
unknown infection

In a peaceful world, brimming with technology, a devastating meteor impact transforms both humans and inanimate objects into horrifying monsters. Those who manage to resist the transformation gain supernatural abilities, but they are treated as outcasts, dehumanized by the rest of society. Amidst this chaos and nightmarish reality, Rune finds himself affected by the meteor. Yet, faced with such adversity, will he allow himself to be consumed by it?

Grader · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

leaving the city

I can't believe they won't even grant me a last meal. When asked about his unique ability by Anna, Rune felt a surge of excitement. Having supernatural powers was definitely thrilling. However, his happiness was soon overshadowed by the realization that he might be forced to leave the city. After pondering on the matter for a while, Rune came to the conclusion that it would be unwise to disclose his special talent to anyone. His ability, known as "One Truth," allowed him to determine if a person was lying or telling the truth for the duration of a day. To protect his secret, Rune decided to slightly modify the description of his ability. "My power enables me to detect one person's lies per day," he explained. Officer White couldn't help but be intrigued. "Can you use it on me?" he asked. Gazing at him for a moment, Rune activated his ability, almost as if it were a reflex. "My sister Mika said she would visit our father over the weekend," Officer White claimed. Without hesitation, Rune declared, "That's a lie." Instantly, Officer White was convinced of Rune's extraordinary ability to discern the truth.

I'm sorry I can't release you from the restraints," Michael apologized as he opened a small container of ice cream. Rune remained confined to the bed, unable to feed himself, while the other police officers kept their guns trained on him, prepared for any transformation into a monster. As Rune savored the delightful taste of the ice cream, a smile formed on his face, realizing it had been far too long since he had last experienced something so utterly delicious.

Even though I couldn't have my last meal before being forcefully evacuated from the city, I was fortunate enough to indulge in the long-awaited pleasure of devouring some ice cream.

As many other police officers wrapped up their duties, a group began to assemble around Rune, ready to escort him out of the city. Meanwhile, other officers were busy gathering civilians. Suddenly, Michael realized that he had a burning question lingering in his mind. He hadn't yet asked Rune about the identity of his parents. With curiosity getting the better of him, Michael blurted out, "So, what are the names of your parents?" Hearing the query, Rune calmly responded, "I don't have a family. They were tragically involved in an incident with someone who transformed into a monstrous entity." Michael's eyes widened as he pondered the answer. "So, you're all alone then?".

"That's correct," Rune said, causing Michael's face to turn blank as he stayed silent. Gradually, another armored vehicle came to a halt amidst the crowd, and the back doors swung open. Ever so slowly, a petite young girl, appearing to be around 7 or 8 years old, stepped out of the vehicle, her hands bound with chains. Her short white hair accentuated her striking contrasting eyes - one blue and the other brown - while she donned a blue dress. "Who is that?" White asked, to which Michael replied, "We intended to send her with Rune because she is very young. Her name is Miko." "Oh, I see," Rune said. She appeared incredibly young, but the fact that she was being sent away from the city suggested that she must have survived the full-blown infection.

Citizens of Conat city, I humbly request your permission to cast out from our walls this young man and young lady who have fallen into corruption. Let us join hands and offer them not only prayers, but also our heartfelt wishes for good fortune. These brave souls, named Rune and Miko, embark on a new chapter in life, filled with obstacles they will overcome. As Rune contemplates his situation, he is struck by the peculiar turn of events. Just yesterday, he roamed the streets unnoticed, but today, prayers are raised for him, even though his fate outside the city walls would be grim.

Funny enough, no one seems to care who he truly is; their presence is only driven by the fact that someone is being exiled from our city.

The streets filled with a stream of people, forming a path that led to the imposing gates while onlookers lined the sidewalks. With determined steps, Michael slowly propelled the bed, with Rune still bound, towards the grand black gates. Among the bustling crowd, Rune caught glimpses of the diverse populace, from the impoverished to the affluent. As they navigated the streets, lying on the bed, Rune came to a stark realization about the weapon wielded by Anna - a mere toy gun. Those who succumbed to corruption possessed extraordinary abilities. To safeguard the city from their potential harm, these individuals were targeted with a chip implanted by the toy gun, designed to explode if they dared approach the city limits.

Upon arrival at the imposing black gates, Michael approached a massive wooden lever. With a deliberate motion, he pulled the lever, causing the gates to ascend and unveil a hidden forest beyond. "It's time for you two to go," he said, as Officer White carefully unbuckled Rune and unchained Miko. Michael's well wishes lingered in the air as Rune glanced nervously at the multitude of police officers, their guns trained on him and Miko. "Let's move," Rune muttered, taking hesitant steps through the now-sealed gates, with Miko following closely behind.