
Universal Mapper

A person whose destiny was to be a... mapper? Follow Clay on his journey to be one of the most sought-after big-shot that could change the fate and destinies of whoever could meet him in a fortuitous encounter. You want to find your soulmate? Sure, it costs some money though. You want to find the legendary Excalibur? Yeah why not, but I don't accept money for my artifact maps. You want to find a way out of death? Sure, but It's gonna cost you an arm and a leg *wink*. _________________________ Please read at least 30 chapters before dropping since it starts to come together at that time. The story is a little slow paced but I guarantee it is a worthy read since some of my stories would be more or less based on this one. All characters and events happening in this story are owned by me and is a work of fiction... Or is it? I'm open to criticism as this is my first book, do point out typos so I can fix them for future readers, it you point out typos you will feel like soldiers laying down their life to better the life of normal citizens.

StoryVerse · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Going To A Restaurant?

"Wonderful, I completed my third quest" Josh nodded happily.

Clay snapped his head to Josh after hearing 'third quest'. Clay had finished more than three quests but he was not even remotely close to the level of Josh, he felt disheartened.

'At least he can't teleport like me' Clay tried cheering himself up with a bitter heart, but to no avail.


<Host has received a quest, open quest?>

Pleasantly but suspiciously surprised Clay thought to open it.

'What perfect timing for a quest to appear right when I needed it' Clay narrowed his eyes as he read the quest.

|Quest name: Beginnings(5)|

\Create five Tier 2 Maps/

{Create five maps of the Tier 2 rank (2/5}

|Quest rewards: 100 SC, 50 EXP, and 7 Stat Points|

|Quest Failure Penalty: -5 Level|

|Quest Time Limit: 3 Months|

<Accept Quest?>


Clay thought for a moment before he accepted the quest, thinking that he could accomplish it with relative ease.

<Accepted quest>

'The rewards are increasing now, albeit a little bit slow compared to Josh, I hope it can catch up to Josh's soon' Clay sighed at the gap between the two systems.

Clay turned to Josh.

"Wanna go back to the village now?" Clay asked Josh.

"Hmm, your map can teleport anywhere in the Adurep kingdom right?" Josh asked.

"Yep, as long as it is within the map then you can teleport anywhere on the map"

Josh's eyes lit up hearing this.

"Can we go somewhere? I really wanted to visit this place ever since I was young" Josh pleaded with both hands clasped to Clay.

"What? Why? And where?" Clay was puzzled.

"Here I'll show you" Josh gestured to the map tucked in Clay's pants.

Clay handed out the map to him, Josh took the map and began tracing his fingers along the map before pointing at one area that was within the main city of the Adurep Kingdom.

"Over here, I've always wanted to go here" Josh showed the area he wanted to go to.

Clay took a look and was confused.

"View it with your screen dummy" Josh rolled his eyes.

"Ah, well you didn't say that before" Clay used the map while focusing on the area Josh pointed at.


Buildings that were 2-stories tall and made of stone and brick were everywhere. People were walking around the street in this bustling city, and carriages drawn by tamed beasts were often seen traveling around.

What Clay was focusing on however was the building in front of him that had a sign saying 'Gourmet Diners', it was much more luxuriously designed compared to the other buildings as it had more colors and more decorations than the others, dozens of people could be seen entering and exiting the building, Clay mentally commanded the view to look inside the building.

The interior was filled with many tables and chairs with people occupying them, some of the people had dishes on the table while the others were patiently waiting for their meal, if Clay and Josh were here they would definitely smell the appetizing food that could make one's mouth water.

'So it turns out he wanted to visit a restaurant' Clay thought, he had heard of restaurants before but had never seen one personally as there were none in his village, he used to listen to stories about his father dining in the restaurants when he was away on trips, so he at least had some knowledge about them.

He looked at Josh.

"You wanted to go to a restaurant?" Clay raised one of his eyebrows, to which Josh nodded sheepishly.

"Alright, I brought some money with me so I guess we can go" Clay said with a sigh as he felt the two Silts in his pockets, one Silt in each left and right pocket respectively, ever since he had made some income he had always brought some pocket money with him, as who knows if he would encounter a situation where he needed money.

"Here, you teleport first, just to make sure, the place you are teleporting to is called Gourmet Diners right?" Clay wanted to make sure that they were teleporting at the right place.

"Yup, but I didn't bring any money with me" Josh said with a somewhat sad face.

"It's alright I got 2 Silts"

"Thanks man, I owe you one" Josh brightened up hearing that.

Josh grabbed the map that Clay handed out to him and began to turn into light shortly after.

Clay then also used the map and waited for a while to see if Josh would arrive at Gourmet Diners, seeing that Josh was indeed there Clay then also turned into light soon after.



The duo looked in awe around them as it is their first time being in the main city of the kingdom, it was much more cramped compared to viewing it on a screen, people were walking almost shoulder to shoulder, the two of them looked around for a bit before entering the restaurant.

A pleasant smell assaulted the noses of the two country bumpkins once they had entered through the door. A smell they both have never known that existed for their entire lives.

Clay looked for a place to sit while Josh was admiring the view.

"Psst, Josh over here" Clay called Josh as he had found a place for both of them to sit.

A waitress wearing a black and white dress soon came to their table and asked them what they would like to order.

"Hello, what would you two like to order?" The waitress asked.

"Uh, what food can we buy here?" Josh said startled by a person suddenly talking to them.

"We have Boar Stew which costs 11 cits, 10 for a Roasted Duck, 15 for Grilled Fish with soup, and 10 for a Chicken Curry" The waitress replied in an emotionless manner as if she had said this multiple times already.

"Hmm, I guess we'll buy one of each" Clay told the waitress.

The waitress was stunned looking at the two thinking how they could finish so much food but immediately composed herself.

"Alright, please wait for your meal" the waitress bowed and before going into the kitchen.


The man arrived at the door, briefly inspecting it before gently knocking.

Seeing that no one responded the man knocked again, this time a little louder than before, the man waited a while. Again, no response.

The man grunted before taking out two ball-like objects from thin air that were oscillating rapidly around each other, he pressed a button on the object and then proceeded to place it in his cloak.

The man took a step forward, looking like he was about to crash into the door, but that didn't happen, instead, the man phased through the door as if there was no door in the first place.

He soon found himself in a well-lit room with various designs and furniture around, but he paid no heed to any of those, he walked to the right where there was a hallway that would have no light if not for the doors at the end of the hallway lighting it up, at the end of the hallway there were two doors, one leading to the thing he was looking for.

What's that in your account?

Power Stones? Mind letting me hold onto them for you?

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