
Universe Creator

I, Noah Miller have died. I appeared before God who told me he made a mistake and killed the wrong person. In exchange I get a couple wishes. “Ok, can I reincarnate into an Anime world?” “I’m sorry, those only exist in fan fics.” “Fine, if I can’t reincarnate into an anime world I’ll make my own.” (This is my first time writing something so expect grammar mistakes and if you see grammar mistakes please leave a comment. Also I do not own any of the anime in the story.)

Ellenad · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


Hey guys, it's been a while. If by some miracle this story is somehow still in your library then great! If not you should add this to your library. Anyways I started my other fan fiction but then I lost motivation to write for a little while. Anyways I would start writing again now but I'm a high school student and I got a lot coming up. I got both an SAT and an ACT coming soon and I have a lot of other prep SAT stuff I am having to take so I won't be writing it this spring. Then I like to spend the summer doing my own things. So you guys will be getting a rewrite of Universe Creator in the fall. I hope you guys are okay with waiting. Anyways, see ya!