed that.

"Oh, you came back exactly a day before the date. How diligent."

The old lady welcomed me when I entered the library. Her grumpy personality did not change at all. She is pouring tea into her cup. I guess she is in her greatest mood.

"Would you believe me if I say I forgot the date?"


I put down the book on top of her table. She took it and threw it in the air. But instead of falling down, the book simply flew away to the spot it was taken from. 

The power of wind magic, I see. That's very neat for sorting things, indeed.

"That's convenient."

"You know, normally I would be glad when someone actually came. But recently, it's like hoping for a diamond in a coal mine."

She seems to be quite chatty today. She is in a good mood.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just that adventurers like you tend to be more... Barbaric."

Does she have a thing for adventurers? I mean I am aware, but why?

"I'm sorry. Barbaric?"

"You returned a book just a day before due. If you ask me, you are one of the diligent ones. Trust me when I say that."

"So, the adventurers before me, came to the library. Grabbed a few books and... What? Never returned them?"

"What do you think?"

She took a sip from the tea under her desk, and I'm getting used to this attitude of hers.

"Adventurers like you also tend to damage the books. Seriously, why is the kingdom even funding you lot?"

She is being too straightforward. But I'm glad she does that. Because now I can finally say something.

"Hmm. Listen, old lady."

I slowly approached her desk and put my hand on her table. I looked her in the eye while trying to scare her, but she didn't waver at all.

"I came to the library to find out about anything that I want to know. Because knowing every bit of knowledge as an adventurer is incredibly essential, as it can keep you alive. 

You, who was not an adventurer, wouldn't understand the danger and risks we took just so we can gain cash for a living. So please, before you complain about the books that never returned..."

I turned to the hall, towards the bookshelves.

"Why not ask first whether the adventurer that borrows the book came back alive?"

The old lady turned her face towards her tea and ignored me. I continued my walk to the bookshelf, knowing that I had said some pretty deep and cool words.

But, it's true. After seeing what happened yesterday, it's actually so concerning that I even managed to come back alive.

That old lady... should've been more concerned about whether or not I'm healthy enough to return the book. I could've died yesterday, you know?

Damn... this will continue to haunt me forever, huh?

Forget it. Let's begin the search.

Of the three floors of the library, the one that will most likely have the book that I am looking for is on the second floor.

I started to see the pattern to how the books are sorted the last time I came here. The books are sorted by magic that seems to have its own intelligence, which should make it having 100% sorting accuracy. All I needed to do was figure out the sorting pattern, and I did.

Though I couldn't really explain the pattern, in my brain, I can somehow understand it. And if my guess is correct, the book I am looking for should be on the second floor.

I took a stroll at the bookshelves, searching for the one topic that I have been hungry to know ever since coming to this world, and I spotted it.

The book about gods.

I took the book and sat down at the table. But the more I read it, the more I became...


"What the hell? Just this much?"

I closed the book and decided to keep it for borrowing. I left the library and headed to the Office where I will meet my new friends.

My days of being an adventurer with my new team have just begun.

And I'm all excited for it.


End of First Season.

That's a wrap for the first season!

This first season is, without question, only the beginning. It is a prologue to the story later onwards, and there is just so much more to unpack in the upcoming seasons. More drama, action, and bloodfest!

Although season 2 will have less action and more focused on drama, it will still be just as enjoyable. So, don't stop now. There are still more of this Unlasting World to explore.

As always, expect these 'Author Thoughts' at the end of every chapter. I'll always be there with you along the journey~

Thanks for reading!

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