
unknown infection

In a peaceful world, brimming with technology, a devastating meteor impact transforms both humans and inanimate objects into horrifying monsters. Those who manage to resist the transformation gain supernatural abilities, but they are treated as outcasts, dehumanized by the rest of society. Amidst this chaos and nightmarish reality, Rune finds himself affected by the meteor. Yet, faced with such adversity, will he allow himself to be consumed by it?

Grader · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


"Don't even think about trying anything funny," the police officer warned, his gun trained on Rune. With deliberate movements, he cautiously reached for his microphone, pressing a button and bringing it close to his mouth. His voice determined, he urgently called for backup, "Officer White in need of immediate assistance. I repeat, Officer White requesting immediate assistance on Merwick Street."After a moment, the woman officer, who had previously evacuated the area, made her way back to Rune's side. With a glance, she inquired about the stage of the infection. As soon as Officer White heard her question, he realized that Rune had not yet provided an answer. Both officers fixed their gaze on Rune, expecting a response.

Realizing there was no escape from this predicament, Rune made the decision to cooperate with the police. When asked about the infection, he calmly replied that it had started a month ago. The officers were shocked by this revelation, with Officer White exclaiming, "It appears that we are dealing with a ticking time bomb, ready to explode." Curious about Rune's condition, the female officer inquired, "When was the last time you saw your blood?" After a moment of reflection, Rune responded, "Probably around two or three weeks ago."

It has been two to three weeks since then! Are you telling me that you managed to stay unharmed for two to three weeks? What exactly do you mean by "two to three weeks ago"? No, it implies that I may have been injured and simply failed to realize that my blood had turned from red to blue, indicating that I had reached stage three. Upon uttering this, Rune suddenly heard the blaring sirens of police cars approaching. His gaze turned towards the source, revealing a convoy of six police cars with a formidable armored vehicle at its core, flanked by three cars in the front and three at the back.

"We're in a difficult situation here. We can't determine if he recently reached stage three of the infection or if he has been in this stage for weeks," the female police officer said, as the police cars halted in the middle of the street.the six police cars came to a halt and Suddenly, the doors swung open in a swift and decisive motion and a multitude of officers emerged with purpose. As if in perfect synchronization, an additional group of heavily armed police stepped out of the armored vehicles, each carrying an array of lethal rifles. With utmost caution, they simultaneously unloaded a hospital bed, securely fastened with sturdy leather harness straps.

Rune found himself encircled by police officers, all of whom had their weapons trained on him. A man emerged from the armored police vehicle and confidently addressed Rune, "You must be Rune, am I correct?" Rune nodded, acknowledging his identity, while warily observing the officers, who gripped their firearms with great vigilance.

Damn, I hate this situation. They could shoot me if I were to make any sudden and strange movement. What's even crazier is that they could easily report to their superior that I was on the verge of transforming which would give them the right to take my life without consequences.

The man who stepped out of the armored vehicle donned a lengthy blue jacket, concealing the typical attire of a policeman underneath. His striking combination of brown hair and piercing blue eyes commanded attention. "Greetings, Rune. I am Michael. If you comply with my instructions, I can assure your safety to a certain extent. Is that clear ?" Rune remained silent, carefully choosing his words. After a moment, he nodded in understanding. It was clear that his only option was to comply; any other response would simply give them an excuse to kill him.

"Alright, now walk over to the bed and lie down," Michael calmly instructed. Rune obediently approached the bed, moving with caution to avoid startling anyone. As he reached the bed, he glanced around, his gaze meeting the fearful expressions of the police officers who anxiously aimed their guns at him.With a gentle motion, Rune laid down upon the bed while Michael proceeded to fasten all the sturdy leather harness straps, ensuring Rune's secure position. As Michael addressed the others, he confidently announced that everything was prepared. The police officers began to make their way towards their vehicles, leaving the scene, while Michael carefully guided the bed into the armored vehicle.

As the bed was being pushed into the armored vehicle, Rune noticed a nurse holding a needle in her left hand, its long point shining ominously. Rune grimaced, his dislike for needles evident. Slowly, the nurse approached and inserted the needle into his left arm. A wave of pain coursed through him, as the substance from the needle began its journey. The sensation was almost unbearable, causing Rune to cry out in agony. Rune's body convulsed in excruciating agony, his piercing scream piercing through the air. "I hate my job," confessed the nurse as she dipped her hand into the container, withdrawing yet another needle. She proceeded to administer it to his other arm, further intensifying the anguish he felt. With gun in hand, Michael cautiously entered the armored vehicle, prepared for any potential danger before closing the doors. As he glanced at Rune, he couldn't help but notice the unmistakable torment etched on his face, his screams growing increasingly intense with each passing moment.

"Wait, this isn't Midazolam," Michael exclaimed as he observed the nurse preparing another needle.

"Yes, that's correct," responded the nurse. "His infection is extremely severe, so I need to attempt a different approach. Instead of trying to induce sleep, I will accelerate the progression of the infection. Waiting until we arrive at a hospital is no longer an option."Saying this, the nurse proceeded to administer the contents of the needle into Rune's left leg.

.Stop!! Screams echoed as he desperately attempted to free his legs, imprisoned and wracked with pain. But his kicks were futile, bound against the unyielding bed. "Please, stop!" Rune pleaded, his voice filled with agony. The nurse's eyes filled with sympathy as she extended a hand towards another needle, preparing to administer it to his right leg. The pain intensified, surging through his body, growing exponentially with each passing moment."If only you had just informed the police about your infection," the nurse regretfully expressed, while administering the final needle into Rune's neck. Michael, unable to bear the sight of Rune's agony and relentless screams, closed his eyes.