
Universal Magus

Genres - Heavy Incest, R-20, Harem, Tragedy, Romance, Transmigration, Xuanhuan, Somewhat a Dark Fantasy, Action, Weak to Strong, Rape (99% not by MC) My Discord: [Universal Sect] https://discord.gg/pDtMQbESKP The main character will be somewhat close to the character of Vincent from the "Collateral" movie with Tom Cruise as the main lead. (He would also have the same name as Vincent after transmigration) This is my first time writing, and my eng is not my main language, so there might be some mistakes in writing quality. I like psychos-type characters like Michael Mayers, Hannibal Lacter, or Vincent. [I do not own this cover. I just saw it in google images and found it quite fitting for my mc, so, if you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me in discord.] Have a good day. ********* David Strom is an orphan who witnessed a lot of hardships in his life. His parents died in a plane crash when he was a child. Bullying at school. Hard college time... He studied a lot of different martial disciplines. He is tall and, handsome, with long white hair and somewhat red eyes. But he overcame that all. The most important person for him was his aunt. A beautiful and caring woman in her thirties. One day on his way back home, his life changed...

Zarackkk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
156 Chs


  Vincent leaned and whispered into her ear.

  "It's one of the spells that I use for my wives' enjoyment, so don't be scared, okay? Skylar, just relax your lower body and enjoy this feeling. You would often be loved by me and my wives this way, so you will get used to it quite soon."

  "Yes, Skylar, just give your sweet body into our care, I can assure you that you will like it," Anna also leaned to Skylar's other ear and said it while biting her earlobe lightly. 

  Vincent and Anna tried to lead Skylar onto the road they wanted, and… they succeeded in it. 

  Skylar trembled under the feeling of her vagina being taken by her master's big cock. After hearing their words, she understood that it was just a spell, so it calmed her a bit. 

  She wrapped her arms around her master's neck and looked into Vincent's crimson eyes.

  "Please, love me all you want, my master," said Skylar and relaxed her other hole.

  Vincent grabbed her cheeks.

  "You're a good girl, my Skylar," said Vincent softly as his lips almost touched her's.

  For some reason, her heart skipped a beat before she felt a sudden surge of pleasure down below.



  "Mmmm~ Master…" moaned Skylar as she pressed Vincent's head to her chest that started to suck her sweet tits, meanwhile, she felt her anal was taken by other hardness. 

  Anna held her ass and slowly inserted her 'cock' into Skylar's tight butt as it spread her hole with a 'dick' that was just a bit inferior in size to Vincent's. 

  "Anna, you lay down on this with her on top of you since I can't properly fuck her in this position," suddenly said Vincent, he left her pussy and waved his hand.

  Behind them was created a high ground in the shape of a bed. It was just at a height that Vincent wanted, he would not need to bend down his knees to enter Skylar's pussy.

  "Of course, dear," said Anna and also removed her 'cock' from Skylar before laying down on a slightly high soft earth bed behind her. 

  "Come here, sweety," Anna called Skylar and tapped her crotch for her to sit back on it.

  "Yes…" Skylar moved to Anna and turned back before positioning her ass under Anna's 'cock' and inserting it in.

  "Mmm~" Skylar bit her lower lip and moaned.

  Anna moved her hands and grabbed Skylar's boos before pulling her down to lay on her chest.

  Vincent saw it and neared them. He spread Skylar's legs and positioned his cock at her entrance once again. He grabbed her waist with his left hand while his right one was on her abdomen as his big finger began rubbing her clitor.

  Before Skylar could moan once more, she suddenly felt a push so strong that she almost fainted.


  Skylar's eyes rolled back with her mouth opened as her body was laying on Anna's chest. Her brown ponytail covered Anna's face. 

  She instinctively placed her soft hands on his bare chest and moaned.

  "Ahhhh!!! So strong and big! Master, you're amazing! Please, more!"

  Vincent looked at this voluptuous milf in his hold before grabbing her waist with both hands and beginning to thrust in her.





  Skylar's eyes were nowhere to be seen as she cummed at his second thrust. 

  She had never cummed like this in her life. 

  Selena looked at elder Skylar who was right now intensely fucked in both tight lower holes. 

  She suddenly felt curious about how it felt if it makes her mentor say all of that and show such a lewd face.

  As time passed, more and more loud and lewd moans could be heard from Skylar and others as they were ravished by their master and his wives. 


  1 kilometer away. Near the river.

  "Master, I saw two young girls nearby, alone. They should be from the Untouched Flower sect judging by their robes," said respectfully a man in his 30s as he neared the tent.

  "Wait a minute, I'm almost done here," a somewhat young voice emerged from inside a tent. 

  After half a minute a young man opened the curtain as he left the tent. 

  When the curtain was opened, for a moment the servant saw 3 girls inside that his master bought not long ago. 

  They were around 20 years old. These girls were naked, tears could be seen on their faces and they had dog collars on their necks. They were laying on the bed, covered in bruises, and despair and hate clearly could be seen on their beautiful faces as they looked at the ceiling with dull eyes. 

  Those 3 girls were not ordinary as they had pointy ears…


  "Tell me everything you saw," said Aaron with bright eyes as he looked at his servant. 

  He was a core disciple of the Raising Tiger sect that was of a similar type as the Untouched Flower. It also had a main sect called the Raising Dragon with the 5th ranked person in the lead.

  For a long time, he desired to have a few girls from that virgin sect but he couldn't agree with their masters on payment. They asked for too many elemental crystals for them. It was just not worth it. 

  Aaron liked the feeling of being dominant and seeing others suffering. 

  The main reason for such behavior was due to his inferiority in size from birth as a man down there. 

  He hates when women don't moan in pleasure after receiving his 'cock' inside since they basically can't even feel it, so he finds liking when they moan not from pleasure, but from… pain.

  "Around 1 kilometer away I spotted two girls on the tree. They should be monitoring the location and if that is true then there should be their camp nearby, and they should not have more than 50 people in it with around 5 elders of 3rd rank," said the servant and bowed a bit. 


  "Good, go and gather everyone, we will go to have some fun tonight. We had around 80 people with as and ten 3rd rank mages. That Aurora and Remi, who serve her, are mine, I don't care about others. 

  Such a lucky chance to finally obtain what I want, how can I miss it. Inform me when everyone will arrive," said Aaron and waved to his servant to leave before returning to his tent to continue his 'game' with elven girl slaves.




  Selena loudly moaned as she was fucked good in front of the tree by Vincent.


  She was hugging the tree trunk while Vincent moved in and out of her tight and sloppy pussy.

  Skylar was nearby. She was laying inside the tent on the bed, covered with a bedsheet, sleeping after having intense sex with her master for an hour without stopping. 

  She fell asleep almost immediately after laying on the soft and warm bed created by Vincent for her which made her feelings for him rise more. She never thought in her life that she would have such a relationship between master and slave. And being basically a slave, he didn't humiliate her as she thought. 

  Even though he was intense at times, he was also very gentle with her, making her heartbeat speed up every time she thought about him. 


  Even without much experience in this field, she understood what it meant. 

  She was in love. 

  Skylar loved being held by him as her female primal instincts desired a strong, dominant, and gentleman that would care about her. 

  She thought if this continued like this, she would not be able to live without him anymore. 

  Vincent cummed hugely inside her pussy, anal, and mouth a few times as he deeply buried his thick cock inside her sloppy holes. She swallows it all after showing her mouth full of his thick sperm to him.

  Meanwhile, his wives also had a very good time with the girls they chose. Each of them played with their maids before starting to racist them in the ass or mouth, they didn't touch their vaginas as it was Vincent's to take first. 


  "AHhhh!! More~ Don't stop, my master… my body is yours from this day on. Mmhm~"

  Selena was pressed to the tree. She could feel Vincent's strong huge cock going in and out of their lewd pussy. 

  "Mmmm~ I love your cock so much!" 

  Her eyes rolled and her arms dropped as she cummed once more under Vincent's intense work.

  "Selena… you are a gorgeous woman. Do you want to bear my child and become my concubine so much?" whispered Vincent right into her ear.

  Selena was still in the ecstasy-like state of being creampied by her master, but she still nodded without hesitation.

  "Yes...I would be very happy if I could conceive a master's child. I like you, master, ~" said Selena and felt her master's hands grabbing her soft tits from behind. She had a lewd smile on her face. This new status that she disliked before, now was... not that bad anymore.


  Author's note:  "I will explain elemental crystals use in later chapters since now it's not too important. Have a good day, perverts "