
Universe Wide Magic Academy(Drop)

A tale of Arthur in his journey living inside an academy filled with geniuses. An academy that transcends above others. In his journey, he will face his other consciousness. Who knows how his journey will end? The only way to know is to start reading. ===================================== Not My Picture Link Here: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/M-aStyOsfhTy-jMw9DI0EBKbFpT5gknZwV_vSYeTkO5aYur0omJhL6POo0-eOkn7WWYlJ6mp0jZ7hMQ2ow32GEls_HRWBeQmUzjV_SFfByZTgVJAwXC029suSYn4

DreamHeart · Fantasy
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23 Chs

New Life

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A dark and darkened chamber was heard with gunshots. Black men in black garments go amok with weaponry with a futuristic look. The weapons are formed like a rectangle and somewhere in the heart of the weapons are triggered. The side of the cannon has blue, bright vein lines, which appear like it contains blue plasma of great power.

The guys in black dash fiercely into the dark as though hunting someone who took their wives. Fortunately for them, they began to glimpse a silhouette of a guy seconds later.

"Arthur, give up immediately or we are going to murder you," shouted a guy among the black males, with a forceful voice.

The individual in question was merely smiling and answering. "Do you believe you truly have the skills to stop me? Hehehe, it would be as easy as stealing sweets out of a baby if I truly wanted to flee."

The man next to the other guy could no longer hold on to his wrath and said, "You're an arrogant bitch, so lofty and powerful when you don't have anywhere to go! Do you believe we're the only team sent to murder you? You're only now alive because you're still valuable living."

Arthur didn't answer, but rather he began to laugh like a lunatic. The laughter sends chills down their spine. This prompted the angry person to shoot his plasma weapons. Only then did the laughter die down.

Slowly, the men in black go to check Arthur's body. Arthur's wide grin face lingered there even after his death. Even though these individuals murdered countless, the grin provides a sickening and fearful feeling. The sensation lasts within one second when one member receives a call.

"Congratulations on the murder of me! Woo..woo, and don't care, I'm the body ahead of you. This is not a clone, it's my voice record, so don't be scared. Hey! You murdered me, the Underworld's demon lord. This should be celebrated since what is coming is not pleasant. See, my heart's a ticking detonator. As soon as my heart stops beating. Well, I believe you gentlemen know what will happen next when a bomb strikes none." The voice stopped.

The entire black roof fell off without time to grasp what had just happened. The men in black eyes dilated into horror as they stare at the scene ahead. Their limbs gone numb from fear, some men started to scream. A giant monitor faces them that shows every nuke that has ever been made, activated.

The phone is ringing. Moments after the leader of the group picks up the phone. The speaker on the other end of the line, their world leader, confirms to the group of men that what they see is true. This call destroys the leader's last bit of hope. He passes out due to shock.

In a minute, the Earth falls silent. The Earth transforms from a green and blue marble to a brown marble in one minute. There was no scream, no struggle, everything and everyone was obliterated, and nothing from this life-giving planet remains. All of this occurred as a result of the death of a single individual.

A boy sleeps on a bed in a dark room, sweating buckets of water. A man entered the room and inquired about the boy's well-being. He stretched out his hand to feel the boy's temperature. However, before the doctor's hands come into contact with the kid, the youngster, who appears to be motionless on the bed, snatches at the doctor's hand like a snake pursuing its victim. The doctor was taken aback. His eyes widened in surprise.

"It's all right, little kid; I'm not out to hurt you. You don't have to be afraid." The doctor gave the kid a kind grin.

The child gradually let go of his hold when he realized the doctor was not a threat. The doctor gently returned his gaze to his paper after seeing the child had let go of his hold. The kid was meant to perish as a result of a natural-born curse called Death Blood, according to the article. A curse that causes an individual's blood to merge with death mana, causing their body to rot from the inside out. There is a way to get rid of this condition. It only works, though, if the individual awakens their mana.

The doctor went out of the room after doing certain tests to ensure that the kid was healthy.

In order for Arthur to go, the doctor had to do a few blood testing procedures. After the doctor had gone, Arthur's mind was a whirlpool of thoughts. "I'm not sure how I've managed to stay alive. Why does my hand appear to be so small and frail? I'm in desperate need of answers, and I need them now. "

Arthur searches the room anxiously for something that will help him unravel the riddle. Arthur didn't notice his reflection until he came to a halt at the glass. His pupils dilated as he took in what he was seeing, astonished and shocked. A boy with silver hair, transparent green eyes, a charming face that would make a lady envious, and silky pale skin is depicted in the vivid image on the window. Aside from his face, the boy's body is skeletal.

Minutes pass before Arthur recovers from his surprise. Arthur, who has remained calm throughout, is now attempting to figure out what's going on "Since Project Armageddon began, this planet cannot be Earth. So, what could it possibly be? "

Arthur mulls over his options until he comes to a decision. "I think I got it out; if my theory is correct, I'm in a different universe." Arthur became aware of his predicament as a result of past event. For one of his plans, Arthur needed to know the pattern of a particular individual. He goes to great lengths to discover all he can about his target, and one of the things he has to know is what type of entertainment this person enjoys.

Arthur began to systematize his knowledge of the genre, transmigration to another universe, after reaching the conclusion of his transfer to another world. He didn't have time to ponder more because the doctor had already concluded his report.

"Okay, kiddo. The result indicates that you are healthy, since there is no longer any death mana in your system." According to the doctor.

Surprising revelation strikes Arthur. "If this planet does indeed have mana, then my conclusion is accurate."

When the doctor saw Arthur's amazement, he couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "The fact that he was OK must have startled the youngster. You can't blame him, after all. This is a once-in-a-lifetime miracle. " As a result, the doctor approaches the child, pats him on the shoulder, and says to him, "It's all right now, you're OK. You shall spend your life as a typical young scholar from now on. " The doctor goes on to inform the child that in approximately three months, he will be back to normal.

Arthur inquired about the cost of medicine before the doctor left. The doctor responded with a chuckle, "I can't, I just can't, paying for scientific medicine, kid, that was a wonderful joke. You still believe it's 2078, but it's 5789, and all scientific medicine is free."

Arthur now has a clearer grasp of what's going on because of the information that the doctor shared. It first confirms that this world is far more sophisticated than his. Also, consider how there is both magic and scientific progress, yet scientific medicine is free. Arthur deduces that the world considers scientific progress to be inferior to magical progress.

Arthur's interest has reached a breaking point, so he excuses himself from the hospital to avoid wasting time. On his journey, he can see how large this entire hospital is; one wing of this structure is the size of a massive supermarket in Dubai. Arthur had to run and jog for around 20 minutes until he saw the glass exit sign. He didn't feel weary when running or jogging; rather, he felt rejuvenated. Arthur theorized that the humans in this world must have had stronger genetics than those on Earth.

He sees a number of intriguing aspects about the hospital, including the lack of adult patients; instead, all of the patients are youngsters, and the only adults in the facility are physicians. As Arthur considered it more, he realized that this facility maybe a children's hospital. The most fascinating aspect of the hospital is its levitating moving stairs, which move like an escalator yet float without a foundation. Although the ground floor of this hospital is enormous, it is devoid of furnishings and ornamentation. It's as though you're standing in the middle of a huge, open field.

Arthur expected to see enormous skyscrapers high in the sky as he stepped out of the hospital, but the magnificent sight did not emerge. All he sees are rectangle-shaped buildings stretching as far as the eye can see in his direction. Arthur is perplexed as to why so many people in this society live in the same kind of home.