
Universal Survival: I Can See My Summons Hidden Evolution Paths

"What? I got goblins as my servants. How dogsh*t is my luck to receive this kind of treatment?" "F*ck! I can actually see the hidden evolution paths of my summons... Lightning Samurai Goblin, I choose you!" . . . In a universe where countless worlds and civilizations exist, the gods have grown tired of the endless wars and destruction wrought by the inhabitants. In a desperate attempt to restore order, the divine beings have decreed that all living beings must be punished for their recklessness and greed. And so, a grand game of survival has been created. The participants in this game were chosen at random from across the universe, representing different planets, species, and cultures. They were taken from their homes and transported to a strange, unknown world, where they were forced to fight for their very survival. The game was simple: the winners would be allowed to continue living and would be granted great power and riches, while the losers would be wiped out of existence. Each participant was given a territory to start with, which they had to upgrade and defend against other players. In addition, they were each given a summoning altar, allowing them to summon servants such as humans, animals, monsters, and more to aid them in their fight. As the game began, alliances were formed, enemies were made, and blood was shed. The players soon discovered that the game was not only a test of physical strength and strategy, but also of their morals, ethics, and inner strength. In this world of chaos and uncertainty, only the strongest and most cunning would survive. But as the players fought for their lives, they began to realize that the game was not just a punishment, but also an opportunity. An opportunity to rise above their limitations, and to uncover the secrets of the universe. ===== [ Schedule at least 1-3 chapters / per day ] [ BONUS CHAPTER CRITERIA ] : 1magic castle = +2 bonus chapters : 1 spacecraft = +5 bonus chapters : 1 golden gachapon = +10 bonus chapters : 100 golden tickets = +1 bonus chapter : 300 powers stones = +1 bonus chapter - note: the bonus chapters will be uploaded within 1-14 days after the critera has been achieved. - additonally, i won't upload all bonus chapters at once but rather distribute them daily over the course of the days. thank you!

kaeeeee · Fantasy
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131 Chs

New Summons and Platoon of Goblins!

"Well, at least I can summon more goblins now," Gray said to himself, trying to stay positive. He agreed to summon immediately, and a bright light enveloped the altar. When the light dissipated, Gray found himself facing not two, but four goblins.

As Gray observed the group of goblins, he quickly noticed that three of them were typical lackeys with small, weak frames, as expected. They blended together with no remarkable features that distinguished them from an average goblin.

However, the fourth goblin caught his eye. It was different from the others. It was taller, standing at least a foot above them, and its lean and toned physique indicated that it was used to physical activity.

Unlike the average one, this goblin had a more refined appearance, with a distinctive green hood and cape that marked it as someone of higher rank. In its hands, it held a well-crafted bow that looked to be in excellent condition. From the bow in its hand, Gray could tell that this goblin was an archer.

Gray approached the group of goblins, intending to check their evolution paths. He inspected two of the goblins and discovered that they only had common and uncommon paths. There were no hidden evolution paths. However, his attention was drawn to the third goblin as he read its evolution paths.


[ Choose an evolution path ]

- Berserker Goblin ( Rare )

- Scout Goblin ( Uncommon )

- Warrior Goblin ( Common )

- Lightning Samurai Goblin ( Legendary )

: Lightning Samurai Goblin is a fearsome and swift warrior that strikes fear into the hearts of its opponents with its lightning-fast movements and precision strikes. Equipped with a razor-sharp katana and lightning-quick reflexes, this goblin is a true master of combat. Its expertise in lightning magic further enhances its already impressive abilities, enabling it to unleash devastating bolts of lightning to vanquish its foes.

Without hesitation, Gray decided to choose the Lightning Samurai Goblin as his evolution path. The idea of a goblin that could wield lightning magic and fight with a katana was too intriguing to pass up. He imagined the thrill of watching the goblin dart around the battlefield, striking down enemies with lightning speed while channeling deadly bolts of lightning through its sword.

After choosing the evolution paths for his three goblins, the goblins started to glow and transform.

After choosing the evolution paths for his three goblins, Gray watched as they began to glow and transform. He wasn't surprised or startled by this, as it had become quite common for him.

However, he still couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as he anticipated the new abilities and powers his goblins would possess.

The transformations were always a fascinating sight to behold, and Gray couldn't take his eyes off of the goblins as they underwent their metamorphosis.

Finally, the glow faded away, and the goblins looked strikingly different from their previous forms. It was as if they had shed their old skin and emerged anew, like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis or a phoenix rising from the ashes. The transformation was so drastic that it was hard to believe they were the same goblins Gray had summoned earlier.

Gray observed the three goblins, The first one is the Carpenter Goblin, Its body was now covered in rough, bark-like skin that looked like it had been carved out of wood. The goblin's limbs had thickened and elongated, and its fingers had fused together into gnarled, branch-like appendages.

On its head, the Carpenter Goblin wore a pointed hat made of woven leaves, and its eyes had turned bright, glowing green. A small, wooden hammer hung from its belt, and a pouch filled with various nails and screws dangled from its shoulder.

The second one is the Scout Goblin, and its appearance had changed drastically as well. Its body was now lean and nimble, and its skin had taken on a mottled green-brown hue, blending perfectly with its surroundings. The goblin's eyes had become sharp and alert, and its ears had elongated into pointed tips.

The Scout Goblin wore a hooded cloak made of rough, natural fibers, which helped to conceal it from view. It carried a long, thin knife on its belt, and a quiver of sharpened arrows slung across its back.

As for the third goblin, the Lightning Samurai Goblin, its appearance was the most striking of all. It was as if its body had been drained of all color and turned into a ghostly pale white. Its skin was now smooth and almost porcelain-like, giving it an eerie, otherworldly appearance. The goblin's eyes had turned a bright, electric black, and bolts of lightning crackled across its body, illuminating its pure white form.

The Lightning Samurai Goblin wore a suit of sleek, dark blue armor, adorned with intricate lightning bolt designs. It wielded a pure white razor-sharp katana emitting an otherworldly glow that matched the goblin's ghostly appearance.

After admiring their new appearances, Gray assigned names to the four goblins. He named the Archer Goblin "Gobeye," the Carpenter Goblin "Gobrick," the Scout Goblin "Gobbie," and the Lightning Samurai Goblin "Gobusuke."

With the names assigned, Gray focused his attention on the next steps in his plan. He knew that the transformation was just the beginning, and there was still much more to do to make his goblins truly formidable.

Therefore, he quickly opened up the interface for each of the goblins, carefully analyzing their unique traits and selecting a skill that would perfectly complement them.

Gray took a considerable amount of time contemplating which skills to assign to each of his goblins. Once he finally made his decisions, he meticulously checked each goblin's interface to ensure the selected skill was suitable for them.


[ Archer Goblin ] ( Common )

- Name: Gobeye ( M )

- Level: 1

- Traits: Accurate, Perceptive, Tactical

- Loyalty: 87/100

- Skills:

- Arrow Rain ( Active ) ( LVL: 1-star )

: Gobeye fires a volley of arrows into the sky, which rains down on a targeted area, dealing damage to all enemies within. Cooldown: 45 seconds.

[ Carpenter Goblin ] ( Uncommon )

- Name: Gobrick ( M )

- Level: 1

- Traits: Creative, Diligent, Resourceful

- Loyalty: 87/100

- Skills:

[ Hammer time ] ( Active ) ( LVL: 1-star )

: Gobryx enters a state of intense concentration, allowing him to channel his magic into his hammer strikes. Each hit from his hammer creates a burst of energy that increases the effectiveness of his carpentry work, allowing him to craft stronger and more precise structures. The skill can last for 5 minutes. Cooldown: 10 minutes.

[ Scout Goblin ] ( Uncommon )

- Name: Gobbie ( M )

- Level: 1

- Traits: Observant, Patient, Sharp Memory

- Loyalty: 87/100

- Skills:

[ Memory Map ] ( Passive ) ( LVL: 1-star )

: Gobbie can create a detailed mental map of areas he has explored, allowing him to navigate through them with ease and recall important details later.

[ Lightning Samurai Goblin ] ( Legendary )

- Name: Gobusuke ( M )

- Level: 1

- Traits: Disciplined, Decisive, Opportunistic

- Loyalty: 87/100

- Skills:

- Lightning Whirlwind ( Active ) ( LVL: 1-star )

: Gobsuke channels the power of lightning magic into his katana, unleashing a black whirlwind of electrical energy that strikes all nearby enemies. The skill deals devastating damage and has a high chance to stun affected enemies. Cooldown: 45 seconds.

[ Katana Mastery ] ( Passive ) ( LVL: 1-star )

: Enhances Gobusuke's proficiency with katana and other sharp weapons. His attacks with a katana deal 10% more damage.

Gray's eyes scanned over the goblin's interfaces, a small smile forming on his lips as he took note of their impressive skills. "F*cking excellent!" he praised. "With your abilities, we'll have a more upper hand in tomorrow's fight.

Gray made the decision to count all of his goblins in his mind, as he wanted to better organize his plans for them. He realized that without a clear understanding of the number of goblins he had, it would be difficult to effectively allocate tasks and resources.

In grand total, Gray has 16 summons at his disposal:

- Archer Goblin ( 1x )

- Carpenter Goblin ( 3x )

- Chef Goblin ( 1x )

- Dual Arcane Pistolero Goblin ( 1x )

- Scythelord Goblin ( 1x )

- Farmer Goblin ( 3x )

- Lightning Samurai Goblin ( 1x )

- Scout Goblin ( 2x )

- Shadow Blade Goblin ( 1x )

- Shadow Sniper Goblin ( 1x )

- Warrior Goblin ( 1x )

Gray couldn't help but curse under his breath as he mentally listed all of his goblins. "D*mn, I have a lot," he thought to himself, realizing that he had his work cut out for him in terms of managing them all.

Gray couldn't help but think about the immense potential his goblins possessed, and he knew he had to stay organized and come up with a plan that would ensure that each one of them was utilized to their fullest ability.

Like a small army of ants that can move mountains, his goblins could carry out tasks that seemed impossible for their size and numbers. It was like having a pack of underdogs that could take down giants. Gray was eager to put this potential to use and see what his goblins were truly capable of achieving.

Taking a deep breath, he let out a commanding shout that echoed throughout his territory, calling upon all of his summons. The goblins scurried from their places, eagerly gathering before him with a look of anticipation on their faces.

Gray looked at the mass of goblins, feeling a sense of pride and responsibility wash over him as they all vowed and knelt before him. The only sound that could be heard was the rustling of their clothing and the shuffling of their feet as they maintained a respectful silence.

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