
Chapter 1: A Second Beginning

The deafening applause of the crowd was the last thing I remember before a sharp, intense pain pierced through my chest. In that split second, the world went black, and I felt an indescribable chill. Tokyo Industries, the empire I had built, my legacy, it all faded away.

I was Kim Hyunwoo, the celebrated CEO of Tokyo Industries. My influence and business acumen were unparalleled. But none of that mattered now. An assassin had just ended it all.

Or so I thought.

A gentle warmth enveloped me, pulling me away from the darkness. My senses were in disarray. Was I in the afterlife? Was this heaven? Hell? The vast expanse of nothingness made it impossible to discern.

Suddenly, an ethereal voice boomed, echoing in every direction. "Kim Hyunwoo, your time on Earth was not in vain. But your destiny is far from over."

A blinding light surrounded me, and when it dimmed, I found myself standing in an opulent chamber with golden walls and radiant gems. In front of me was a deity. Or perhaps I should say, I was the deity.

I looked down and, to my surprise, my body was different. No longer was I the fit and imposing figure of a corporate leader. Instead, I was now rotund, almost comically so. I touched my round cheeks and belly in disbelief. Was this some kind of joke?

The voice spoke again, "Welcome, Shoofy, to the world of Danmachi."

Danmachi? The name sounded vaguely familiar. I wracked my memories, and it clicked. It was an anime I'd heard of but never watched. But why was I here?

"You have been chosen to be reborn as a god in this realm," the voice continued, answering my unspoken question. "Here, gods and mortals coexist. Your role will be to guide adventurers, grant blessings, and maintain the balance of this world."

I was overwhelmed. From CEO to a god in a fictional universe? It was a lot to take in. But there was one thing that bothered me more than anything. "Why am I... fat?"

The ethereal laughter filled the room. "That is your divine trait. Each god has one. It's what makes you unique. Your followers will adore you for it."

Trying to adjust to my new form, I took a deep breath and attempted to channel some divine energy. It was peculiar, like a rush of adrenaline, but more profound. Power surged through me, and I realized that I might actually be capable of great things in this new world.

Determined to understand my new environment, I ventured out of the chamber. The world of Danmachi was unlike anything I'd ever seen. Towering spires, labyrinthine streets, and bustling markets filled with humans, demi-humans, and creatures of all kinds. The vibrant energy of the city was palpable.

Despite the strangeness, there was a sense of familiarity. The corporate world had its challenges, politics, and hierarchies. This world had its dungeons, quests, and divine politics. Different settings, similar games.

I soon learned that being a god in Danmachi wasn't all about lounging and enjoying divine luxuries. There were responsibilities. My familia, a group of devoted followers, looked up to me for guidance and blessings. They embarked on quests, braved dungeons, and sought my favor to aid them.

The weight of my new role dawned on me. Kim Hyunwoo was no longer. Now, I was Shoofy, a god with a duty to protect and guide. My past life's assassination seemed like a distant memory, yet the lessons I had learned in the corporate world became invaluable.

Over time, I embraced my new identity. The initial shock and confusion gave way to determination and purpose. The skills that had made me a successful CEO in my previous life proved to be just as crucial in the world of Danmachi.

I knew I was here for a reason. Thirty-two years before the plot I'd heard of would unfold, I had a mission. To shape the course of this world and ensure that when the time came, my familia would be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

And so, the once CEO turned god, with an unlikely divine trait, set out to make his mark in a world of magic, dungeons, and divine intrigue. The legend of Shoofy had just begun.

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