
Universal Survival: I Can See My Summons Hidden Evolution Paths

"What? I got goblins as my servants. How dogsh*t is my luck to receive this kind of treatment?" "F*ck! I can actually see the hidden evolution paths of my summons... Lightning Samurai Goblin, I choose you!" . . . In a universe where countless worlds and civilizations exist, the gods have grown tired of the endless wars and destruction wrought by the inhabitants. In a desperate attempt to restore order, the divine beings have decreed that all living beings must be punished for their recklessness and greed. And so, a grand game of survival has been created. The participants in this game were chosen at random from across the universe, representing different planets, species, and cultures. They were taken from their homes and transported to a strange, unknown world, where they were forced to fight for their very survival. The game was simple: the winners would be allowed to continue living and would be granted great power and riches, while the losers would be wiped out of existence. Each participant was given a territory to start with, which they had to upgrade and defend against other players. In addition, they were each given a summoning altar, allowing them to summon servants such as humans, animals, monsters, and more to aid them in their fight. As the game began, alliances were formed, enemies were made, and blood was shed. The players soon discovered that the game was not only a test of physical strength and strategy, but also of their morals, ethics, and inner strength. In this world of chaos and uncertainty, only the strongest and most cunning would survive. But as the players fought for their lives, they began to realize that the game was not just a punishment, but also an opportunity. An opportunity to rise above their limitations, and to uncover the secrets of the universe. ===== [ Schedule at least 1-3 chapters / per day ] [ BONUS CHAPTER CRITERIA ] : 1magic castle = +2 bonus chapters : 1 spacecraft = +5 bonus chapters : 1 golden gachapon = +10 bonus chapters : 100 golden tickets = +1 bonus chapter : 300 powers stones = +1 bonus chapter - note: the bonus chapters will be uploaded within 1-14 days after the critera has been achieved. - additonally, i won't upload all bonus chapters at once but rather distribute them daily over the course of the days. thank you!

kaeeeee · Fantasy
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131 Chs

First Battle, Loots and Marketplace!


[ Server Marketplace ]

Thunder's Stall: "Offering Woods and Stone in exchange for any kind of food. Send me a message." ( Visits: 43 )

Vortex17's Stall: "Selling Iron Ore for food. Willing to trade for anything edible!" ( Visits: 57)

FireController's Stall: "Looking to trade my 1-star Magic Orbs for food and water. Please message me if interested." ( Visits: 125 )

PleaseHelpMe123's Stall: "In desperate need of water. Can anyone spare me some for free? Please!" ( Visits: 3 )

As Gray continued to scroll through the marketplace, he couldn't help but notice the overwhelming need for food and water. It seemed like a common problem among the players, regardless of their talent level or environment. But what really caught his attention were the magical items being traded, like the Magic Orbs.

After doing some research, he discovered that the Magic Orbs were used to upgrade summoning altars and that they can be obtained by killing monsters.

Being done checking all the sections of his interface, Gray decided to close it and head to his summoning altar to inspect it. The altar was a large stone structure with intricate runes etched into its surface.


[ Goblin Summoning Altar ] ( Rank: 1-star ) ( LVL: 1-star )

: You can summon 2 goblin's lackeys every day.

[ Upgrade Materials ]

: Stone ( 200x ), Iron ( 100x ), Any 1-star Monster Bone ( 50x ), 1-star Magic Orb ( 50x )

Gray looked at the upgrade materials required for the Goblin Summoning Altar and let out a deep sigh. "That's a lot of f*cking materials," he muttered to himself.

As Gray contemplated the cost of upgrading the Goblin Summoning Altar, he realized that he needed to clear his head. He quickly removed his shirt, stood up, and stretched his arms and legs, feeling the tension from sitting for so long. He decided to get some exercise while he waited for Gobulus and Goburus to arrive.

Gray started with some jumping jacks, feeling his heart rate rise with each jump. He then moved on to push-ups, feeling the burn in his arms and chest. After that, he did a plank, holding his body in a straight line as long as he could. He continued with a series of squats and lunges, feeling his muscles working and the sweat starting to bead on his forehead.

As Gray was finishing up his last set of push-ups, a series of notifications from his interface interrupted him.

[ Ding! Your summon 'Goburus' has killed a 1-star Flameboar ]

[ Ding! Your summon 'Goburus' has killed a 1-star Flameboar ]

[ Ding! Your summon 'Gobulus' has killed a 1-star Flameboar ]

[ Ding! Your summon 'Goburus' has killed a 1-star Flameboar ]

"Looks like my little goblins are finally proving their worth," Gray said with a smile, although the constant notification was starting to get on his nerves. He quickly muted the notifications and resumed his exercise routine.

Meanwhile, deep in the forest, Gobulus and Goburus were locked in combat with enormous boars. These were no ordinary boars, as their tusk, back and feet were blazing with intense flames. With each snort, they breathed out a fiery blast.

Gobulus is currently engaged in a battle with two Flameboars. He skillfully wields his twin blades to inflict damage on the boars' tough hides. As one of the boars charges at him, he swiftly jumps and backflips to avoid its flaming tusks. In mid-air, he activates his shadow clone ability and commands it to attack the charging boar.

As the clone strikes the boar with its own set of blades, Gobulus charges towards the other boar. The Flameboar tries to strike him with its flaming claws, but Gobulus dodges and slices its legs with his blades. Despite their immense strength, the Flameboars cannot keep up with the agility and speed of the Shadow Blade Goblin.

Meanwhile, Goburus was facing three Flameboars. He moved with precision, his long scythe is ready to strike. As the first boar charged at him, he sidestepped and sliced its flank, causing it to stumble. The second boar charged from his right, but Goburus was ready. He spun around and delivered a powerful blow to its head, knocking it to the ground.

As the third boar charged, Goburus waited for the perfect moment to strike. Just as it was about to reach him, he bent his body down and swung his scythe with all his might, slicing through the necks of the three boars in his range. The heads of the boars flew into the air, spraying blood everywhere.

With their superior skills and agility, Gobulus and Goburus quickly overpowered the Flameboars. The boars had no chance against the two goblins, who annihilated them effortlessly. By the end of the battle, the ground was littered with the remains of the defeated Flameboars.

Gray had just finished his intense exercises, and his body was exhausted, with sweat drenching his skin. He was glad he hadn't put his shirt back on, as it would have been soaked with sweat.

Upon entering the cabin, he grabbed his shirt to dry himself off and put away his cloth. His fatigue led him to lie down on the wooden floor, and he drifted off to sleep, his body finally finding some much-needed rest. But his slumber was short-lived, as he was suddenly jolted awake by a loud knocking at the cabin door.

Groaning, Gray stumbled to his feet and made his way to the door. As he swung it open, he saw Gobulus and Goburus kneeling before him, their faces were beaming with pride. Behind them, Gray could see a pile of corpses that resembled boar.

Gray approached the two goblins, a small smile forming on his face as he patted both of them on their shoulders. "You guys did well," he said, "You may rest now in the cabin first."

After Gobulus and Goburus had entered the cabin, Gray made his way over to the pile of boar corpses. He stood before them, scanning the area, when suddenly a notification popped up in front of him.

[ Do you want to loot the entire pile of corpses? ]

Without hesitation, Gray clicked "yes" and the corpses began to glow before disappearing slowly. After the corpses were completely gone, a series of notifications appeared in front of him.

[ Congratulations! You have received Flameboar's Meat ( 66x ) ]

[ Congratulations! You have received Flameboar's Bone ( 8x ) ]

[ Congratulations! You have received Flameboar's Tusk ( 1x ) ]

[ Congratulations! You have received Flameboar Leather Jacket ( 1x ) ]

[ Congratulations! You have received a 1-star Magic Orb ( 7x ) ]

Gray looked at the notifications with a neutral expression, taking note of each item he had received. He had expected to find such items from the Flameboar, so there was no real excitement or surprise. He opened his inventory and carefully inspected the item descriptions one by one, making sure he understood what he had gained.


[ Inventory ] ( 5/25 )

- Flameboar's Meat ( x66 )

: A juicy and tender meat with a spicy kick from the Flameboar. Can be used for cooking.

- Flameboar's Bone ( x8 )

: A solid and sturdy bone with sharp edges from the Flameboar. Can be used for crafting and cooking.

- Flameboar's Tusk ( x1 )

: Long and sharp tusk from the Flameboar. Can be used for crafting.

- Flameboar's Leather Jacket ( x1 )

: Sturdy and durable jacket made from the hide of the fearsome Flameboar. The dark brown leather is adorned with intricate etchings and features a warm, soft interior lining. Gives 30% fire resistance. ( Durability: 100/100 )

- Magic Orb ( Rank: 1-star ) ( 7x )

: Mysterious glowing orb obtained by killing a monster. Can be used for crafting.

Gray read the descriptions of the loots and commented, "Flameboar's Leather Jacket? That's a pretty good find, considering I need warm clothing right now." He then added, "I was hoping for more loot, but I guess it's better than nothing."

After deciding to sell some of his loot, Gray opened up the server marketplace and decided to set up a stall. He scrolled through the different items being sold and noticed that no one was offering Flameboar's Meat for sale. Excited by the opportunity to make some profit, he quickly listed the item on his stall.

[ Server Marketplace ]

- Apollo's Stall: "Fresh Flameboar's Meat for stone, iron, water, cabbage, salt, pepper, coal, frying pan, matchstick or lighter, plate, knife, spoon, any pillow, and bed. The meat is very juicy and tender! Message me if you have any of these items and state how much meat you want." ( Visit: 0 )

Satisfied with his listing, Gray closed the marketplace interface and called upon his summons, Gobulus and Goburus. He then instructed them to head into the nearby forest to gather some wood as he will be needing it later.

The goblins nodded obediently and ran off towards the forest with their weapons in hand. As Gray watched them disappear into the trees, he turned his attention back to the marketplace.

Reopening the server marketplace interface, Gray was pleasantly surprised to see that several people had already visited his stall and made offers for his Flameboar's Meat.

He carefully read each offer, ignoring the ones that didn't meet his expectations. He sorted the remaining offers from the most profitable to the least profitable, taking into account the quantity and quality of the items being offered.

After some careful consideration, he accepted a few of the more profitable offers and sent messages to the interested parties, letting them know that he would be happy to make the trade.

To his surprise, Gray has already received a message from one of the interested parties accepting his offer.

PaladinWarrior45: "Boss, can we start the trade soon? I'm getting pretty hungry right now."

Just as he was about to reply, another notification appeared from a different trader also expressing their willingness to make the trade. Soon after, a series of messages flooded in from interested parties accepting the deal.

Gray quickly responded to each of them and finalized the details of the trade. Once agreed upon, they initiated the trading process. Each trader placed their agreed-upon items in the trade window, and Gray did the same. When both parties confirmed the trade, the items were simultaneously delivered to their respective inventories.

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