
Universal Transcendent

The ozone layer of the earth finally shattered. However, instead of damaging radiation, what reached Earth was energy. The COSMIC ENERGY; is the base of a transcendent. It gave human power, but power heralds the fall of order. It gave animals, plants, and some non-living objects, power, sentience, and intelligence, which was the genesis of the supremacy battle on Earth. Who is the king race on earth? Things got worse when an outer-space alien race; the Azura race, entered Earth. The already weak order broke down! However, they suddenly left after conquering some places. ——— A millennium has passed since the arrival of Cosmic energy, and humans entered an age of peace and tranquility. However, was their peace? Blake Shaun, who was framed and locked up before the ozone shattered, woke up from a strange hibernation. He found out that the earth he once knew was gone. The people he knew were either dust or wielding power to make cities quake. Humans could fly. Animals were now intelligent beasts. The same place, different feeling; that was what he felt. Things got worse when he woke up with a system and the remnant soul of a demon goddess, trying to possess him. He was not controlling the system! The stronger the demoness, the faster he losses his body. He couldn't even commit suicide! He had only 10% control of the system. He had to control the system for his survival! Things get worse when he finds out that his former enemies from the prison were alive. They hibernated but woke up early. They were very powerful and were about to stir sky-rending chaos. The chaos that will turn the dominions upside down. The worst thing is that his late awakening made him weak. To survive, he has to level up. Level up real quick!

BlackCape · Fantasy
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24 Chs


Blake, who was confronted with death, saw his past flash through his eyes.

He was just a normal poor boy raised by a single mother from childhood. However, things became rough for his mother and he had to quit schooling after completing high school at fifteen. He entered the entertainment industry, and he began his singing and acting career, playing little roles in movies. When he was sixteen, he dropped his hit song, rising to stardom, and later signed a contract with a massive, popular record label. His acting career followed suit after the hit song he released. Life became easy with wealth.

However, when he was eighteen, Blake fell straight from heaven to hell. It started with an invitation from the US President to perform at his only daughter's birthday. He accepted it without hesitation. The fame, connection, and money were on another level. During the birthday party, everything, including the performance, went smoothly.

Nevertheless, His journey to hell began when the President's daughter invited him to her room, claiming to be his fan. He accepted it, trying to improve his impression of her. However, when he got to the room, she was trying to have sex with him. Blake still loved his career and head, so he ran away. Departing from the party in its entirety. Getting into the blacklist of the President was a death sentence to his career. Moreover, he might send a secret assassin for his head.

Blake arrived at hell the next morning. He woke up and saw himself on the TV with different major and minor news headlines. The news claimed he murdered the President's only daughter in her room.

He got arrested and was taken to court. Moreover, there were solid and undeniable pieces of evidence. His fingerprints were found on the murder weapon and all over her room, including the furniture. He denied the allegation, telling the people that he was framed, but nobody bothered or listened. The evidence spoke louder. His record label broke the contract, breaching the terms without compensation, and abandoned him. Friends departed. The mentors were disappointed in him. The manager retired. Only his mother stood by him.

He was sent to an unknown prison on an island after being found guilty with the penalty of life imprisonment. When he got to the prison, he found out that it housed the criminals with the worst crimes, including assassins, and psychopaths. It was a wolf's den. Fighting was a regular occurrence. Brutality was common. He adapted and that was how he lived there for one year.

On his nineteenth birthday, the sky tore open with the loudest explosion he had ever heard, followed by flaming meteors raining on the earth, destructively. The prison and the Island, which was a secured zone, were not spared. It was broken, ravaged, and wrecked, prompting the escapes of the prisoners. The guards couldn't even protect themselves.

Blake was escaping but got struck by the shockwave of a meteor that struck the earth. It sent him into the sea. When he was trying to swim out, he got smashed directly by another tiny meteor, which sent him into the depth of the ocean. He passed out before reaching the depth. When he woke up, he found himself at the seashore.

A string of text disrupted his daydreaming.


Primary Host Awakening…

Health status: 50%

Body status: 60%

Conditions met for awakening!



"What again?" Blake muttered warily, with his nerves tensed. If it were before, he wouldn't have believed it. However, he has seen the reincarnated human Zeus, even Aeolus. The Titanic beast has appeared.

A sharp pain in his abdomen caused him to grind his teeth and endure, but he ended up rolling in the snow.

Lily, who was dangerously walking towards him, halted. Lily is the girl who killed the young master. A strange gleam with an unreadable meaning flashes past her eyes.

After five minutes, the pain subsided.


[Awakening complete. Congratulations!]

Scanning Planet For Magical Ranking…


When he sat up, he saw the expressionless beauty staring at him.

"Congratulations on awakening," Lily said indifferently.

"Thank you. What is awakening? What is your name?" Blake asked.

"You don't know me?" Lily asked with a frown that made Blake's heart race.

'How am I supposed to know you? I don't even know the name of the planet,' Blake thought but didn't dare say a word.

"My name is Lily. Awakening is the breaking of the chains of the mortal body to become transcendent. Well, let's forget about that and you follow me," Lily said calmly.

"What?" Blake asks in surprise.

"I need a husband," Lily said calmly, but Blake wasn't calm. He shivered and stealthily peeked at the place where the young master died.

His actions didn't go unnoticed by Lily's observing eyes.

"He kidnapped me, so I merely killed him to survive. Moreover, he would have still died anyway. You were bleeding, and that snow mountain ape goes berserk at the scent of fresh blood. Also, don't get it wrong. I require a fake husband to conceal my identity," Lily explained patiently.

'Is she treating me like a real husband, explaining patiently like a virtuous wife?' Blake unconsciously fantasized but shook it off immediately.

Blake said with a weak sigh, "Fine, but let me rest."

"After awakening, you will receive a baptism which has healed your bleeding and a boost in your strength. Let's leave before Lucia comes back, or we will be dead," Lily said while pulling Blake off the ground. Blake found out that he had the strength of a bull.

"Don't you want to kill me?" Blake asked warily when he stood up.

"Do you want to die that much, honey?" Lily said seductively. Blake shivered at her 180 degrees switch of personality. Unknown to him, a flamy glint flashed past her eyes.

"I would have killed you because I thought you were an elemental transcendent, but found out you are merely a weak mortal who just awakened. I'm curious, how did you attain that speed as a mortal? Your speed could match those elemental transcendents," Lily, who switched to her cold and indifferent personality, asked curiously.

"Adrenaline," Blake said, noticing he ran too fast for a normal human.

That was how they entered the city, like a loving couple. Before they reached the city, Lily covered both her hair and Blake's. She also smeared dirt on her face. Blake, who had a secret plan to call for help when he reached the city, changed his mind. The city's gate and fence were like those of a fortress from a fantasy novel.

Some people wore strange armor. The security carried swords, spears, and whips instead of guns.

What made his jaw drop was when he saw people making fire, ice, and water out of thin air, using their hands.

Blake was currently sitting in the room, after Lily, who disguised as his wife to enter without a pass, rented a one-bedroom flat. Lily was in the sitting room. His mind was blank from the information he had just obtained from browsing through the internet. He borrowed something called a verse watch from Lily, to access the internet. The verse watch was just like a hand bangle that uses a holographic virtual screen. Although the technology was astonishing to him, the information was more shocking. He searched for, 'sky tearing and meteors showering the earth'. He found the jaw-dropping information.

After the meteor showered the earth, it brought Cosmic energy, which made animals and plants intelligent and powerful. Followed by the increase in power and the birth of various abilities. Humans had to vie for supremacy against creatures. When humans were on the losing side, they had to find a way to get stronger since they couldn't absorb cosmic energy, naturally, like animals.

After two decades of multiple battles, humans found out that there is a core in the head of the beast. They could absorb it and get stronger. It became a natural cycle. Beasts absorb cosmic energy, while humans kill them to get their beast cores. When humans became strong enough to survive, they formed seven dominions, which were like seven countries, with multiple cities in them. It protected humans.

As humans became more powerful, they explored the land and discovered many places on the earth which were hidden. They came up with a theory. As the cosmic energy penetrated the earth's atmosphere, the ruins started functioning. Humans discovered ancient ruins which boosted their abilities. It then bridges the power gap between humans and beasts. It became a deadlock for six hundred years. Battles were fewer. Until an unfortunate event occurred.

An outer space intergalactic ship breached Earth's atmosphere. A race that was of higher civilization than Earth. They started another war. This caused humans and beasts to be bound for battle against the invaders. The earth-shaking battle lasted for two centuries, and the Azura race suddenly abandoned Earth even when they were winning. Taking their ship to a distant star.

Humans and beasts broke their temporary peace, but a big battle hasn't occurred since then. Only small battles occurred. Blake did not know the difference and scale of destruction between the small battles and big battles. An age of temporary peace came to be.

What made him weak was that a millennium had passed since the meteor shower. Everything he was once familiar with, was gone.

He was rocking his chair weakly when a string of text flashed through his eyes. The Universal system.



Planetary System Ranking Complete…

Primary Host: Blake Shaun.

Universal System Control: 10%.

Age: 19.

Rank (Planetary): Awaken.

Universe Rank: Locked.


[Level Up Requirements: 100 crystal cores of Awaken Beasts.]

Time: 200 days. (Countdown starts now)

Reward: Elemental bow.

Failure Penalty: Body disintegration.


[Major Quest: Vie For Control.]

Description: Primary host should have 100% control of the Universal system.

Time: None.

Reward: Galaxy Armor [Universe Rank: Mystic].

Failure Of Major Quest: Soul obliteration.


Power Quest: Locked (Insufficient control).


Note: Acceptable random quest will be given, with a reward.


[Secondary Host: Empress Hecate.]

Universal System Control: 90%.

Status: Locked



"What the hell? I'm not your thrall. This shitty system is always threatening my soul or body. You can leave me with your rewards!" Blake screamed at the top of his lungs, not knowing the importance of the reward. He was frustrated because he found out that nobody knows about the system. Meaning, only he is in hell.

After releasing his anger and pent-up frustration, he calmed down. He made up his mind.

He threatened the system, "Since that's how you want to play, I'm going to get so powerful that it will make you fear me!"

At the same, he waited warily for the system's reply.

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