
The Beginning

In the beginning.

In the vast unknown.

Birth the first existence, The Unknown.

The Unknown 'saw' nothing.

It waited for who knows how long until it saw another existence.

A Consciousness.

Being the only beings there is, they enjoyed each others presence.

They talked and discovered each others unique features.

The Consciousness shared that it wants to be a rule, it wants to help.

It then became a System.

The two formed a pact and marked their territories. With the Consciousness territory at the center and the rest to The Unknown.


Ten billion years after they separated, the System evolved. It was given the right to fullfil it's wish but it was no longer able to evolve further.

The System created the Universe.

After billions of years the Universe created a plane.

In that plane, all things are bound to the System. The System records them all.

The System ordered the Universe to create someone who will create things for them.

It then made a being, but it does not have the ability needs.


The System felt disappointed with the Universe.

With no other choice , the System visited The Unknown. It offered The Unknown to be part of it's 'new project' . In return The Unknown will create laws. The Unknown created the Laws of Time, Space, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Void, Light, and Darkness.
