
Universal Tree

In a world ensnared by a looming danger, Su Lingxi unexpectedly inherits the enigmatic Chaos System, thrusting her into an extraordinary destiny. With this newfound power, she embarks on a perilous journey to restore order and reconnect with the mythical Universal Tree, whose fate is intricately linked with the balance of the Multiverse. As she navigates treacherous landscapes and encounters both allies and adversaries, Su Lingxi must confront the shadows of her past and the daunting forces that seek to thwart her quest. In a race against time and fate, her determination becomes not only a beacon of hope but also a catalyst for the destiny of worlds beyond imagining.

LUCI17FER · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Clearing (II)

There is a zombie at the kitchen door and another close to the front door. I'll kill the one by the front door first," Su Lingxi decided. She aimed her longsword at the undead near the entrance, her grip steady. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled and exhaled slowly, focusing her energy. With precise aim, she threw the longsword, watching as it flew toward its target with lethal intent.

The longsword struck the undead on the torso, and as it made contact, the creature slowly dissolved into golden white particles before disappearing entirely. "These undead are really vulnerable to the divine element, huh," Su Lingxi remarked, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. The effectiveness of her weapon gave her a renewed sense of confidence as she prepared to face the next threat.

"This didn't happen when I first used this longsword. Is it because of the divine element I don't have enough?" Su Lingxi questioned, her determination growing stronger. With a resolute expression, she leaped towards the other undead, summoning her longsword midair. As she descended, she slashed at the zombie with precision, swiftly dispatching it. However, upon landing, Su Lingxi slipped and injured her foot, the pain shooting through her leg. Despite the setback, she gritted her teeth, refusing to let the injury hinder her resolve to survive.

Su Lingxi wasted no time as she hurried to the shoe cabinet, her longsword dissipating into golden white particles behind her. With determination etched on her face, she reached the cabinet and immediately began to drag it towards the broken staircase, her injured foot protesting with each step. Ignoring the pain, she focused solely on the task at hand, driven by the urgency to fortify her escape route before any further danger emerged. With every ounce of strength she could muster, Su Lingxi pressed forward, knowing that her survival depended on her ability to adapt and overcome the obstacles in her path.

With the shoe cabinet in place, Su Lingxi wasted no time in climbing up to the second floor, her heart pounding with adrenaline as she ascended to safety. As she reached the top, a wave of relief washed over her, and she collapsed onto the floor, overcome with a sense of accomplishment. "Yes! I managed it somehow," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with exhaustion and triumph. Alone in the quiet of the second floor, Su Lingxi allowed herself a moment of celebration, grateful for her perseverance in the face of danger.

As Su Lingxi lay on the floor, basking in her hard-won victory, a notification from the system flashed before her eyes.

"Level up!"

The words filled her with a renewed sense of determination, reminding her of the progress she had made and the challenges she had overcome. With a satisfied smile, Su Lingxi closed her eyes, ready to rest and recharge before facing whatever trials awaited her on the next stage of her journey.

As Su Lingxi gazed at the new system panel, her excitement grew at the prospect of leveling up rewards.

"Level up rewards:

5 Stat Points 1 Random Item Card"

The possibilities danced through her mind as she contemplated how to allocate her newfound stats points and eagerly anticipated the surprise of the random item card. With a sense of anticipation coursing through her veins, Su Lingxi's determination to continue her journey only strengthened, ready to face whatever challenges and treasures lay ahead.

As Su Lingxi spoke the word "Stats," a new system panel materialized before her.

Su Lingxi's Stats

Name: Su Lingxi


Level: 2

Path: Forbidden Path

HP: 110

MP: 60


Strength: 4 Dexterity: 4 

Constitution: 1 Intelligence: 1

Wisdom: 1 Charisma: 1 Luck: 1


Passive Skills:

Mana Essence LVL: 0

Active Skills:

Radiant Shield LVL: 0

Unique Skills:

The Orb of Weaponry LVL: 0

"I will upgrade my strength and stamina," she declared, her voice resolute.

Su Lingxi's Stats

Name: Su Lingxi


Level: 2

Path: Forbidden Path

HP: 110

MP: 60


Strength: 6 Dexterity: 7

Constitution: 1 Intelligence: 1

Wisdom: 1 Charisma: 1 Luck: 1


Passive Skills:

Mana Essence LVL: 0

Active Skills:

Radiant Shield LVL: 0

Unique Skills:

The Orb of Weaponry LVL: 0

With a firm resolve, Su Lingxi allocated her stat points accordingly, bolstering her physical capabilities for the trials ahead. As she confirmed her choices, a surge of power coursed through her, invigorating her body and sharpening her focus. With her attributes enhanced, Su Lingxi was more prepared than ever to face the challenges that awaited her.

"Use my card too," Su Lingxi commanded, her anticipation mounting as she awaited the reveal of her random item. With a sense of excitement, she watched as the panel displayed her prizeb a katana.

"The host got a weapon called Katana," the system text announced.

A smile of satisfaction graced Su Lingxi's lips as she beheld her new weapon. With a swift motion, she reached out to claim the katana, the weight of its blade feeling reassuring in her hand. Armed with her newfound strength, stamina, and the sleek blade of the katana, Su Lingxi felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on her journey.

"The host finds a potential permanent weapon for a sword. Does the host want to feed the Katana to the Orb of Weaponry?" the system announced.

"Hmm, this weapon is indeed good, light but not that light and heavy. Okay," Su Lingxi replied.

With a determined nod, Su Lingxi confirmed her decision. Instantly, a golden white particles enveloped the katana, and it gradually disappeared into the ether.

Su Lingxi watched the transformation with a mix of anticipation and satisfaction, knowing that she had made the right choice to strengthen her arsenal. With her weapon now integrated into the Orb of Weaponry, she felt a newfound sense of power and readiness to face the challenges ahead.

"Warning: The Host must upgrade the Orb of Weaponry to finish the transformation," the system announced.

"Okay, put 1 skill point on it," Su Lingxi confirmed.

With a sense of determination, Su Lingxi ensured the completion of the transformation process. After some time, the katana completely disappeared, leaving behind only the Orb of Weaponry, now infused with the essence and potential of the weapon it had absorbed.

With the upgrade complete, Su Lingxi felt a surge of power emanating from the orb, signaling its newfound strength. With her arsenal bolstered and her resolve unwavering, she was more than ready to face whatever challenges awaited her on her journey.

As Su Lingxi felt the sharp pain in her foot, she wasted no time in requesting aid from the system.

"Send me a single book, Basics of healing or something," she commanded.

In response, a book materialized before her. "Basics of Divine Magic?" the title read.

Without hesitation, Su Lingxi began to read the book immediately, eager to learn whatever knowledge it contained that could assist her in relieving her pain and aiding her recovery.

As Su Lingxi delved into the pages of the book, absorbing its contents with diligence, a system panel suddenly appeared before her.

"The Host gained new knowledge. The system will assist to help the host. Analyzing the book, completed. Uploading the information, completed."

However, before Su Lingxi could fully process the implications of this newfound knowledge, a sharp pain pierced through her head, causing her to cry out in agony.

"AGHHH! MY HEAD," she exclaimed, the pain intensifying with each passing moment.

With newfound clarity flooding her mind, Su Lingxi realized the profound impact of the knowledge she had just gained. Understanding the basics of divine magic as though she had studied it a hundred times over, she wasted no time in putting her newfound abilities to use.

Harnessing the power of divine magic, Su Lingxi focused her concentration on her injured foot, channeling healing energy through her body with practiced precision. With each passing moment, the pain began to ebb away until, at last, her injury was fully healed.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Su Lingxi marveled at the strength and resilience she now possessed, grateful for the unexpected boon bestowed upon her by the mysterious workings of the system. With her body restored to full health and her mind brimming with newfound knowledge, she felt more prepared than ever to face the challenges that lay ahead on her journey.

"I learned a lot from that," Su Lingxi remarked, her voice filled with determination. Rising to her feet, she immediately focused on her next objective: clearing her house of undead.

"The kitchen next. I'll put a Holy Barrier on the front door and windows first," she declared, her mind already formulating a plan of action. With a renewed sense of purpose and the knowledge of divine magic at her disposal, Su Lingxi set out to fortify her home and confront the looming threat of the undead with unwavering resolve.

Skipping ahead to dusk, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sky. Su Lingxi stood at the largest window on the second floor, surveying her surroundings with a sense of satisfaction.

"I managed to clear the mansion before night," she mused, taking a bite of the sweet fruit she held in her hand.

With the immediate threat of the undead vanquished and a moment of respite at hand, Su Lingxi considered her next steps. She could continue fortifying her defenses, explore the unknown parts of the house, or perhaps even venture outside to gather more supplies.

As she weighed her options, one thing remained certain: whatever path she chose, Su Lingxi would face it with the same courage and determination that had carried her through the trials thus far.

As the system panel materialized before her, Su Lingxi read its message with a mixture of surprise and determination.

"The host's goal is to reconnect with the Universal Tree. To achieve that, the host must reestablish the connection by detecting the location of the Universal Tree. The host must get stronger or the system will delete itself."

The weight of the task ahead settled upon Su Lingxi's shoulders, but she refused to be daunted. With a resolute expression, she accepted the challenge before her, understanding that her journey would require both physical and spiritual growth.

"I will find the Universal Tree and restore the connection," Su Lingxi vowed, her determination unwavering. With renewed purpose, she set her sights on the path ahead, ready to face whatever trials and tribulations awaited her in her quest to reunite with the heart of the universe.

At a distance, Su Lingxi spotted a flag fluttering in the evening breeze. "Hmm? What's that?" she wondered aloud, curiosity piqued. The flag's presence raised several questions in her mind, compelling her to investigate further and uncover its significance.

"Investigating it is the best move, but if it's dangerous, I'm not confident in facing it yet," Su Lingxi muttered to herself, her eyes narrowing in thought. As she speculated on the flag's origins, she considered, "It's probably the kingdom or the empire."

Deciding that caution was the better part of valor, Su Lingxi immediately canceled the Holy Barriers cast over the entire house, wanting to remain hidden. She knew that staying concealed would give her the time she needed to gather more information and strengthen herself before confronting any potential threats.

"I just cleared my house of undead," Su Lingxi said, worry creeping into her voice. "Now that my house is unprotected again, they might come in. There are still quite a lot of undead around here."

Her mind raced as she considered her options. She needed to find a way to keep her home secure without drawing attention. Perhaps setting up temporary, less conspicuous barriers or finding a way to fortify the entrances could buy her some time. As she pondered her next move, the sense of urgency and the need for a careful strategy weighed heavily on her.

"Should I hide in the basement?" Su Lingxi pondered aloud. The idea of retreating to a more secure part of the house seemed increasingly appealing. "I still haven't had a drink yet. Problems after problems," she muttered, feeling the weight of exhaustion and dehydration.

As she weighed her options, Su Lingxi knew she needed to prioritize her safety and well-being. Heading to the basement would provide temporary refuge and give her a chance to rest and rehydrate. With a determined nod, she decided to gather some supplies and make her way to the basement, hoping it would be a safe haven amidst the chaos outside.

"First I need water and then food," Su Lingxi said, ready to move. But just as she took her first step, a voice spoke from behind her, chilling her to the core.

"You better not move or I'll kill you immediately, miss."

Su Lingxi's heart dropped, the unexpected threat sending a wave of fear through her. She froze, her mind racing to assess the situation and find a way out of this perilous encounter.

"Your plan is quite good," the mysterious person remarked, examining Su Lingxi's appearance with a critical eye. "White long hair, huh... and ragged and tattered peasant clothing. Still, I'm surprised that you can do divine magic."

Su Lingxi's voice trembled with nerves as she responded, "W-Who are you?"

The tension in the room was palpable as she awaited the stranger's reply, her mind racing to figure out who this person was and what they wanted.

"My name is Aurelius Frostweaver, Grand Mage of the Arcane Kingdom. What about you?" the mysterious person introduced himself.

"My name is Su Lingxi. I have no title," she replied, her voice steady despite the unease churning within her. As the gravity of the situation sank in, Su Lingxi braced herself for whatever might come next, uncertain of Aurelius Frostweaver's intentions but resolved to handle the encounter with caution and composure.

"I don't mean harm, Miss. We were traveling back to the Kingdom. This place is on the undead horde's marching line, and it looked like a horde just passed by. How did you survive?" Aurelius inquired with curiosity.

"I protected the house," Su Lingxi replied, her voice tinged with determination.

Aurelius surveyed the house thoughtfully. "Hmm. Indeed, it looked like it," he remarked.

Su Lingxi, wary but intrigued, asked, "What do you want?"

"Those who possess Divine Element are rare. How about coming with us?" Aurelius proposed, extending an invitation to Su Lingxi.

"If I said no?" Su Lingxi countered.

"Then I'll have no choice but to devour your Divine Element," Aurelius declared confidently.

However, as Aurelius activated his Mana Essence skill, he immediately fell to his knees in agony. "WHAT THE HELL, YOU!" he exclaimed in shock.

Without hesitation, Su Lingxi summoned her katana and lunged towards Aurelius, ready to defend herself against his treacherous intentions.

But before Su Lingxi's attack could reach Aurelius's neck, her strike was halted by a sudden barrier that materialized, blocking her path.

"What!" Su Lingxi exclaimed in surprise and frustration. Sensing the urgency of the situation, she knew she had to act quickly.

"I have to go," Su Lingxi thought, her mind racing with the need to escape. With determination fueling her, she swiftly made her way to the nearest window and leaped out, her feet carrying her swiftly towards the nearby river.

As she ran, Su Lingxi knew she had to put as much distance between herself and Aurelius as possible, uncertain of what other dangers might lie ahead.