
Unlace the Devil

Shivani's parents disappeared when she was just 9 years old, leaving her with her old grandmother. Life that seemed so normal, so humanly would take such a drastic turn to unveil the 'past secrets' and 'buried mysteries', no one had imagined. When Shivani end up in a, never heard before town with a strange and no way to escape, she starts doubting her previous reality. Ratri is the town not far away from city but still away from any living eye, hidden from eyes of the visible world. It has never been located in any political map ever. There are deepest, unimaginable secrets it's kept hidden from the whole world. But now that Shivani and Ray knows about it, it's almost impossible for them to get out alive. It's a real life scary house. Secrets are silent, impossible is just a hidden reality, life is no more than than a puppet show whose strings lies in the hands of one woman, Martha. What we imagined to be a dream was just the beginning of a journey into the den of bloodless humans. Humans or someone else. Will they escape the darkness of Ratri or the light of their home will be consumed into the singularity as well...?

nova_cheron2 · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Happy life

"I'm so glad we made this trip. Everyone is having so much fun." Trishna came up to Zoya and Mikesh when Shivani was counting all the students in line before exiting the theme park.

Students were still adamant on staying a while longer but there was more to see and they had to get back the same day, making the journey at night that's why Dandi was making up for his going to be lost sleep in the bus.

"I'm going to ride the roller coaster for don't know how long in my dreams." Mikesh said remembering the scary ride.

"Yeah I'm actually really scared of roller coasters I don't know why we decided to do that," Shivani said as she finished counting the students.

"You guys it was fun," Zoya said jumping up and down with excitement and stepped on Trishna's feet making her wince with pain.

"Calm down Zoya just go back, have another round of the ride if you enjoyed it that much." Trishna said rubbing her toes for warmth and ease.

"Oh no not now, we have a budget." Zoya said recalling their struggle to convince everyone for this high budget trip.

"I actually saw a really cute guy on that snacks shop and he smiled at me. Should I go talk to him?" Trishna asked whispering.

"Yes of course. I'm sure you would make a great mother to his child." Shivani said as she came up to them after counting the students.

"Thank you Shivani, you really think so?" Trishna exclaimed.

"He is really cute though. His son totally looks like him." Shivani said.

"What?" Trishna snapped surprised.

"Yes madam I saw a kid running into his arm calling daddy daddy." Shivani immitated kids voice and the others laughed while Trishna frowned.

"Okay let's go now, looking at all these people gushing over the ride to hell is making me dizzy." Mikesh acted out the words followed by rushing off towards the exit at first.

"Alrighty let's go now, there's a lot to see. Come on kids stay together and don't leave each other's hand." Shivani said as Trishna leaded the line of students, Mikesh was in middle somewhere and so was Zoya, Shivani followed the rear end of the line making sure everyone stays that way.

Funny, how people believe life isn't perfect. This was the perfect day of the perfect life that Shivani can never be more thankful for.

People she loved were with her, surrounded by giggling kids with dreamy eyes and her friends of all time, this was ideal life.

After getting onto the bus everyone started chattering about the theme park they just passed and teachers were indulged in the map of the city to find more places to pass by before heading back.

Everyone was having great time sightseeing and occasionally starting a random quiz between students and teachers.

"Shivani mam would you really leave us after getting bigger job in the big city?" Sudden unexpected question from one of the students Asif surprised Shivani and all other students started a chatter of disagreement.

"No, mam will never leave us for anything and anyone," another student Preeta said.

"No honey you don't have to worry about me leaving anytime soon. I have a lot of home work for you kids." Shivani said smiling and felt a sense of relief at how much everyone loved her, the students, the teachers.

Shivani's parents left her with her old grandmother when she was only 9 years old and never came back, no one know where they went or where they are now.

Even though she always felt the lack of her parents somewhere back in her mind, she's always been grateful for her grandmother and the beautiful family she's got in the village who are all connected to her by heart.

Soon after having a great time watching the city and stopping at several places to look closely and by the snack shops to enjoy the famous Pune food, they were on their way home.

Everyone had packed lunch from home and decided to eat in the bus itself as it was going to be a 5 hours night journey.

It was almost 12:00 o'clock midnight and most of the kids were asleep comfortably on their respective seats. Mikesh and Trishna were both asleep as well but Zoya and Shivani were nearest to drivers seat and were chatting casually to pass time and also to keep Dandi occupied.

"Madam you both can sleep, don't bother because of me. I've well enough practice of driving at night." Dandi assured them.

"Its okay Dandi we have to be awake in case students need something anyway." Zoya said as they continued their partly left conversation.

"Mam I need to use the washroom." A student Gia came upto them rubbing her eyes out of sleep deprivation.

"Okay child just hold on, Dandi please stop at the nearest petrol station." Shivani requested Dandi.

"Okay mam, it's within 100 meters." Dandi informed them.

Shivani announced if anyone wanted to use washroom in the bus but nobody was interested to break their sleep to pee so the three of them got down on petrol station and Dandi started sipping tea from his thermos.

At home Diya was having hard time falling asleep. After getting back midway from picnic due to worsening health conditions of her father, she was constantly experiencing mixture of emotions and thoughts, sometime visions. Faint white light with red dark spot, sometime a blur unidentifiable figure and sometime, hushed words sounding close to 'denial . back . not far . and calling'

All this was now starting to creep her out. She wanted to understand these signs and hence, in the middle of night, decides to disturb the only person who will understand her, Shivani's grandmother, known as one and only Dadi.

"Have you ever seen something like this in real life?" Dadi asked. In the middle of the night she was clearly annoyed when Diya rang the doorbell but this strange vision caught her interest fast.

"No not that I remember any but this thing is really troubling me now."

"When it started?"

"Just this morning when Shivani left for the trip."

"You always had these precognitions but this one even I can't understand."

"I'm worried Dadi."

"Me too."