


Oyakata-sama called your name in such a sweet manner, then, with the help of his daughters, he stood up and grabbed your face that was being covered with a mask.

"Kagaya… I am home."

"Yes, you are finally home."

The once heavy aura on the garden was lifted up and all the others pillars could finally move according to their own wishes. They were still in a state of shock as to what just happened, all of the people present were looking into Kagaya's direction since there was where you were.

Your crow, Tammy, was still looking at them with hateful gazes.

"Disgusting little kids, disrespectful brats. I hope you bitches choke on expired milk caw caw…" Tammy said in a low voice, but not low enough to go unheard by the pillars.

The pillars were still in shock, even though they could move already they still were afraid to talk and choose to continue bowing. Kamado Tanjiro and Nezuko in the other hand were perfectly fine, as it could be seen Nezuko trying to get closer to the tenth pillar and Tanjiro trying to get his attention.

"UM Excuse me, Tenth pillar-sama! I just want to express my gratitude towards you for what you did to my family!" Tanjiro still in a bowing pose said to you.


"YES, I AM SORRY" Tanjiro was now bowing in dogeza and while doing so he hit his forehead so hard in the ground and yet he still wasn't bleeding from there.



Shinobu was the first one to be brave enough to break free from her shock. In a respectful way she stood up and did a *Keirei bow towards you. She looked up and saw that your crow was okay with her performance which gave her enough strength to talk.

"I apologize for our rudeness, Tenth pillar-sama. We were rude towards you and Oyakata-sama. If you will allow me, I will like to take Kamado-kun to my place so he can get treated."


Tanjiro, dumbfounded by what he just heard, couldn't stop the demon slayer helpers from trying to take him away.

"Okay, the pillar meeting will…-"




Tanjiro screamed while holding for dear life to a wood pillar.



Suddenly, a rock hit his cheek, making everything go silent.

"Interrupting what Oyakata-sama is saying is a bad idea." Muichiro, the mist pillar, said with a cold voice.

"W-we're very sorry Oyakata-sama"


The helpers said in a trembling voice, meanwhile the love pillar was just… well, being her.

'Muichiro-kun… so cool! You are really a man!!'

"Hurry up and leave."


"Tanjiro, gives my regards to Tamayo-san."

While the whole thing was going off you were already inside saying hi to Kagaya's family. The kids where delighted to see you and Amane, Kagaya's wife, was already calling for the food and asking for the doors to be closed since you are a private person.

"Uncle y/n!! Take off your mask!!"

"Uncle, uncle, can I braid your hair?"

"Uncle tell us a story!"

"Uncle can I paint your face?"

"Uncle is a natural beauty! He doesn't need make up!"

"But imagine HIM with makeup sister!!"

"OH!! And with his hair down!!"

"And a kimono!!"


"Uncle, uncle!!"

Amane just laughed at your expression, she knew you were weak to kids more when those kids respect you so much and calls you uncle. If they asked you to give them a ride in your shoulders, you will. So, she knew that you were conflicted about your nieces and nephew requests to dress you up and that you wouldn't refuse at all.

The pillar meeting went normal as always, yet with the little difference that said pillar meeting suddenly became a meeting about you. Oyakata couldn't help but smile at his kids, the pillars knew that they wouldn't be able to get any information about you from Kagaya. Whenever someone asked a question about you, Oyakata-sama will still be with the same smile, their question will be responded by another pillar's question and so on.

The pillar meeting went as a 'A meeting about Tenth pillar-sama', but when Kagaya was gone… said 'meeting' still went on.

"We need to flamboyantly come up with a plan to meet Tenth Pillar-sama, and maybe get them to train us."

"Agreed, we all know no matter how much we ask Oyakata-sama won't tell us anything about them!"

"I heard that Tenth pillar-sama once was disciple of an herbalist, maybe they will have some stuff to teach me."

"Shinobu-chan, you already know a lot! Just admit that you want to talk to them like the rest of us!"


"Somehow, I still haven't forgotten about that person…"

"Their crow is weird though"

"My crow is scared of their crow; my crow is still hiding somewhere…"

"Gyomei-san, your tears are wetting the floor."


"I want to fight that person!"

"You will probably end up with your whole face disfigured Sanemi-san."


Amane was a merciful person, she was able to stop the kids from dressing you up in a kimono, after being painted on and having eaten the food they brought you, you were already in your room.

It was a lovely and cozy room, the same room you used to share with Kagaya when you were younger. The room looked as if it was stuck in time with some minor changes as a more comfortable bed.

A knock takes you off from your thoughts.

"Kagaya, you can enter."

Said man entered the room with the help of his kids, he sat down in front of you and asked his kids to leave for some privacy.

"I want to touch you, (y/n)."

"My face is full of makeup right now, let me clean myself up first."

"Oh, did the kids play with you?"

A warm smile came to your face, even if he couldn't see it Kagaya knew you were smiling. You loved kids, and treasure them. You respected them and always tried to make their childhood painless, always tried to make them be able to grow.

After all this time, you still felt guilty about what happened with your siblings and your teacher's kids. Kagaya knew this so well, along the years of knowing he could tell by the sounds you make whenever you felt sad.

"Let me help you take it off."

You complied and went to rest your head on his lap. Kagaya then proceed to carefully remove your makeup.

"I am sure you must look lovely with makeup."

"Amane-san said I looked like a porcelain doll."

As Kagaya was cleaning your face, he then proceeds to take off your lipstick.

"What color is it?"

"I think it was red, but Amane-san said I ate it and now it looks pink because of the color left behind."

"I didn't know you liked to eat lipstick…? Have you… eaten someone else lipstick before?"

"No, somehow I ate it without noticing it."

"I see. I will comb your hair."

"I asked Amane-san to cut it a bit more this time, it feels stuffy inside the robe."

As you said this, you sat in front of him, Kagaya hums to himself and starts detangling your hair from the braids his kids did to you. He took his time doing it.

"Tell me a story."

He wanted to continue listening to your voice.

"I have missed your touch."

"I missed you touching as well."

"I saw a weird dog."

"How weird?"

"It was red and big but his owner said he accidentally ran into some paint. The kids would have found it funny."

The night went on with the two of you talking about various random things, Kagaya took his time touching you. Somehow Kagaya felt like you could disappear any second. He was always worried about you using your power, yet he couldn't bring himself to ask you to stop using it. He knew it was something you had to do, it was something that helped you.

Yet every great power comes with a price. He remembers the night he made your promise him that you wouldn't die before him. As always, you said yes to anything he asked.

The time he spent with you were precious to him, he knew his curse was taking his life away every day, but he wasn't afraid of death. He knew that he will die happy, he knew that even if times goes on the both of you will find each other.

He knew that when you are no longer here, his descendant will keep your memory intact, as you were loved dearly by his family. This time, he asked you to stay with him for a few months, and to maybe get to know his other kids.

You, as always, said yes to his request. You will put some effort into socializing. Kagaya laughed as he felt your face scrunching up a little.

And the night went on, filled with whispers and laughter. That night, the demon slayer corps was filled with joy.

Sorry guys, Word wouldnt let me copy the chapter that i already had written cuz of some authorization thingy that idk, so i had to wait for my brother to come home to fix it cuz i know nothing about this stuff XD

Anyways i hope you guys like it and thank you so much for the stones, it makes me very happy to know you like this and makes me more motivated to write.

Ty again and i hope you enjoy it

whispers, check my other story as well please, whispers

zeniiis_creators' thoughts