
The Road and the Slum Street.

I was fainted for 8 hours, when I woke up I found that someone was getting ready. I didn't understand where I was but It was so musty. I wanted to ask him "Where I am"? But he went and closed the door like he didn't see me. I remember last night I was coming from my Village in a bus, The bus stopped in a hotel I get off from that bus and I asked for a cigarette from a shop, even though I was child yet I was addicted to cigarette. Sometimes I thought that I should leave it but I can't resist it. I was screaming in that room but noone was there to hear me, I saw from window that people were roaming outside. I screamed as loud as I could but noone heard me. When I was fed up with this I quit and I waited for that man who closed me in that room. In the evening he came and he asked me for food, I asked "Where am I?" and "Who are you?". He threw the packet of food and he again closed the door. Now I was so angry, I wanted to kill him but before that I wanted to ask him many questions. I was here in the city so that I can find some work here to earn some money but I don't know what is happening with me here, I was not feeling good here. I tried to run from that place but they were so cruel. In the middle of the night someone opened the door and said me "go run from here" I asked "Who" but noone replied but the door was open. So I ran from there. I didn't think much. That day I spent my night on the road. I slept in the street with some street dogs. I thought they are the only one who will not treat me bad. There was a dog who served me bread he didn't eat but I felt that he understood my condition. He slept quietly the whole night I was thinking that why I am here? I don't know What I did.

My name is Raj. I am 20 years old young boy. I came from a very small village called "Bilas". I am well educated when I was in school I had a dream that someday I would go to the city, It's been 12 years I was living with this dream but now I am heartbroken. I had no idea that I would face these problems here. I remembered my mother food which she cooked for me at home but in that street and I was helpless I cried loudly "mummy" and I slept there with tears. Early Morning the city was like the field in which many animals had been left to graze the grass. I suddenly remember that I have some money which I carried from my home but when I checked in my pocket I found a hole there. It was stolen. I had a big predicament. I was alone. Hardly I woke up from that place a police man was scolding me and he called me "beggar". I was crying and I crossed the road and there was a tree there under which I sat and thought for sometime and after sometime I felt so much hunger. When I had no option I was helpless I realized that now I should beg I had no others way so I started begging, I was a begger. It's been three days I found 20 rupees. Hardly I ate and drank something but I cried a lot. No one was there to help me everybody was cursing. Many people advised me to do work and earn some money. They could say so easy because they had no idea what happened with me even I had no idea. There were many thoughts in my mind but I had no idea. A man came in front of me and he asked "Are you new here?". I said "what's new means?". He again asked "A new beggar". I replied "I am new".

The sun was warm and I was unanswerable for all those questions that he asked me. Soon, he assigned me a place where I can beg, He told me that he was the leader of beggars. Now I got an area which had a bus station along with a toilet. I went there with some other beggars. They torn my clothes, I was now a perfect beggar. They taught me how to beg something. "Bhagwan ke naam par de de". I was ashamed but I had no other way. Till the evening I got 100 rupees out of 100 the leader took the 50 rupees and I had only 50 rupees to spent. I ran to the old riffle. where I saw a shop, I thought I would eat something from there but I found that the shop was closed and it was heavy rain started as I reached there. Then I went to slum street nearby that shop, I saw many people who were staring at me without any reason. I asked a boy "Is there any place to live? I want a place to rent for one night". It was 5:30pm now he didn't consider what I said. I was confused I saw them they had so terrible condition. I was rich in front of them because I had 50rupees at that time. After some time a woman who almost nearby at the age of my mother came there she asked me about my address. I was staring her, I didn't reply. She again asked "Where are you from?". I had been there for a long time but noone asked me that question before. I replied "Bilas". Then she smiled and said I know many people here who are from the Bilas. I was smiling after hearing that. I was happy. I went with her. Hoping that everything would be fine soon but I found she lived at that place which was smelled too bad with her daughter who was ill, I saw her on the bed. She was shivering. I realized they don't have anything so that they can give her treatment. I asked her "Where are the people who are from Bilas". She replied "They live far from here, I will take you with me but we will go tomorrow". I thought if I will stay here then maybe I will give them trouble so I should go. So I said "Ok thanks Now I am going, I will see you tomorrow?". She replied " It's been long time and it's getting dark and raining, you can stay here with us." I denied but atlast I stayed there.

In the very next morning I saw the woman was very worried about her daughter. She was shivering too bad and I was thinking now maybe she will die but I I was not selfish I thought that I should go and get the doctor so that she can get the proper treatment. Although I had a little amount of money yet I went to find the doctor and in the middle way I met with my friend who was also a beggar named kisan he told me that the leader of the beggars was searching me everywhere. soon I met with the doctor who was not ready to come with me but after talking with his wife he was agreed. He came with me and he checked her and after that he advised me that the girl needs the proper meal and accommodation to live so that she can recover from the illness. It was the terrible day, I payed the doctor now I had nothing, I was penniless. her mother was requesting me to stay there because I helped her and I thought that it would be better if I could stay there because in this time she was so miserable. last night it was too rained and her home was half destroyed by the rain. the roof was leaking and it was flood outside. so I decided to stay there for one night but the whole night I didn't sleep, I was changing sides in the cot. in the night I saw her daughter face it was so scary. The moon was shining on her face but her was face was pale. I thought that only in my village there are people who are poor but in the city I found that there are many people who have very bad condition than us. but the funniest thing is that they came from the village to this unknown city which we also called dream city in my village. now I was also one of them, Then I looked at her mother and I thought that there might be a possibility that she also came like me from her village, maybe she got married here and then now she is in the problem. but the only one question was in my mind where is her husband? is he dead? or is he alive?. There were many questions in my mind after sometime I slept. next morning everything was destroyed. Her daughter died. now she was crying just crying and just crying the hope was destroyed even I was hopeless.