
Chapter 1: Death and Transmigration.

Joseph Montano was a smart kid for his age.

At the age of 9, Joseph was diagnosed with right-sided eye cancer, the doctors told his parents that the cancer was benign and that they should not worry.

After removing his right eye, putting in an implant, and being treated with chemotherapy, his secular life began again, his classmates began to bully him for his false eye, but Joseph was not overwhelmed by it, but rather let it all out. his anger without fear of scolding.

"This b*s tard of the big bitch ..."

Joseph was not a very polite child, despite being raised as an only child with much love and tenderness by his two young first-time parents, his vocabulary was very advanced, and he was not intimidated by anyone.

In his country, the great economic crisis reached all places and all social and economic classes. His parents could no longer pay for the monthly check-ups and checkups that Joseph had to prevent any appearance of cancer again, and the doctors had said that everything was fine and that they should not worry, so his family trusted.

At the age of 11, his cancer returned, and with more force than before, his headaches tormented him every day, and the days he lived in the hospital were filled in the calendar, his parents did not know what to do, they were not a family with possibilities economic to pay for cancer treatment that your child presented.

Luckily for Joseph and his family, they found a non-governmental organization that could help them with their medical expenses and subsequent treatment, after much struggle and removing his other eye, Joseph was able to reach 12 years old still alive, but according to the doctors Their life prospects were not high expectations, they could only pray to God to help Joseph in this situation.

"Fuck it all, because God punishes me like that" Joseph could not help exclaiming with anguish and anger.

His family at that time became believers, and they took Joseph to all places of God for priests and pastors to cry out or pray for Joseph's health, but only Joseph felt that his death was approaching.

Every day Joseph felt that his health was worse, but hearing his mother's sweet voice he could not say anything other than "I feel better than yesterday" to relieve his mother.

Joseph had always had a more mature mind than those of his age, but fate did not forgive Joseph and cancer wants to kill the young man.

Joseph's father lost his job and job offers in the country are so scarce that most of the inhabitants felt compelled to travel abroad to work and return with food for their families.

After several attempts to find work in the country and a month of unemployment, he could only resort to looking outside the country.

While Joseph's father was looking for employment abroad, Joseph's daily life in darkness continued, his mother was more and more dedicated to God, and each day she invited people to pray for Joseph's health, but nothing seemed to work. Visits to the doctor made her mother feel worse when she was told that there was nothing more to do to accompany her son in the little time she had left.

Joseph sometimes began to remember the cartoons he saw, he always liked Dragon Ball, and sometimes he even tried to do kame hame ha, all those memories of his childhood filled him with warmth, every time death approaches he feels more at peace and calm as if he had already accepted his destiny.

His favorite television channels were Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, and Nickelodeon, and he strangely liked the old series of those channels, such as Dexter's laboratory, the super-powerful girls, the wizards of Waverly place, Drake and Josh among others.

Although Joseph had lost his sight from time to time he could hear his mother crying and how she prayed to God for the healing of her son, that was something that made Joseph feel sad and at the same time angry with God for why he had made him thus, because he treated his family so badly, because it brought him so much misery and suffering.

It was Friday and Joseph's father was coming back on Sunday, being a cold night, Joseph felt that he was freezing, he begged his mother for a coat, but no matter when he covered him, he could not feel the heat, his whole body was shaking, he could hear him cry his mother calling the doctor.

It was very cold and it was in the dark, as if a cold stick of frost was piercing his head and he felt his whole body temple and how his breath failed him, he tried to breathe, he struggled for a little oxygen but then he began to convulse, he felt the tears spilling down his cheek, he knew it was time but he did not want to leave, he felt fear and pain, but then the world turned white, as if he had regained his sight he felt a heat run through his body from his brain to his feet, then everything went black and there was no more.

Joseph that dark cold Friday night had lost his life, his battle with cancer was over and he could rest in peace.


The sound of the rain and the wet earth promoted the sleepy of the people, a small child with black hair and very pale skin slept on the ground, you can see some bruises on his arm and leg, as well as some scratches on his small face.

"UAH !! ..." a heartrending scream was heard.

A thin woman with a haggard face full of tears while she watches the child on the floor, the screams, cries, and pleas fill the small dark and weathered house, no one comes to await the helpless woman so only the cold of the night and the wet wind can accompany her with the small immobile child.

"Mmm" groaned the little boy who was apparently alive.

The woman's face went from terrible suffering to a face of relief and concern, she approached the child, tried to inspect him well, and she was glad of her when she could feel the breath coming out of the little one.

"私 の 息 子 , 聞 こ え ま す か?" The woman whispered close to the boy's ear.

The little boy breathed with a little difficulty when he heard the woman's voice he tried to open his eyes, when he saw his face he was confused, he could not understand what was happening.

"Who the hell is this filthy lady? "The little boy was scared to see the stranger with her face full of tears and dirt. Furthermore, the lady was not necessarily wearing a clean dress, her apparently white clothes were dirty and weathered.

"Who are you?" asked the little one.

"Where we are?" When he didn't answer he asked another question with a more demanding tone.

The lady, when she saw the little boy speak, was stunned, and more tears began to come out of her eyes, her nose dripped with a drip that she cleared when inhaling them, she tried to contain her crying by covering her mouth.

The little one was more stunned, what happened to this stranger, he could not understand anything of what was happening.

He quickly tried to recap the last thing that happened to try to understand how he got there.

But no matter how hard he tried, he didn't know how he got there, what's more, he didn't even know where he was, what was happening or he didn't even know who he was, he was totally lost.

As if investigating was a sin, he felt an ugly sensation in his stomach that turned and a premonition that something bad was going to happen came to him, and all his skin became goosebumps and sensitivity.

"Wait a minute ..." with a slight headache came to some memories, and they as a key opened the understanding of the little one.

"I am ... Joseph" Joseph when he realized who he was was more confused than before, that was not because he still couldn't figure out how he got to where he was, he was more confused by his current body.

"What happened to me?" He yelled in fear, he tried to get up, but his legs weakened as he climbed and he fell to the ground hitting his butt.

"Eh" Joseph complained as he felt the slight pain in his tailbone.

The worried woman approached the child, she did not understand anything that the child was babbling so she was stunned right next to her, but when she saw him fall and complain she woke her up from her stupor.

"私 の 息 子 , 大丈夫 で す か? 私 を 理解 で き ま す か?" The woman tried to communicate with the little boy, but, although Joseph did not understand what the woman was trying to tell him, he somehow knew she was worried about him, so he nodded as trying to let her know that he was okay.

Although he wanted to ask the woman what was happening, he could not understand her so he tried again to search the memories of her.

"I am Joseph Montano"

"Son of a pair of dedicated and loving parents"

"I'm 12 years old"

"And I have ... cancer" when mentioning this fact his heart jumped and his train of thought stopped, he turned to look sideways, then he looked at the woman who is still worried on the sides as if analyzing it to see any other wound he had and lastly I look at his little hands, hands that a 12-year-old could not have.

But the fact of having a smaller body than the one he remembered was not what amazed him the most, what left him speechless was the fact of being able to see, he was a 12-year-old boy who had lost his sight thanks to cancer.

"I can see ..." he stared at her hand from top to bottom fascinated with the sight of him, an enormous joy began to grow in his heart.

Being in his moment of happiness a dark thought traveled through his thoughts.

"What if this was all a sleepy?"

It had already happened to him in the past to have a sleepy of having the sight again, but in the present moment everything makes him feel so real and the very perception of deep thought left him in doubt with such an idea.

To confirm his doubt, he tried to pinch himself very hard.

"Ay," he exclaimed.

"や め な さ い , も う" Seeing the little boy get hurt, the woman could not say something with a scolding voice.

Joseph couldn't understand her, but he could tell from her tone that she was scolding him, so he was still and silent.

The woman approached him, caressed him where he had pinched himself, touched his cheek, and brushed away the little hair that was seeping into her face. Feeling the affection that the woman expressed to him, Joseph could not help but feel comfortable and somehow in this strange situation he felt safe, he did not know why, but this woman present in front of him felt like his mother, a feeling that filled him with emotions that they made him tear a little.

"私 の 息 子 , し ば ら く こ こ に い て く だ さ い , あ な た の お 母 さ ん は す ぐ に 助 け を 求 め て 戻 っ て き ま す , あ な た ま す , あ な た ま す , あ な た ま す , あ な母 さ ん は あ な た の 世 話 を し ま す "The woman told him, Joseph knew that she was saying something kind to him, although she couldn't understand her. In reality, this incomprehensionmade him feel uncomfortable, but with the affection of this woman he was able to repel the discomfort from him.

"だ か ら 泣 か な い で" The woman left a few last words before getting up and hurrying off somewhere.

"It seems that this lady cares a lot about me" Joseph said with doubts in his heart, he couldn't understand his situation at all.

"Where is this lady from?"

"Did she bring me here?"

"And what strange language does she speak?"

"If she hadn't been so nice to me, I would have told her, 'yours just in case'" with a bit of humor he tried to lessen her feeling of heaviness to the unknown and incomprehensible.

Although he did not show it, Joseph was terrified of his situation, if he did not have the woman by his side when he woke up, he might have already fled the place trying to find his parents.

"Let's see, let's remember again." The little one tried again to focus on the last memories before he had fallen asleep or unconscious because he also did not remember if he fell asleep or was knocked out.

"I am Joseph Montano ..."

"A 12-year-old boy suffers from eye cancer, so he shouldn't be seeing"


A couple of disturbing thoughts flashed through his head.

"I died and became a ghost that has possessed this little boy's body" just imagining it made him feel unpleasant.

"Or cancer came to affect my brain so now I'm having hallucinations" This scared him, but at least it would mean that he was alive, the thought of dying was terrifying for him.

"Or ... maybe I died and this is the world of the dead" this she made him swallow a mouthful of salvo, that would mean that the lady from a moment ago was a ghost.

"It was a ghost language what the lady spoke" It was a doubt that arose, which made him deepen the fact that he was in the land of the dead.

Joseph turned to look around him as if he expected some horror to come out of the place, thanks to fear he was able to see the place better, and that only deepened his fear, it was in a dark and dirty place, with a vestige of an abandoned or old place.

When he saw that nothing was happening he was able to calm down, so he could think again about his death "If I am really in the city of the dead then, mom, dad" Joseph could not prevent his voice from breaking at the thought of his parents.

He began to whimper when he felt the sadness, then it transformed into tears, he wanted to stop because he was still afraid of the place, but thinking about his death and thinking that he could never see his parents again hurt him so much.

He cried with all his might as if trying to calm the pain he felt for his death, he could not console himself, and the more time passed the more he thought about his death, and it hurt so much to die, he wanted to recover, live a life with his parents, continue With his studies, playing a lot of video games, he wanted to get back into his life.

The tears echoed through the house, and after them came a few hurried steps towards him. These steps brought him out of his crying, and he nervously couldn't help but look in the direction they were coming from.

The lady who was with him and an unknown man with a long beard and slightly gray hair, came hurrying with worried faces.

"大丈夫?" the woman said quickly, as she gasped from running.

"私 の 息 子 , 何 が 起 こ っ た の で す か?" The woman said again with a worried face.

When she saw the boy's tears, the woman was shocked, tears welled up again from her eyes and she couldn't help covering her mouth.

Joseph got defensive, he didn't know he was talking about this possible ghost woman, and the fact that he got the idea that he was in the realm of the dead made him uneasy.

The man with concern approached the young man, without saying a word beckoned him to calm down and sit down.

The little boy, coming out of his initial stupor, tried to calm down, he looked at the afflicted woman, he thought about how well the lady had treated him before and how comfortable she made him feel, so he sat down and tried to calm his heart that was racing like a racehorse.

The man brought his hand closer to the boy's head, causing the latter to close his eyes with a bit of nervousness reflected in his face, this did not stop the man who began to check his head.

As if this activated some switch, an intense burning began to sprout from the center of his brain, and dizziness and nausea attacked him non-stop, he couldn't help but vomit and writhe a bit from the pain as the vomit made him almost choke.

"Cough, Cough *" he tried to breathe again, but the vomit made it difficult.

"My son" shouted the woman approaching her and patting her on the back.

Joseph began to breathe again but was a little surprised, indeed now he could understand the woman.

Remembering the woman's words he shocked him, not because he had called him 'My son', but because, although he could understand the woman, he knew that it was not the language he spoke.

The little boy did not know why, but he felt that he could speak the same as the woman so he tried.

"Can you understand me?" Asked Joseph in a strange language that he does not remember learning.

The lady was glad to hear him, she was very happy that she hugged him.

"Thank you ancestors" said the woman with a happy and relieved voice.

Joseph was in a stupor, the truth was that Joseph was a little faster than those of his age, but even if he did not have a high level of deduction like the researchers, he knew that this woman was the mother of the little boy that right now was he.

This led him to think of the first possibility that he thought of. he had become a ghost that possessed this little boy.

Although he was somehow glad not to be in the land of the dead, he couldn't help but feel guilty about the woman in front of him and the original child.

"Let me check the boy" said the gentleman patiently.

"Tell me child, do you feel pain anywhere?" asked the man with great serenity.

"My whole body hurts, I feel a little burning in my head ... Dad?" Said the boy and trying to guess with the latter, although at the same time he repented, he was afraid that they would guess that he possessed the little one and that they would exorcise him.

The lord's eyebrows trembled, and then he very seriously saw the little boy making the latter go into fear.

"Do you have memory loss?" Asked the lord.

The question made both the boy and the woman nervous.

"It seems" said the boy as if doubting, inside he wondered how long he was going to last pretending to be someone else.

"What is the last thing you remember?" asked the man.

Joseph scratched his head thinking about what he was going to say, he couldn't tell her that the last thing he remembered was his original mom who had told him that she brought him breakfast.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember anything," said the little boy with an apologetic voice.

"Any?" the man asked a little more demandingly with doubts reflected on his face.

Calming his nervousness, Joseph repeated with a serious face "Nothing."

Seeing the man who was going to insist on the memories of him, Joseph stepped forward and said "I hardly remember how to speak, I don't know anything else"

The woman hearing his answer was saddened, but at the same time felt a bit of relief.

The expression did not escape from the lord so he turned to the lady and said in a speculative voice "Sekai it seems that Makoto has gone overboard with Yuuki-kun"

The woman suddenly got nervous, but not staying in her nervousness, she could answer in a neutral voice "I don't know what you are talking about Taisuke-san, Yuuki has gotten into a fight with some children from the center so I brought him badly wounded"

"From the center yo say?" Asked the man in a sarcastic voice.

As if she realized her mistake the woman trembled a little, but with great self-control, she calmed down, and with a stoic look with a touch of sadness she nodded as if she begged the Lord not to continue with the theme.

But it seemed that the man named apparently 'Taisuke' had not looked at her so he followed and refuted her "You say from the center, but if it were from the center they would not be in a center clinic"

"Please Taisuke-san, we don't stay in the center because you know how people look at our clan after what happened 3 years ago" as if she had prepared, the woman apparently called 'sekai' replied to Taisuke.

"Please Taisuke-san let's not continue with the subject" seeing that Taisuke's criticism did not end Sekai intervened before he continued speaking.

"Fine" The old man replied as he got up.

"I will not continue with this, I only came here because you said to pay the favor that I owed your father, so I will end up here, and I will not meddle in your family affairs" With a voice of disappointment, Taisuke said as he walked away for the path.

And when he was about to disappear from the sight of the little boy and the woman, he turned and said "The little one is fine, but it seems that his memory is going to take a while to return, I have not checked him completely and we are not in place appropriate for that, to prevent anything you should go to the clinic to get a checkup, the only thing I can tell you that for the moment his life is not in danger, just remind him to be careful with 'the fights' "emphasizing the last word Taisuke He disappeared.

Next chapter