
Universal Tree

In a world ensnared by a looming danger, Su Lingxi unexpectedly inherits the enigmatic Chaos System, thrusting her into an extraordinary destiny. With this newfound power, she embarks on a perilous journey to restore order and reconnect with the mythical Universal Tree, whose fate is intricately linked with the balance of the Multiverse. As she navigates treacherous landscapes and encounters both allies and adversaries, Su Lingxi must confront the shadows of her past and the daunting forces that seek to thwart her quest. In a race against time and fate, her determination becomes not only a beacon of hope but also a catalyst for the destiny of worlds beyond imagining.

LUCI17FER · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A new Start

As the blinding light of the activated magic circle began to fade, Xue Liu's eyes slowly adjusted to the newfound clarity of her surroundings. Blinking away the remnants of the overwhelming brightness, she surveyed the basement with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The once dimly lit chamber was now bathed in a soft, ethereal glow emanating from the intricate patterns of the magic circle, which pulsed with a subdued radiance. With each passing moment, the lingering effects of the activation waned, revealing the full extent of the ancient magic permeating the air. Standing amidst the aftermath of her unwitting discovery, Xue Liu couldn't shake the feeling that she had stumbled upon something far greater than herself a power beyond comprehension that held the key to unlocking the mysteries of the past and shaping the destiny of the future.

As the remnants of the blinding light dissipated, a figure materialized before Xue Liu, its ethereal form bathed in a soft, luminescent glow. A sense of awe washed over her as she beheld the mysterious entity a white humanoid figure with long, flowing hair that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly radiance. Though its features were indistinct, Xue Liu felt a strange sense of familiarity emanating from the enigmatic being. As it spoke in a voice that echoed with the melodic tones of a woman, Xue Liu felt a chill run down her spine, tinged with both fear and curiosity. With bated breath, she listened intently to the words of the mysterious entity, her mind reeling with the implications of its cryptic message and the secrets it held within its spectral embrace.

"W- who are you?" Xue Liu asked, her voice trembling with fear and curiosity.

"Don't be scared," the figure in front of her reassured, their tone gentle yet mysterious, adding an enigmatic quality to the encounter.

"Hmm. It seems you've met all the criteria I gave the magic circle to activate," the figure remarked cryptically, their words tinged with a sense of intrigue and anticipation.

"W- what are you saying?" Xue Liu stammered, confusion and anxiety evident in her voice as she struggled to make sense of the stranger's cryptic words.

"Looks like you're injured," the mysterious figure observed with concern, their voice carrying a hint of empathy and compassion.

"Don't move, I'll heal you," they declared confidently, a sense of determination resonating in their words as they prepared to wield their magical abilities for Xue Liu's benefit. Their gesture was both unexpected and deeply reassuring.

As the mysterious figure cast a healing spell, Xue Liu felt a surge of energy enveloping her body, dispelling her fatigue, thirst, and hunger in an instant. Relief washed over her, mingled with gratitude for this unexpected act of kindness.

"Chantless?" Xue Liu pondered silently, her thoughts racing as she tried to comprehend the nature of the magic that had been used to heal her. The absence of incantations or gestures was a mystery she couldn't unravel.

"T-Thanks," Xue Liu finally managed to stutter, her voice choked with emotion as she struggled to express her gratitude to the enigmatic stranger who had come to her aid.

"Now that you're back to your perfect condition, you really met all of my requirements," the mysterious figure remarked with a tone of satisfaction and approval, their voice resonating with a sense of accomplishment.

As they extended a dark orb with a violet glow towards Xue Liu, a surge of anticipation filled the air, tinged with a hint of mystery and excitement.

"Here," the mysterious figure said, their voice carrying a weight of significance as they placed the orb in Xue Liu's hands. "With this, you'll be able to use Chaos Energy. It will convert your mana pool to a new one and allow you to become stronger."

Xue Liu gazed at the orb in awe, her heart racing with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. The power it promised was both alluring and intimidating, beckoning her towards a path of unknown possibilities.

"I want you to become my successor, so I need you to be strong," the mysterious figure explained, their words carrying a sense of urgency and determination. The weight of their expectations hung heavy in the air, fueling Xue Liu's resolve to rise to the challenge and prove herself worthy of the trust placed in her.

"I imagined this is not free?" Xue Liu questioned, her tone tinged with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity as she considered the implications of the mysterious figure's offer.

"Of course, once you become my successor, you'll also inherit my responsibility," the mysterious figure confirmed, their voice carrying a weight of solemnity and duty.

"May I ask about the responsibility?" Xue Liu inquired, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty as she sought clarity on the expectations that would accompany her newfound role.

"You'll dedicate your life to protecting and managing the Universal Tree. But before all of that, you'll need to have a connection to it first. And making a connection to it... it'll take a long time. Are you prepared?" the mysterious figure explained, their words laced with a sense of gravity and foreboding.

"With my current situation, I don't really have anything," Xue Liu thought, a pang of doubt creeping into her mind as she weighed the sacrifices that lay ahead.

"Based on your appearance, do you accept my legacy?" the mysterious figure pressed, their gaze piercing as they sought confirmation of Xue Liu's commitment.

"Yes," Xue Liu replied with a determined look, her voice steady despite the uncertainty swirling within her. In that moment, she resolved to embrace her destiny and embark on the path that lay before her, regardless of the challenges it may bring.

"Now, eat the Chaos Fruit, my child," the mysterious figure commanded, their voice carrying a weight of authority and expectation as they presented the enigmatic fruit to Xue Liu.

"Yes, master," Xue Liu responded obediently, her fingers trembling slightly as she took the Chaos Fruit into her hand. With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, she bit into the fruit, unleashing a surge of chaotic energy that engulfed her astral body. The sensation was akin to flames licking at her essence, searing through her mana pool with an intensity that made her cry out in pain.

"Agggh! It hurts, master!" Xue Liu exclaimed, her voice strained with anguish as she endured the searing agony of the Chaos Fruit's transformative power.

"Now, I congratulate you, Xue Liu," the mysterious figure declared, their tone tinged with a hint of finality as they prepared to depart. "With that, I must bid farewell. I hope we won't meet again."

"Huh? Wait! Master!" Xue Liu called out, her heart pounding with a sense of urgency as she reached out to stop the figure from leaving, desperate for answers and guidance.

"I wish you good luck. Unlocking my prowess will be quite hard, but be patient," the mysterious figure reassured, their presence fading as they approached Xue Liu and gradually merged into her soul, leaving behind a profound sense of connection and purpose.

"As my first and last gift as your master, I will give you a name. As of now, you'll be known as Su Lingxi, the Originator," the mysterious figure declared, their final words echoing in Xue Liu's mind as she embraced her newfound identity and the weight of her destiny.

Lying in the center of the pulsating magic circle, Xue Liu's mind swirled with a torrent of thoughts and emotions. The encounter with the mysterious entity had left her shaken yet strangely invigorated, as if a dormant part of herself had been awakened by the enigmatic being's words. With her eyes fixed on the intricate patterns adorning the ceiling above, Xue Liu pondered the weighty implications of her newfound power. Su Lingxi, the name whispered by the ethereal figure, resonated within her soul, carrying with it a sense of purpose and destiny that she couldn't ignore. As she lay amidst the hum of arcane energy, Xue Liu knew that she stood at a crossroads a choice between embracing the path laid out before her or turning away from the mysteries that beckoned from the shadows.

In the quiet stillness of the chamber, Xue Liu found herself grappling with the weight of her newfound identity as Su Lingxi. With each passing moment, the realization of her potential and the responsibilities that came with it weighed heavily upon her. As she stared up at the ceiling, lost in thought, fragments of memories and visions danced at the edges of her consciousness, whispering of a destiny intertwined with the threads of magic and mystery. The choice before her was clear to embrace the path of the mage and wield her newfound power for the greater good, or to turn away from the call of destiny and retreat into the safety of the shadows. With a determined glint in her eye, Xue Liu, now Su Lingxi, rose to her feet, ready to embark on a journey that would test her courage, challenge her resolve, and ultimately shape the course of her destiny.

As the World Systems materialized before Su Lingxi, she found herself confronted with a myriad of choices that would shape her path in the world of magic. The options lay before her like a labyrinth of possibilities, each pathway branching off into untold destinies. With a sense of anticipation tinged with trepidation, Su Lingxi's gaze swept over the array of choices presented to her. However, her surprise was palpable when she realized that her race was already filled with three distinct entities a Demonic, God, and Divine Spirit race. It was an unexpected revelation, one that left her pondering the implications of her unique heritage and the role it would play in her journey ahead.

Despite the unexpected nature of her racial heritage, Su Lingxi remained undeterred in her quest for mastery over magic. As she considered her options, her attention turned to the forbidden route The Originator. It was a path shrouded in mystery and peril, whispered of only in hushed tones among the most daring of adventurers. The allure of the forbidden route beckoned to Su Lingxi, stirring a sense of curiosity and fascination within her. Yet, she knew that treading such a path would come with its own set of risks and consequences, ones that she could ill afford to underestimate.

With a steady resolve, Su Lingxi made her decision, choosing to embrace the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead. With each choice she made, she knew that her journey would be fraught with trials and tribulations, but she was determined to carve out her own destiny in a world where magic reigned supreme. As she took her first steps down the path of her chosen destiny, Su Lingxi's heart swelled with a sense of purpose and determination, ready to face whatever challenges awaited her with courage and conviction.

"Since I have three races, which I suspect I inherited from my Master, I guess I'll be able to pick three classes and jobs," Su Lingxi thought to herself, contemplating her newfound potential.

"For the Demonic Race, what should I pick?" Su Lingxi inquired aloud, seeking guidance from the mysterious forces that governed her destiny.

"The Demonic Race has a perfect sync with magic. I recommend for the host to pick Mage," the World System responded systematically, its voice echoing in Su Lingxi's mind with calculated precision.

"The God Race is in sync with anything, while the Divine Spirit Race is in sync with the world's laws," the World System continued, offering insight into the unique traits of each race and their respective affinities.

As Su Lingxi pondered her options, she felt a sense of anticipation building within her. With the guidance of the World System, she knew she would be able to navigate the complexities of her newfound abilities and unlock her full potential.

Standing amidst the overwhelming array of choices presented by the World System, a sense of indecision gripped her. The weight of responsibility bore down upon her shoulders as she grappled with the multitude of paths laid out before her. Feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the decision she faced, she hesitated, unsure of which direction to take. In a moment of uncertainty, Su Lingxi turned to the World System, her voice trembling as she asked if it could wait a plea born from the depths of her uncertainty and the desire for more time to contemplate the consequences of her choices.

In response to Su Lingxi's plea, the World System resonated with a gentle hum, as if acknowledging her inner turmoil. After a moment of silence, a soothing voice echoed within her mind, assuring her that time was not of the essence. "One day," it murmured, its tone imbued with understanding and patience. With this assurance, Su Lingxi felt a weight lift from her shoulders, grateful for the reprieve that would grant her the opportunity to ponder her options more deeply. With renewed determination, she resolved to make the most of the time afforded to her, knowing that when the time came, she would face the choices before her with clarity and conviction.

"I've already made up my mind. I pick Mage for my Demonic Race," Su Lingxi declared with conviction, her voice echoing with determination as she embraced her chosen path.

"The host picks Mage class for the host's Demonic Race," the World System responded, its tone now devoid of emotion, as if merely stating a fact rather than offering guidance.

With her decision made and her path set, Su Lingxi felt a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. As she embraced her role as a Mage of the Demonic Race, she knew that challenges lay ahead, but she was ready to face them head-on, armed with her newfound powers and unwavering resolve.