
Art Exhibit

ANYTHING RELATED with arts is not really Hershey's forte. It's also something that she couldn't enjoy or find it amusing at all. However, when her father asked her to attend the opening of an art exhibition that someone he knows will be hosting, she readily agreed. It was the first time his father asked something from her after all.

Hershey puts a lot on effort in making herself pretty and presentable that day. Even though she knows she would be just bored there, she still wore her sweet smile throughout the day. She talked to some of her father's friend and business partners.

"You've become a fine lady, Hershey! You just turned 18 last May, right?" one of her father's friend complimented her.

"Thank you. Yes, I did." Hershey replied gracefully.

"So? How are you enjoying the exhibition?"

It was obviously a question that Hershey doesn't want to answer. She knew beforehand that pretending and lying through actions wouldn't be enough. This time, talking with people whom she barely knows, Hershey is left with no other choice but to lie through words as well. In order to please everyone and make an appropriate impression as the daughter of the owner of Cream Delight company, she is expected to do at least this much.

"My father have other important matters he had to attend that's why he couldn't attend today, but I'm really glad that my father let me attend this event on behalf of him. I get to see different incredible arts. I am lost of words in expressing how beautiful every art pieces that are presented here today. I envy the artist's creative eyes and talented hands in making all of these." Hershey said as she roam her eyes around the paintings hanging on the wall.

It was actually Hershey's first time looking the arts carefully after she arrived the venue. She was not interested with the arts. She knew that the reason why she have to attend this art exhibition is to meet others and to possibly get connection that will be useful for her father. That's why Hershey didn't expect herself to be easily drawn to one of the art pieces there.

"I agree. What art piece do you like the most?"

That is why when someone asked that question next, it was surprisingly easy for her to give an honest answer.

"Hidden light," she unconsciously read out the title of the painting that caught her attention.

"Oh? It's...."

Hershey couldn't hear what the person beside her said since a guy who suddenly stood in front of the painting she was looking at distracted her. She couldn't understand how a person like him was able to enter such event with clothes like that. The guy was just wearing a casual hoodie paired with a jogging pants and slippers. Everyone inside the venue was wearing a formal attire which definitely made him the odd one.

"Who is he?" she couldn't helped but to ask.

"I don't know. He might be also be an invited guest since he was able to pass through that tight security." the guy answered. Hershey looked at the person besides him and she noticed that he is already judging the guy with the hoodie with his eyes.

Hershey smiled and tried to divert the conversation instead, "Do you know who owns that painting? Is it for sale?"

"Jack, the one hosting this art exhibition, owns it. Haven't you talked to him yet? He's the guy over there"

"Thank you, uhh...." Hershey tried to think what is the name of the guy she's been talking with.

"It's James. You are still bad at memorizing names huh, my lady?"

Hershey gave out a soft shy laugh, "My apologies, James. Well then, I'll let you enjoy looking at the different arts by yourself. I'll go talk to Jack for a bit"

After she bids her good bye to James, she tried to remember where she have met James before. He was probably one of the employees that his father invited to their house one time. Well, its not like it matters. She was already convinced that it'll be pointless on building a deeper connection with him.

"Hello, sir Jack. I'm Hershey of the Mendez family. I'm standing here on behalf of my father as he have some other important matters that he needed to attend. However, he did say to give his regards to you and wants to congratulate you on your accomplishments. He was saddened to be not able to come on the first day of your exhibition, nevertheless I hope you'll excuse his absence." Hershey greeted the host and owner of most of the arts that were presented today.

"Nice to meet you, Hershey. You must be Reed's youngest daughter. You are way more beautiful than what others described you to be. Oh! Also, don't worry about it too much. I'm already honored that her daughter attended this small exhibition of mine"

"You flatter me, sir. Thank you. May I also use this chance to ask if the arts presented here are for sale?"

Jack smiled and nodded. "It is. I plan to sell most of my arts, but some arts is not mine so I need to ask the other artist's thoughts about it first"

"I see. I heard that Hidden Light is yours, then would you be selling that as well? I am quite interested on it, you see."

Jack eyes widened in surprise but was able to immediately regain his composure. "It is mine, but I don't think I'll be selling that piece. I made a vow that the piece would be treasured by me and will be always displayed on any of my future exhibitions. You see, that painting saved me and helped this exhibit to successful. Just as how the name suggests, it is my hidden light that I never thought I ever needed"

Hershey was disappointed to hear that she wouldn't be able to buy it, but she was also glad that it means that no one else will be able to buy it.

"Then, may I take a picture of it?" she asked.

"Of course! If you want, I'll always invite you to any of my exhibitions if you want to see the painting again."

"Yes. Thank you."