
Universe Residence

When you find yourself at the pinnacle of life, experiencing freedom, good health, immense wealth, and the fulfillment of your dreams, it can all be snatched away in an instant, swallowed by the vast expanse of the universe. This is precisely what happened to Zen, a young, hidden billionaire, whose life was abruptly altered when a comet collided with him, shattering his world. However, the universe had a different plan in store. Zen was granted a second chance—an infinite chance, one might say. His soul underwent a profound transformation, gaining the extraordinary ability to navigate the wheel of reincarnation while retaining his memories. As a result, Zen became a resident of the universe, eternally bound to the cycle of life and death, yet endowed with the unique power to be reborn time and again, carrying his experiences from one existence to another.

Gre_Nut1 · Eastern
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17 Chs

Chapter 9

( I'm sorry for the confusion, but from now on, the novel will use first person perspective ) - Author

Other than the stick, I also make two springs to act as the extender pusher, incorporating inscriptions that allow them to pull the extended part back. Once all the components are ready, I move on to the most challenging part—the engraving of the inscriptions.

I start with the middle section, carefully inscribing the ends of the stick with a combination of lightning and metal element inscriptions. This creates a magnetic effect that locks the extended part in place. Next, I work on the springs, crafting them from a mix of normal spiritual iron and a touch of copper for added flexibility. I engrave magnetic inscriptions onto the springs, along with some earth inscriptions. These springs will provide structural support and act as propellers when the hollow part is filled with earth energy. The magnetic force will propel the extended part, enabling long-range attacks.

With the middle section and springs complete, I move on to inscribing the extended part. It receives the same set of inscriptions as the middle section, ensuring a cohesive design. The staff's skills are embedded in the inscriptions: Wood Barricade, Bind, and Wood Search.

Wood Barricade allows me to create a defensive wall made of trees, while Bind generates a rope of plant material to immobilize enemies. Wood Search is a skill I discovered while tweaking the wood inscriptions. It sends out a wave of wood energy that bounces between trees. When the energy bypasses any living beings other than plants, it sends a signal back to me, revealing the location based on the distance. With a range of 5 kilometers, this skill vastly expands my observation capabilities, far beyond the limited range of my current level 7 senses.

Once the inscriptions are complete, I affix a circular-shaped crystal to each end of the middle section. These crystals act as combustion triggers, propelling the extended part at incredible speeds.

Now that all the inscription-related work is done, I proceed with assembling the staff. Once finished, I take a moment to relax in the garden, reflecting on the one-and-a-half-week-long project. Despite still having a week before the delivery date, I inform the Golden Tortoise merchant of the staff's completion, eager to showcase my efficiency.

The next morning, the courier arrives with a single box. Carefully placing the staff inside, I return to my workshop, ready to immerse myself in the next phase of my research.

I found a remote spot in the surrounding area of the tower, away from prying eyes, to gather my thoughts before diving into my research.

In a distant place—the palace of the Bamboo Jade Empire, surrounded by bamboo with jade-like texture and color. In one of the rooms inside the palace, a remarkably handsome young man can be seen.

To the casual observer, it may appear that the young man is not quite right in the head, as he seems to be engaged in conversation with the corner of the room. However, upon closer inspection, one can discern the presence of a person in black clothing, emitting an extremely faint aura.

"How is the performance of the drugs?" the young man inquire, addressing the person in black.

"Yes, young lord. The drugs have proven to be highly effective. Once buyers make a purchase, they keep coming back for more," the man in black responds.

A smile spreads across his face. "Excellent. Keep it up."

"Thank you, sir," he replies.

The young man continue their discussion, probing into the supply of resources. The man in black doesn't hesitate to inform the young man about the difficulty we're facing in amassing the skull leaf—a plant known for its potent death energy.

"As expected," the young man mumble to himself. "This is a tricky situation. As a prince, I could establish a plantation anywhere I desire, but the risk of exposure is high. We need a remote location, far away from the prying eyes of authorities."

The man in black suggests another continent as a potential option. This particular continent is inhabited by cultivators who possess various professions. Only those cultivators with sufficient knowledge and expertise have managed to create shelters in this challenging environment. For instance, the tower where Zen reside is a prime example of the advanced craftsmanship prevalent on this continent.

The man consider his suggestion carefully. "It's a possibility, but the chances of failure are lower, while the risks are considerably higher."

The other continent mentioned is where Zen and many other craftsmen and cultivators of various professions reside. It is a place where intelligence and skill are valued, and survival is contingent upon one's ability to create formidable defenses. The wooden wall surrounding Zen tower, designed like a labyrinth, is a testament to the ingenuity of its master. This intricate structure ensnares any intruders, even deterring the most formidable individuals from approaching.

After some pondering, the young man continued, "Okay, we're going to try the other continent. But make sure to test the waters first. Ask some members to go to the continent and start setting up a small camp. And don't forget to list the required equipment."

The man in black nodded and replied, "Yes, young lord. Right away." And just like that, he vanished, as if he had never existed from the start.

Soon after the man in black disappeared, a knock on the door was heard. "Excuse me, young lord. The majesty requests your presence in his study room," a female voice spoke.

Once inside the study room, the young man found a middle-aged man seated in front of him, engrossed in reading and occasionally jotting something down. The aura emanating from the old man was terrifying.

The middle-aged man in front of the prince was the emperor of the Bamboo Jade Empire. If Zen were to assess the man's level, he would estimate it to be around 60.

After a few minutes, the old man finally realized the presence of his own son. "My child... come here. I have good news for you."

Curious, the prince asked, "What is it, father?"

The emperor smiled and said, "Your weapon is complete. Congratulations on winning the continent competition."

Upon hearing the news, the young man's face lit up brightly. He had been eagerly awaiting this moment. Hiring a cultivator craftsman was no easy task, just as difficult as hiring a pill master. Even though the empire had its own craftsmen and pill makers, the quality they produced was far inferior to Zen's.

He needed to win a significant competition to convince his father to seek out a cultivator craftsman. Now, with the news of his weapon's completion, the young man's eyes quickly scanned the room until they landed on a green wooden box placed beside the worktable. He hurriedly reached for the box and slowly opened it, revealing a bamboo stick with a metallic luster.

The prince grasped the weapon and infused it with his spiritual energy, imprinting his energy signature onto it. After expressing his gratitude to his father, he made his way to the training area of the palace, eager to test every ability of the stick.

Among them, the wood search skill left him most astonished. "The extendable feature is interesting, but the wood search ability... this is fantastic," he remarked.

With that, the prince decided to offer the craftsman extra payment and confirmed the completion of the transaction.