
Universal Magus

Genres - Heavy Incest, R-20, Harem, Tragedy, Romance, Transmigration, Xuanhuan, Somewhat a Dark Fantasy, Action, Weak to Strong, Rape (99% not by MC) My Discord: [Universal Sect] https://discord.gg/pDtMQbESKP The main character will be somewhat close to the character of Vincent from the "Collateral" movie with Tom Cruise as the main lead. (He would also have the same name as Vincent after transmigration) This is my first time writing, and my eng is not my main language, so there might be some mistakes in writing quality. I like psychos-type characters like Michael Mayers, Hannibal Lacter, or Vincent. [I do not own this cover. I just saw it in google images and found it quite fitting for my mc, so, if you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me in discord.] Have a good day. ********* David Strom is an orphan who witnessed a lot of hardships in his life. His parents died in a plane crash when he was a child. Bullying at school. Hard college time... He studied a lot of different martial disciplines. He is tall and, handsome, with long white hair and somewhat red eyes. But he overcame that all. The most important person for him was his aunt. A beautiful and caring woman in her thirties. One day on his way back home, his life changed...

Zarackkk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
156 Chs

The "ARMAGEDDON" spell

  Even Vincent himself has almost zero confidence in surviving before the activation of the spell, but he wants to see what level of damage he will receive. 

  Pretty dumb and masochistic decision. 

  The "ARMAGEDDON" spell will take Fire as the main element, Earth will give form and heaviness, Wind would boost Fire and raise the fly speed, Water will evaporate and create a fog that will hide the spell creation, Dark element would give an even more solid form for the core, while Light will compress it again and raise Fire damage once more. Upon contact with the surface, they will blow up in the explosion. 

  The "ARMAGEDDON" spell will create a 6 half a meter highly compressed hellish meteors. One such meteor will not surpass the "DOOMSDAY" spell in damage, but 2 would match it, and what about… 6 of them or even more? 

  Why 6 half a meter meteors? 

  He calculated it from the "DOOMSDAY" size of that 3 meters meteor and separated it into 6 small ones with an additional boost of other elements, he created the "ARMAGEDDON" in his mind. 

  That is why he has almost 0 confidence in creating it at this moment on his own, but still, curiosity is killing him more than fear of upcoming pain or even a slight chance of death, but that is unlikely. 


  Vincent sat on the ground with hands on his knees and waited for his wounds to fully heal.

  It took him half an hour with all the healing he received. 

  Vincent looked into the sky as snow fell on his face, he stood up.

  He turned around and glanced at his wives. 

  "Don't be scared of what you might see, okay? Just give the best healing you could. I will not die from it, I just want to test my current limits," said Vincent in trying to treasure them, but failed.

  The girl's heart shook slightly.

  "Are… are you sure you need it? You barely hold through the previous one. Annie is yet to reach 2nd rank in Light element so her healing spells are not completed yet, while Emily currently only has Water element. Maybe better stop now?" urged him, Anna, as she held his hand. 

  "Yes, husband, please, don't do that. I don't want to see you in any harm," added Emilia with somewhat teary eyes. 

  Other girls also urged him to stop, but he was adamant in his decision. 

  Their hearts clenched in concern as they failed to make him stop. 

  "I would never leave you alone. Never," said Vincent gently before turning around. 

  Vincent took a deep breath and slowly raised both arms into the sky as he closed his eyes and concentrated.

  He spread his ACA (his 7 combined auras from EES and WE) not around him, but only in one direction, into the sky. 

  The spell creation radius is limited to the person's aura radius. 

  For example, if Vincent spread his ACA in all directions, he will cover 30-40 meters around him, but if he decided to send it only in one direction and ignore other areas, this range will increase x7, but Vincent's Light, Dark, and WE auras are still at 1st rank, so its range would be a bit lower. 

  As long as his aura range allows him, he could even activate the spell 1 km in the sky. 

  In theory, if Vincent's aura range will cover the entire planet, he could activate his spells in any place on the planet without moving at all, but that's almost impossible, he not only need to reach at least the 9th rank to have some chances of succeeds in this but there are only many other auras on the planet that would restrict him. 

  Of course, when he reached 10th rank, things would change. 

  At that time when all of his elements reach the 10th rank and his flesh replacement procedure would reach 100%... Just one simple combined spell of his 3 elements as "DOOMSDAY" would be as disastrous to all living beings on this huge planet's surface as that meteor that fell on Earth millions of years ago in today's Mexico region that made dinosaurs extinct, forever changing the Earth's surface.


  In around 200-250 meters in the sky, a white fog began to form that could barely be noticeable in this snowy weather. 

  Inside of that fog from evaporated water, a boulder of 10 meters in diameter was formed before it was separated into 6 smaller ones.

  Then it was time for the Dark element. It worked as some sort of glue. With it, after landing the meteors will not fall apart, but blew up instead.

  Then those 6 rocks began to heat up from a combination of Fire + Wind + Light elements, and here Vincent's problems started. 

  The moment he added those 3 elements, his both hands immediately showed the signs of collapsing before even a second passed. Those meteors were still far from complete form. 

  The more he tried to heat up the meteors, the more his arms received damage. 

  Nails on his fingers melted, skin on his arms already mostly peel off, muscles started to burn as boiling blood fell on the ground.


  The spell was completed only at ⅓ but his hands were a few seconds from melting. 

  Vincent never felt so much physical pain before. He quickly tried to reduce the pressure on his hands by spreading the heat on his entire body so not only his arms would hold all of the damage. 

  "Quickly, protect my upper body! Ignore the rest!" shouted Vincent to the girls behind.

  Vincent's robe is already dispersed and he becomes naked so his wives could see what is going on with him.

  Because of the fog from the evaporated snow around and his robe, they barely saw him, but now that heat from his body raised harshly, his body was revealed. With all concentration he focused on the spell in the sky, even his robe fell apart. 

  Vincent's arms already lost quite a lot of flesh, and his bloody bones showed themselves. 

  Most of the skin on his body peels off as his upper flesh starts to burn. 

  His white hair burned completely as he stood on the ground covered in his blood. 

  Blood started to flow from his mouth, ears, nose, and eyes. 

  His almost skeleton arms trembled as he still hold the creation of the spell 

  'Is this what people should feel in the hell that on Earth Christianity propagandised?' Vincent wondered as he was on the verge of death. 

  When girls saw him, their eyes widened as horror filled their hearts.

  Bella fainted with a shocked, teary face when she saw him


  Anna screamed in fear and shouted to Annie who was in a stupor and almost forgot what she needed to do. 

  "Heal him, fast!!"

  Annie and Emily come back to themselves and quickly cast their spells on his upper body with trembling hands.

  "P-please, stop! This is madness!"

  Emilia urged with a shaking voice. Her tears already began to flow down. 

  Vincent didn't hear them since he was already deaf.

  The skin on his face peels off before burning out. 

  His bloody limbs trembled as more blood left his body.

  When he felt that his heart was about to stop, he waved his 'hands' down. He opened his eyes that we were almost destroyed to witness the result of his suffering. 


  The 6 hellish meteors began to fall with high speed before hitting the surface. 







  The ground shook as the shock wave spread. 

  The girls swiftly cast all defensive spells they know to block the incoming huge shock waves. 


  The shock wave destroyed their protection, but Vincent with his almost-dead body, waved his right hand and created the big wall of Earth+Water+Dark elements that also cracked, but still protected them. 

  'Amazing… I-I have succeeded… this. This spell can counter the 4th rank…'

  As Vincent saw the result, he brightly smiled, revealing his bloody mouth before closing his bloody eyes again.



  Suddenly, he felt a familiar feeling creeping into his heart. 

  It reminded him of the scene where he jumped from the cliff in the past.

  He opened his eyes as he felt his face hit the ground before he realized.

  That his heart stopped.

  He just died.



  The girls saw his naked, skinless body fall on the ground without moving. Then a horrific guess emerged in their mind that made their hearts almost die.


  Anna ran towards him and turned him around before placing her ear on his heart.


  Her body started to tremble heavily as even more tears began to flow while she tried to wait for that desired sound but as seconds passed it didn't come.

  His wives looked at Anna in hope, but as they waited, they saw her reaction.

  Before they started to fall into the abyss of despair, something happened.

  Something that reminded them of the strange event from around 7 years ago...