
unknown infection

In a peaceful world, brimming with technology, a devastating meteor impact transforms both humans and inanimate objects into horrifying monsters. Those who manage to resist the transformation gain supernatural abilities, but they are treated as outcasts, dehumanized by the rest of society. Amidst this chaos and nightmarish reality, Rune finds himself affected by the meteor. Yet, faced with such adversity, will he allow himself to be consumed by it?

Grader · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Truth part 2

"What's the deal? Why can't you just walk out of the city through the mist?

After hearing that, Nate let out a sigh and responded.

Seriously, do you actually think I would still be stuck in this city infested with monsters if it were that easy to leave? This place is beyond horrible, and every single day is a constant battle for survival.

When the mist suddenly appeared and enclosed the entire city, those of us inside quickly realized we were trapped. It was like an impenetrable barrier, preventing anyone from escaping. Oddly enough, though, people from outside were able to enter the city through the mist, but they couldn't get back out the same way."

Why didn't you tell me this earlier? And why did you ask if you could come with us when we decided to leave?

Nate looked up and sighed. A few years ago, there was someone who entered the city. He was like you and Miko, partially corrupted, but he was incredibly strong. He knew how to use the power he gained after becoming infected. Some infected people in the city started to believe that they weren't cursed, but chosen, after witnessing his power.

So, where is that person now?

He left. We asked him to clear out the city and free us from the monsters, but he refused. He had the power to do it, but no reason to. He also admitted that, despite his strength, he was still afraid of the monsters. Power doesn't eliminate fear.

Upon hearing this, Rune's only response was a simple "Oh."

The place that Ava and I were discussing is the only location where one can leave the city. It is a small area untouched by the mist that surrounds the rest of the city. We only discovered this place because of a man who informed us about it. However, as soon as we learned of its existence, the monstrous headless colossal began guarding it.

The headless colossal?

Yes, it is an enormous monster with a red body and no head. Strangely, it has the ability to control the other monsters in the city. Whenever it is not near the city's exit, it commands the other roaming monsters to guard it.

I have never heard of a monster capable of control. Rune pondered on the stories he had heard from those who ventured beyond the city walls. They had encountered various types of monsters, but this was the first time he had heard of one that could control others.

After speaking with Ava, it became even more peculiar that the headless colossal had been wandering away from the city's exit. It seemed as if it was searching for something.

Do you know where its head is?

No, we have found a giant head that could potentially belong to it, but we are uncertain.

So, did it have a head when it first appeared?

I'm not sure about that. I wasn't alive when the monsters first appeared, but based on what others have said, it was always headless. Seven years ago, while searching for supplies, we stumbled upon a giant head in the church. Its eyes were always closed, so we ignored it.

When you and Miko arrived, I thought maybe you could help us escape if you learned to use your abilities.

Where is the exit of the city?

It's further east, and it would take us two days to reach there from here.

So, what's your plan?

Well, it depends on the situation. Do you have any abilities that could help us kill those monsters?

Hearing that question, Rune became frustrated. He wished he had an ability that could be useful in killing monsters. Instead, all he had was the ability to summon a book, and Quill, and Miko could only breathe underwater.

No, I don't have any abilities like that, he said with an angry expression.

No, no, it's okay. It's a miracle that you could survive the infection alone, so it's alright. I'll think of something.

I heard Ava say that you went deep into the city before and something happened.

After asking, Rune looked at Nate's serious face which turned into a sad expression as he said, "Yes, that's right. I lost someone very important to me when I was escaping."

Upon hearing that, Rune remembered the picture he had seen in the dresser drawer, showing a young girl standing next to a man in a suit with a briefcase.

Now understanding everything, Rune realized that escaping the dark forest was difficult, but now he faced another challenge of escaping this nightmarish city. He stood up and said, "Ink and Pen," causing the black-covered book to appear on the floor.

Is that one of your abilities?"

Rune replied, "Yes, but I'm not sure what it does. I've been trying to use it to see if it can help us survive, but nothing works."

"Don't worry too much, I'll think of something," Nate reassured before leaving the room.

With a better understanding of his situation, Rune decided to experiment with his ability a few more times.