
Not a Lie

EVERYONE WAS left speechless after what Glyde just said.

Hershey faked a cough. "Well, uhm. We will be at the multipurpose room for a while" she pulled Glyde towards the said room.

When they entered the room, Hershey let herself flump down on the floor. Glyde was surprised at her sudden collapse. She just wave her hand and told him a lie, "It's fine. I just feel too pressured about earlier."

The main reason was not because of the situation earlier nor what he professed. It was due to her disease that was making her feel weak at the moment. She was barely able to remain standing with her own two feet since earlier. She was just trying to endure it, so her mother wouldn't give her the same eyes whenever Hershey consult their personal doctor. It was not something she would like to see at this moment where she just want to enjoy her time with Glyde.

Glyde didn't said anything and just carried her all the way to the nearest couch. Her body frozen and her eyes widened at his sudden action. Nevertheless, she didn't complain. She knows that she wouldn't be able to use her legs for a while.

After Glyde puts her down, he went to open the lights. When the room got brighter, Glyde was finally able to see what the room looks like.

It was basically an empty room with only two couches. At the left side of the room, there's a big mirror sticked at the wall. At the right corner, there's a refrigerator and microwave sitting there. Some snacks were also on top of the microwave. There's also a big projector screen at front.

"Let's just watch Netflix, what do you think?" Hershey suggested trying her best to fight her sleepiness.

"Sure. But, how do you operate this?" Glyde asked, wanting to do it by himself rather than letting Hershey do it.

"Oh, uhh. You could just ask a maid" she said.

Glyde followed what she said while looking at her worriedly. After calling a maid to help them, he walked towards her and put one of his hands on her forehead to check her temperature.

"It doesn't seem like you have a fever" Glyde said. To be more certain, he went closer to touch her forehead with his forehead. But he only got the same result.

Hershey could feel her pulse quickened and her cheeks getting hotter. She gave a sweet smile as Glyde's face were near at hers.

"You know that our lips could touch at any moment if you're that close to me, right?" Hershey joked.

Glyde backed away ignoring her remarks and chose not to give a reply to it. He doesn't even seemed to be bothered by it at all.

Hershey giggled.

The maid finished setting up the projector. Glyde gave the remote to Hershey to open up their Netflix account and to choose a movie for them to watch.

"Oh, right! Why did you lie earlier?" Hershey asked as she turned to look at Glyde who just sat down beside her.

"Lie?" he returned the question back as if he was confused at what she was pertaining to.

"Yeah. You claimed that we were dating in front of my mom" Hershey reminded him.

Glyde puzzlingly stared at her, "That's not a lie? Aren't we dating right now?"

Hershey's mind went blank after Glyde confirming what he declared earlier. She blinked a couple of times as silence prevail between the two of them. She actually forgot to breathe for a second there. That's how shocked she was.

Hershey turned her head towards the screen and thought about what he said. Then after a couple of minutes, she laughed.

"Right. That's not a lie. We are dating" she said while laughing. She finally understood what he meant.

She looked at him again, "Well, are we gonna date tomorrow again?"

That's when Glyde chuckled. "No. I have work tomorrow."

"That sucks." Hershey pouted. "I'm gonna visit you there tomorrow instead, would that be fine?"

"It's up to you" he answered.

Hershey smiled. She was satisfied with his answer. It was basically letting her go and visit him.

Both of them decided to watch the series, Strangers Things, instead. Hershey rested her head at Glyde's shoulder, which the latter didn't mind.

At the middle of the show, Hershey began to ask questions, completely unrelated to the series.

"Say, did you have a girlfriend before? Or do you have a girlfriend now?"

"I had one when I was at high school."

She raised one left brow, "How long did you two last?"

"Not that long. Both of us were still too immature and was not serious at that time. So we only last for just almost a year."

She was getting jealous. She was wondering what their relationship was like. What does Glyde was like before? Was he also sweet at her?

She completely ignored what Glyde said where their relationship was not that serious. All that retained to her mind was that he had a relationship with another girl.

She doesn't like that fact.

"You?" Glyde returned the question.

Hershey shook her head. "I have never been in a relationship before. I was not interested in it. But I did had one date with a guy because my father told me so"

"I see," was the only thing he said. He never asked anything else about her past relationship. She was quite surprise by it. Wasn't he curious who that guy might be? But she also realized that it wouldn't matter anyway.

She doesn't like Kian. It's a fact. At the moment, she only have her eyes set on Glyde anyway.

There is also one thing for sure, she will do everything she could to get him as well.

Another moment of silence wins between them. But just like how it always been, it was never been an awkward silence.

They watched the series silently. Not until, Hershey asked another question.

"Are you an artist by any chance?" she asked.

Hershey felt that Glyde's shoulder flinched. "Artist...like the one who draws or paint?"


"No. I don't draw nor paint...why'd you ask?"

"Do you know Hidden Light? I really like that artwork. When I saw that painting, it was the first time I come to admire one. I just want to know what it's like in an artist's perspective. Even if I like the painting, I just can't seem to understand the meaning behind it. I want to know the meaning and the emotions that the artist puts into it. All I know about it whenever I see it is I feel at ease and peace. It has this effect on me which draws me to it" Hershey excitingly explained as she reminisces when the first time she saw the painting.

"Hmm" Glyde nodded. He looked down at her and saw how her eyes twinkle in excitement as she described the painting.

Hershey felt Glyde's eyes, so she looked back at him. She caught him smiling at her.

"W-what?" she shyly asked, worried that she probably talked too much.

"I've seen that painting," Glyde said.

Hershey sat up straight after hearing Glyde's confession. She has been fighting her drowsiness by asking a couple of questions with Glyde, but after hearing him say that her whole mind suddenly became wide awake.

"Really? Where?"

Glyde ignored her question but shared his own thoughts instead. "The piece was painted wherein the shade of the 'light' where you least expected it to be, shines through. It was a way of the painter to say that in every circumstances, if you are looking for something, or ask for it, or wish for it, it'll then appear before you. Sometimes you might not be aware of it, but when it's in front of you, and you acknowledged it, then it might be the one you're really looking for. The truth or light, has always just been there. People just have to acknowledge it. When you do so, sometimes, wait no, most of the times it'll require you to treasure it and protect it, in order for you to not lose that light again after finding it."

Hershey was amazed by his explanation. "You think so?"

Glyde just gave a small smile and shrugged.