
Chapter 1. The boy on the yellow bus.


It was a very sunny day in the main port of my country, I was a security officer.

My job was divided into 5 parts, exit. entrance, contended property, pedestrian spot, and yard. The latter was a field full of goods, especially vehicles, that are imported into the country through cargo ships, or inside containers, which can last to reach the country every 2 or 3 weeks from where they depart, which means that every day and every hour merchandise enters the dock.

Usually on ships where the goods come, only sailors and the ship's captain travel, if someone tried to travel between the goods or vehicles they could die trying.

My first obligation when I get to work is to verify that the guns and radios are loaded. Second verify that anything that is recorded in the log is in the yard and at the place, where it is assigned that day.

The log is a book, a kind of notebook that points out who was in the working spot, the occurrences or incidents that occurred during the day and any merchandise that are received from or removed from the yard.

What brings me to the third task, when I arrive at my job is to check the field with the merchandise, because I had to check what the previous shift at service had left us. And so, avoid being held responsible for the loss of goods supposedly left here.

Then I found a yellow bus, full of things, toys, appliances, books, quilts... etc. When I suddenly saw cold blue eyes, looking sadly.

This surprised me, I thought I was looking at a black-haired boy, who was wearing a white shirt. I clean my glasses to make sure I was not seeing visions. After this I'm sure my eyes weren't cheating on me, I ran to the bus to rescue this child. It was a miracle that the boy was alive since he was in the bones.

I opened the bus door violently, I couldn't believe anyone dared to send someone, on such a lethal journey. I hug the child with my chest, trying to bring him to reality, the poor child was frozen, but I didn't care. The child's face seemed dead or minimally lost, I embraced him as tightly as I could and it seemed to me that the child started crying, as realizing that he would no longer be alone, I wipe away his tears.

"You will take care of me forever, " said the child with his eyes and smile. I wonder how I could understand his look, but I decided to ignore the child's feelings. I asked if it were a question or a statement or what I was trying to say to me Why I couldn't answer that because I had to report it first to the PANI: National Children's Board of Trustees, which I would call in other countries as a National Child Welfare Service. Besides, I had to ask my wife's permission first.

I sat the boy near me and said to my partner Chavarria:

"Chava, watch the kid!"

While I was looking for the cell phone in my pocket.

"How much are you going to pay me to take care of him?" Chava said.

"Brother, be serious and look at it for a moment, while I call the PANI, " I said. Chava reluctantly accepted the work I asked him to do. While I move a little away from them, looking for signal for the phone, losing sight of them.

"Aaaah, brother, brother, the brat is fading." Chava scream.

"What?" I answered him. I turned around and to my surprise, the child became invisible, in front of us.

"What the hell?" I scream.

"Hail Mary Pure Hail Mary Very Pure!" Chava repeated, several times while lingering himself. I looked everywhere to make sure it wasn't a hidden camera joke.

"Brother, we have entered the Unknown Dimension." Chava said with his face very pale.

"Damnit! The problem with what my partner said was that once the Unknown Dimension enters your life, your life ceases to be normal! " I thought.

"Ha ha ha..." I heard a laugh from a little girl,

"Chava did you hear that!" I ask Chavarria.

"I did not hear anything!" He said swallowing saliva. While he is covering his ears. With a lot of fear in their eyes. I forced myself to think it was part of my imagination to.

Chavarria and I we promised not to tell anyone about the encounter with the ghost girl.

The sad thing is that sometimes, on a sunny day, I feel a shiver, and when I try to find out where the cold wind comes from, I hear a laugh making fun of me. And when I look where the laughter comes from, I can see her hugging my legs.


If you find something that resembles reality, it is pure concidence

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