
Universal Survival: I Can See My Summons Hidden Evolution Paths

"What? I got goblins as my servants. How dogsh*t is my luck to receive this kind of treatment?" "F*ck! I can actually see the hidden evolution paths of my summons... Lightning Samurai Goblin, I choose you!" . . . In a universe where countless worlds and civilizations exist, the gods have grown tired of the endless wars and destruction wrought by the inhabitants. In a desperate attempt to restore order, the divine beings have decreed that all living beings must be punished for their recklessness and greed. And so, a grand game of survival has been created. The participants in this game were chosen at random from across the universe, representing different planets, species, and cultures. They were taken from their homes and transported to a strange, unknown world, where they were forced to fight for their very survival. The game was simple: the winners would be allowed to continue living and would be granted great power and riches, while the losers would be wiped out of existence. Each participant was given a territory to start with, which they had to upgrade and defend against other players. In addition, they were each given a summoning altar, allowing them to summon servants such as humans, animals, monsters, and more to aid them in their fight. As the game began, alliances were formed, enemies were made, and blood was shed. The players soon discovered that the game was not only a test of physical strength and strategy, but also of their morals, ethics, and inner strength. In this world of chaos and uncertainty, only the strongest and most cunning would survive. But as the players fought for their lives, they began to realize that the game was not just a punishment, but also an opportunity. An opportunity to rise above their limitations, and to uncover the secrets of the universe. ===== [ Schedule at least 1-3 chapters / per day ] [ BONUS CHAPTER CRITERIA ] : 1magic castle = +2 bonus chapters : 1 spacecraft = +5 bonus chapters : 1 golden gachapon = +10 bonus chapters : 100 golden tickets = +1 bonus chapter : 300 powers stones = +1 bonus chapter - note: the bonus chapters will be uploaded within 1-14 days after the critera has been achieved. - additonally, i won't upload all bonus chapters at once but rather distribute them daily over the course of the days. thank you!

kaeeeee · Fantasy
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131 Chs

Goblin Elite Team vs. The Enormous Spider! – I

Gobrielle closely monitored the situation, ready to revise their strategy if necessary. However, the goblin group's initial attack proved to be overwhelmingly successful. The Flameboars were unable to mount a coordinated counterattack, and their numbers quickly shrank.

As the last of the Flameboars fell, Gobrielle called for a temporary halt in their actions. "Hold your fire," he commanded, ensuring that no additional arrows were wasted.

He then turned to the goblin group, "Well done, everyone! Our attack was a success. The Flameboars have been annihilated."

Gobrielle's eyes narrowed, his voice firm as he continued, "Now, let's not waste any time. We need to collect any arrows that are still in good condition. This way we can maintain our ammunition supplies properly."

The archer goblins nodded and swiftly dismounted from their horses, diligently collecting the arrows scattered around the area. They took care to inspect each one, discarding any damaged or broken ones and keeping the usable ones in their quiver.

While the archer goblins retrieved the arrows, Gobrielle ordered the other goblins to gather the boar corpses and hide them in a nearby bush. "We'll leave the boars here for now," he said. "We'll retrieve them later if they're still here. Our priority at the moment is gaining levels and progressing through the forest."

The goblins followed Gobrielle's instructions, efficiently dragging the boar corpses and concealing them in the designated hiding spot.

Once the boars were hidden, Gobrielle gathered the goblin group once again, ready to proceed with their mission. "Great job, everyone. Now, back to the first formation and move out!"

The goblins swiftly reassembled into their first formation, their ranks tightly knit and organized. With their formation restored, they mounted their sturdy steeds once again and set off, riding through the lush forest.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the forest, four goblins cautiously peeked out from behind a large tree. The dappled sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting flickering shadows on their faces.

This elite team consisted of Goburus, the Scythelord goblin, Gobryx, the Dual Arcane Pistolero goblin, Gobulus, and Gobius, Shadow Sniper Goblin.

They had encountered various monsters during their journey, wisely avoiding unnecessary confrontations to preserve their strength. However, now, hidden amongst the tall trees, they had stumbled upon a peculiar sight. Peering through the vegetation, they beheld a monstrous creature, its massive form commanding attention.

An immense creature, resembling a monstrous spider. It boasted eight hairy legs, each as thick as tree trunks, and its body bore a striking pattern of vibrant purple hues, adding to its menacing presence.

The colossal arachnid was engrossed in its grisly feast, tearing into its prey with an insatiable hunger. Its mandibles clicked with a bone-chilling sound as it savored its meal. This behemoth was no ordinary spider, its immense size and ferocity marked it as a dangerous 4-star monster.

"That's an enormous spider, and its presence is as intense as its size. No doubt about it, it's a 4-star monster." Goburus murmured as his gaze remained fixed upon the creature.

Gobryx keenly observed the scene. "Look, it's devouring something," he whispered. "Its attention is completely focused."

Turning to Gobius, Gobryx asked, "Do you think you can take it down?"

Gobius carefully studied the spider's movements. After a moment of consideration, he replied, "I'm not confident in killing it outright, but I may be able to injure it."

Gobulus chimed in, "I think it's worth a try. The worst-case scenario is that it will dodge the bullet and become agitated, which we can handle."

Goburus nodded in agreement. "Very well. Gobius, take the shot. The rest of us will be prepared to engage if necessary."

Gobius nodded. "Got it. I'll give it a shot," he replied. Taking a deep breath, he positioned himself behind a tree trunk for the perfect angle, his keen eyes fixed on the massive spider.

Whispering an incantation, Gobius uttered, "Kage Ansatsu." As the words left his lips, a profound transformation occurred. Shadows enveloped his form, wrapping around him like a protective cloak. Gradually, his presence melded into the darkness, rendering him invisible to the naked eye.

Gobius, now concealed from sight, held his breath as he steadied his sniper rifle. Through the scope, he focused his gaze on the menacing spider. Adjusting his aim, he honed in on the creature's head, the precise spot where a well-placed shot could unleash devastation.

Gobius squeezed the trigger, and the rifle jolted against his shoulder as the bullet soared through the forest air. The spider, engrossed in its grisly feast, suddenly sensed impending danger. It jerked its massive body, attempting to evade the lethal projectile, but its reaction was a mere fraction too late. The bullet struck one of the spider's legs with a resounding impact.

Emboldened by his initial success, Gobius wasted no time. Recovering swiftly from the recoil, he deftly loaded another round and took aim once more. However, the crafty spider, now alerted to the presence of an unseen enemy reacted with astonishing agility. It spewed forth a stream of corrosive acid, tinged with a vibrant purple hue.

In a clash of forces, the acid met the hurtling bullet. The corrosive liquid seethed and sizzled, devouring the metal projectile with relentless fervor. The bullet's structure crumbled under the acid's potent assault, reducing it to molten fragments that dissolved into nothingness.

As the remnants of the bullet disappeared, the corrosive acid dripped onto the forest floor, hissing and smoking upon contact. The ground beneath the spider's feet reacted to the lethal substance, showing signs of erosion and dissolution. It was a reminder of the acid's potent corrosive power, capable of disintegrating not just metal but also the very earth itself.

[ Purple Haze Spitting Spider ]

: A formidable creature that exudes an eerie presence. Its vibrant purple exoskeleton catches the eye, while its eight long legs move with graceful precision. Possessing extraordinary speed and a deadly weapon, this arachnid instills fear with its venomous arsenal, unleashing a relentless stream of corrosive acid that dissolves all in its path. Its intricate webs ensnare unsuspecting prey, ensnaring them in a labyrinth of doom, trapping them with no hope of escape.

Gobius muttered a curse under his breath, his teeth gritted in frustration. Lines of worry etched themselves on his face as he realized that the monster was not only incredibly swift but also capable of spitting out a deadly acid.

Gobius's heart raced as he witnessed the colossal spider react to his failed assassination attempt. The monster's eight legs propelled it into swift motion, charging directly towards their hidden location.

Panic surged through Gobius as he realized the spider's incredible speed, even in its injured state. The wounds inflicted upon the creature seemed to only fuel its ferocity, driving it into a frenzied rampage. The spider's lightning-fast movements surpassed even the 4-star Grizzly Razorback Bear they had encountered before, leaving Gobius on high alert.

With a racing heart, Gobius urgently alerted the rest of the goblin team. His voice trembled as he shouted, "Prepare for battle! This spider is faster than anything we've faced before, perhaps even twice as fast as the 4-star bear we encountered back in the Lizard Men's Territory. And be cautious of its acid attacks! The slightest touch can melt through our defenses. Stay agile and dodge it at all costs!"

The rest of the goblin team snapped into action as Gobius's urgent warning filled the air.

Goburus, unsheathed his enormous scythe from his back. The curved blade gleamed in the dappled sunlight as he spun it expertly in his hand, With a fierce courage etched on his face, he yelled, "Goblin formation! We need to stay close and support each other. Gobryx, keep your distance and provide cover fire. Gobulus, use your agility to strike at its weak points. I'll engage it up close and keep it distracted. Gobius, be ready to exploit any openings and continue sniping."

With a confident smirk, Gobryx retrieved his two pistols from his waist. The sleek, arcane-infused firearms glinted in the dappled sunlight as he expertly checked their ammunition.

"You can count on me," Gobryx replied to Goburus. "I'll keep the spider busy with a barrage of arcane bullets. Just make sure you keep it within range."

Gobulus, his eyes gleaming with excitement, ran his tongue along the razor-sharp edges of his dual blades. The metallic tang of anticipation filled his senses as he readied himself to face the colossal spider.

A wicked smile played across Gobulus' lips as he muttered, "Well, well, well, what have we here?" His voice dripped with playful disdain. "A giant spider? Oh, how intimidating!"

"Let's have a little dance, shall we, you overgrown arachnid?"

Hi everyone! I've just set up the privilege chapters. You can purchase them to unlock 2 advanced chapters. Thank you! I believe it only costs 1 coin.

I'm going premium now, everyone! I hope you will continue to support me on this journey. Honestly, I never thought I would come this far, but thanks to all of you, I've achieved it. This hermit truly appreciates all of you.

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