
Universal Transcendent

The ozone layer of the earth finally shattered. However, instead of damaging radiation, what reached Earth was energy. The COSMIC ENERGY; is the base of a transcendent. It gave human power, but power heralds the fall of order. It gave animals, plants, and some non-living objects, power, sentience, and intelligence, which was the genesis of the supremacy battle on Earth. Who is the king race on earth? Things got worse when an outer-space alien race; the Azura race, entered Earth. The already weak order broke down! However, they suddenly left after conquering some places. ——— A millennium has passed since the arrival of Cosmic energy, and humans entered an age of peace and tranquility. However, was their peace? Blake Shaun, who was framed and locked up before the ozone shattered, woke up from a strange hibernation. He found out that the earth he once knew was gone. The people he knew were either dust or wielding power to make cities quake. Humans could fly. Animals were now intelligent beasts. The same place, different feeling; that was what he felt. Things got worse when he woke up with a system and the remnant soul of a demon goddess, trying to possess him. He was not controlling the system! The stronger the demoness, the faster he losses his body. He couldn't even commit suicide! He had only 10% control of the system. He had to control the system for his survival! Things get worse when he finds out that his former enemies from the prison were alive. They hibernated but woke up early. They were very powerful and were about to stir sky-rending chaos. The chaos that will turn the dominions upside down. The worst thing is that his late awakening made him weak. To survive, he has to level up. Level up real quick!

BlackCape · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Battling The Dark Demon Part 1

Blake was just about to jump out of the window and run for his life. Ella's voice and actions always get them in trouble he didn't bargain for.

The moment his legs took a step, texts flashed in his eyes like it was monitoring his actions.




MISSION: [Kill Luke, the dark demon, without the secondary host's help.]

REWARD: [Six percent (6%) of the Universal system control.] 

                 [One crystal awaken core.]

                 [Runic-Tech Manual: Level 1.]

                 [Random mission's emotional status unlocked.]



NOTE: If the primary host controls 15% of the Universal system, he can access his status. 


"Hell! It's only a mad person that will think of killing a dark demon with my meager strength," Blake muttered and was about to reject the mission. However, Hecate appeared at that moment.

"If you dare reject the mission, I will start the body possession which will leave you defenseless in front of this little beast," Hecate rapped hurriedly with her eyes glowing red. It gave Blake a terrible fright. This is the first time he has seen Hecate anxious. 

"Only a lunatic will think that I can kill that!" Blake roared at her.

"What is there to fear? It is just bigger and has more strength than you. Didn't you notice when you stabbed it and ran away, the distance between you and it was constant?" Hecate asked with a mesmerizing smile, and her eyes dimmed down.

Blake thought for a while, after which, he realized that his fear of the dark demon made him miss that crucial detail. A roar from the dark demon drew his attention. It has finished transforming. The reason he didn't attempt to kill it during the transformation is that Luke's arm had already changed to that of a dark demon. Maybe Luke might be baiting him to come closer and smash him into a pulp.

"Strength is also a bigger reason to fear it," Blake said calmly, no longer having the bone-chilling fear after he found out he could escape the demon.

"I will perform a mental skill transfer to you. It's called the kinetic energy absorber," Hecate said and suddenly pressed her thumb on Blake's head while closing her eyes. Blake's eyes abruptly turned ruby.

Luke, who transformed into the dark demon, found out he couldn't move at that moment. He felt a power weight pressing on him.

When Blake opened his eyes, he didn't see Hecate again, but he found out that the dark demon hadn't moved from its position. This made Blake think the process was very short. Unaware that Hecate stopped the demon.

"Accept!" Blake spoke through his gritted teeth with squinted eyes.

"Grrr!" the dark demon roared and lunged at Blake, throwing its fist.

Blake, without hesitation, widened his legs for balance, with his sword held in his face with both hands, ready to strike.

The moment the big demonic fist appeared in his face, he slashed his sword with all the power he could muster. His effort was good but not enough as the punch sent him sliding backward at a fast speed. He made sure not to lift his foot from the ground.

The skill Hecate taught him was the 'kinetic energy absorber'. Your body is like a conductor, while the earth is like a universal absorber. Any force sent to your body, you send it to the ground. It made up for the strength gap. However, it has a massive flaw. You can never take your foot off the ground, or else the kinetic energy will explode in your body. A kinetic energy exploding internally can pulverize the heart and other delicate organs. So, Blake is taking a big risk.

Blake came to a stop when he was just a hair-breadth from the wall, leaving a long skidmark with his feet. Blake felt his hands and sword vibrating, but it was bearable. When he did not feel any internal disturbance, he dared lift his feet.

"Okay, big guy. Let's roll!" Blake roared and lunged at the confused demon. He slashed the sword at the demon's neck. The demon sensed a fatal threat, which made it jump backward. Blake missed the strike, and he followed up with a slash at the demon's waist the moment his foot touched the ground.

He planned to follow up, slash after slash while using the kinetic energy absorber for defense. 

The demon stepped sideways, dodging his sword, but Blake punched at the position where the demon was moving to. The slash was a feint attack.

When Blake's fist connected to the demon, he felt like his hand smashed into a rock. The demon moved only a step backward, destroying the shelf behind it. Blake already expected it, so he followed up with a thrust. The fight intensity kept getting higher and more blood spilling, with Blake bombarding the demon with his sword and fist. Anytime the demon counteracts, he absorbs the energy. Blake noticed the demon was half-deranged. Some actions were calculated moves.

All this while, Ella has been pressing the button to contact Scarlett while backing Luke's office, but it wasn't working. She was oblivious to the intense battle happening behind her.

Blake, at this time, felt his hand losing all the receptive sensation and numbness spreading, due to the remnant vibration after fighting for five minutes. 

The kinetic energy absorber skill redirected only seventy percent of the energy to the earth because of Blake's low proficiency. The remaining thirty percent diffuses in his body, which causes damage after a long time. His lips had a little trail of blood caused by his jolted organs. He knew he had to end the battle quickly, or he might die. The demon turned out to be tenacious even though it was bleeding from its body riddled with numerous wounds.

The room's furniture has been destroyed beyond recognition, with only the four walls still standing. Both Blake and the dark demon were gazing at each other unblinkingly with venomous, narrowed eyes while standing apart. They were a few meters from each other and had super speed. A little distraction might spell death. The blood is a testament to the intensity of the fight.

The dark demon suddenly dashed at Blake and swung its fist like a dark hulk. This time, Blake sheathed his sword into the scabbard strapped to his back. He received the dark demon's punch with his left fist, which made his hand feel like it was about to fracture as he slid backward. 

However, this time, he did not send the energy to the Earth. When he was a step from touching the wall with his back, he performed a backflip and step with both his feet on the wall. Without wasting a moment, he sprang at the dark demon like a compressed and released spring, which made a web-like crack spread across the wall. 

Blake then transferred the kinetic energy that was trying to ravage his body internally, to his right hand. He was trying to use the kinetic energy of the dark demon against it. However, things don't always go as planned.

When he was about to finish the remaining energy, the veins in his right hand burst open, soaking his right hand with blood. His right hand was like it had been dipped in a barrel of red wine. The remaining kinetic energy exploded in his body, making him spurt blood from his mouth while in the air. His momentum dropped, making him fly weakly.

The dark demon suddenly smirked fiendishly, which gave Blake a sudden chill. It opened its mouth and hurled a thick, black smoke. The smoke looked harmless from afar, but it dissolved the bulb hanging on the wall, like a concentrated corrosive. 

This made Blake's face change into a nasty grimace. It was plain to see that the demon was pretending to be deranged while scheming. It could even use a corrosive darkness element. Blake couldn't stop his body mid-flight, which made him close his eyes. If there was a second chance, he wouldn't have been recklessly courageous while trying a stunt in a high-intensity battle. His battle awareness is still low.

He fucked up!

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