
Unknown Realm of the Shapeshifters

"When worse comes to worse, all tend to be more desperate." - Empress Ophelia of Hilaga Empire The souls in the underworld must all drink the tea of forgetfulness before they enter the wheel of reincarnation. It is for the soul to live a new life without unnecessary feelings such as regrets from their previous life. What would you do if you are now living peacefully as a human in the mortal realm but your connections in your past life would keep on getting tangled with you? Would you still insist on living normally? Or would you rather discover what you really were before you got reincarnated in your current life? Ezekiel, an eighteen year old nobody of the mortal world, gets drag to the Undiscovered World of the Monsters: The Realm of the Mysterious Shapeshifters. As his adventure in the land of the unfamiliar creatures goes on, he will eventually uncover the mysteries and forgotten past matters involving him one by one. After rediscovering the truth and his history, will he still want to go back to his current life in the mortal world? Would he stay and abandon his peaceful life as a human and live with the monsters?

GaeLourd · Fantasy
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21 Chs

This Human Is A Runaway Groom

It is indeed Hailey. She's standing in front of the huge entrance of the hall. She's catching her breath as she stares at Ezekiel.

"Zeke..." She calls out, shaking her head slowly. "Don't."


"You dared to come back, not to mention, interrupting our wedding ceremony?" Empress Ophelia let go of Ezekiel's arm and turns herself to face Hailey. She starts to laugh in a mocking manner. "After all you did, you really dared to show yourself here?"


Hailey pursed her lips and gritted her teeth. Although the empress' words upsets her, she still remained silent. She doesn't think she has the right to defend herself. In any case, clearing her name isn't the reason why she's in the realm of the shapeshifters after all. She's here to bring Ezekiel back to the mortal world, or at least to take him away from her majesty.


Hailey ignored the empress and looks at Ezekiel, saying, "Zeke let's go. You should not be here."


He parted his lips and was about to say something but the empress uttered her words first.

She sneered, "Then where is he supposed to stay? To the mortal world with you?"


"Yes!" She yells. She really planned not to talkback to Empress Ophelia, but her words are as sharp as her sword that cuts her patience. Every word penetrates to where it hurts the most. She added, "He's already having a new peaceful life there. He has a family out there! Why did you bring him here?"

Hailey looks at the empress with a pair of fierce eyes, every word is emphasized. "Are you even thinking of what's better for him?"


With this, the mocking expression on her majesty's face fades and is replaced with bitterness. "You know you're not the one to say that."



Ezekiel is once again, stuck in between these two. He doesn't even know what are they talking about. All he knows is that they're arguing on to whom will he go with. Now that he thinks about it, he wonders, who will he go with?

Hailey is his childhood friend but now, he's having second thoughts about her. He learns that he didn't know her like he thought he did. Why did she keep this from him for eighteen years? Does she have hidden intentions? If Ophelia never showed up, will she even tell him her real identity? And why does the empress made it sound like Hailey hurt him badly in someway?

Empress Ophelia, on the other hand, is treating him nicely these past few days of his staycation here in the shapeshifter's realm. In fact, he enjoyed her majesty and everyone else's hospitality towards him. She doesn't seem to have any bad intentions against him either, except for tricking him to go along with this 'reenactment'. Or is it even considered a bad intention? She's just trying to help him, right? Or is he being too naïve?

His eyes stare at whoever's turn it is to argue. Where would he go? To the left where nothing's right, or to the right where nothing's left?

He laughed at his own thought. Sounds like something a goth would say.


"My lord." Shi Miao said, almost whispering and poked him on the arm. He almost jumped out of surprise when he found the servant beside him. Aren't she sitting in a distance just now? When did she come closer? How come he didn't notice her presence?

"You're being asked." She added as she hides herself behind him.


By then did he only realized that Empress Ophelia and Hailey is looking straight at him. Both giving a meaningful gaze.


Ezekiel blinks twice. "Uh... what was it again?"


Both Hailey and the empress averted their eyes away from him in disappointment.

It was Hailey who speaks again first. "We're in circles. Ezekiel is still confused. I'm taking him back." She steps inside the hall as she summon her metal pole in her hand.

Seeing this, the empress raised her guards up and summoned her sword, ready to charge any time soon. The imperial guards also have themselves prepared. Their right hand placed in the hilt of their swords. The guards will immediately take action the moment the empress will give her command.

The grip of her majesty on the hilt of her sword tightens as Hailey cuts their distance shorter. When the uninvited guest is only more or less five steps away from them, she suddenly raised her pole and throws it towards Ezekiel as if it's just a piece of dart, aiming for the bull's-eye. The empress and Ezekiel both saw how the tip of the pole sharpens as it approaches him.

He clearly did not expect to be attacked by Hailey. His mind went blank. He froze, not moving a single muscle. He's too surprised to even think of dodging the sharp object that's coming for him.

The empress got caught off-guard as well. She doesn't think she can repel it in time. All she could do is to push the motionless Ezekiel aside to dodge. Luckily, he avoided the weapon, all thanks to her majesty. Just a split second delay would surely pierce his heart with this sharp metal. However, she's not fortunate enough not to get hurt. Her arm got pierced through it.


This is what Hailey expected to happen. If she aimed for her majesty, her reflexes would command her to dodge or to counter the approaching attack. However, it would be a different story if he aims for Ezekiel. She didn't have the intention to harm him. It's just she knows Empress Ophelia would do something reckless and save his life even if it means she would risk her own. Especially when she doesn't have enough time to process it, and make a better move.


"Your majesty!" Shi Miao's voice is much louder than her majesty's painful scream.

Empress Ophelia fell on her knees, as she endured the pain. Blood flows and it stained the carpet red.


Hailey summoned her pole back to her hand again, causing the sharp object to forcefully withdraw itself from her majesty's flesh. This caused her painful scream again. Her eyes got watery but still the pair looks fierce. Even though she's in pain, she refused to show her weakness and never let the tears escape her eyes.

Although she can regenerate a lot faster than humans can, it's still a holy weapon that injured her. It would take her some time to stop the bleeding.


The rest of the servants that acted as their guests are now in a mess. They are too terrified that an uproar ignited. They even escaped the hall through the huge windows. The guards did not stay still and wait for her majesty's commands anymore. They unsheathed their swords and hurried to the enemy.

In short, it's truly chaotic inside the hall. However, Ezekiel's time seems to be running unusually slow. He can't seem to hear the terrified screams around him. Even Shi Miao's loud cries can't reach his sense of hearing. His attention is all in her majesty. He clearly witnessed how pained she is and it is all for his sake.


"Ophelia..." He calls out in a low voice.

She didn't raise her head to look at him. Since the crowd is now this chaotic, she probably didn't hear him. He slowly raised his hand, subconsciously reaching for her. However, his hand got seized by another hand. It's Hailey's.


"Let's go, quick!" She pulled him and dragged along with her.

His shock forbids him to think straight. He let Hailey pull him, and he obediently followed. Also, they have to run or else, the guards will catch up to them.

While he's running with Hailey, his eyes didn't avert from the injured empress. He stares at her as she looks back at him and mouthed a few words.

"Don't go. Don't leave me."


The sad face she's making gives a little ache in his heart. Maybe it's because he felt bad for the injury she acquired for saving him. Or perhaps, it's because of something else? He doesn't know what to think, who to believe, or what to feel anymore. His head hurts from all this mess.


"Zeke, we're flying." Hailey said without breaking her gaze to the main door of the hall.


"Huh? What?" He thinks he heard it wrong.

He turns his face to look at Hailey and asks, "We're what?"


Hailey finally looks back at him. In her usual plain voice, she utters a word. "Flying."


The moment they set their feet outside the hall, Hailey put her arm around his waist and took her last and heavy step before she leaps. And then a pair of wings spread out from her back. She soars like a mighty eagle to the sky with Ezekiel.

Her wings as vibrant as a flame stands out even more under the sun. Just like a phoenix finally showed itself after so many years.


Meanwhile, her majesty ordered all of the guards to stop chasing them. She's sure that her sister would definitely not give up without a fight. Ezekiel is currently held captive by her so the chance of him getting hurt while she's struggling from her majesty's underlings is big. The empress couldn't afford to take risk.

She gritted her teeth out of frustration and anger and whispered to herself. "How dare you, Minerva. How bold of you to separate us once again! You'll pay for this. you'll definitely pay for this!"

No matter, after she recovers herself, she will come after them and take his beloved back in her arms.


On the other hand, Hailey and Ezekiel are more or less a thousand and a half meters above the ground and the air pressure is really harsh. Despite this, Hailey could still continue flying as if it's nothing. From their current altitude, they could easily see a wide portion of the land. The huge buildings, the tall trees, the shapeshifters in human form, everything seem small. However, no matter how mesmerizing the view is, Ezekiel's eyes are held captive with these strange part of Hailey.

"Hailey, this is..." Ezekiel can't stop staring at her wings.


"These wings are part of my real form." She explain. Hailey slightly smiled as she speaks, "Did you know, you complimented these wings in your previous life."

She remembers the peaceful days of the past before everything goes wrong. She wishes she could go back to those times. They're just carefree, full of smiles, and just all cupcakes and rainbows. Who would have thought that everything would slip out of her grasp as innocence faded in her mind? If she had only known...


Ezekiel's amazed facial expression gradually turns into a solemn one. He asked in a serious manner, "So, you really know everything and chose to keep it from me?"


Sadness is evident in her entire face. Without looking at him in he eyes, she replies, "Mn. It's because I believe Ethan and Ezekiel are two different persons."